Post Surgery Questions
Hey Guys, My Abdominoperineal resection (APR) Surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday the 5th and I'd like to ask some opinions from some of you LAR, APR, colorectal surgery survivors ;) I know everyone has "different experiences and recovery rates but these are just somethings I've been thinking about. 1. How long after…
Today its TWINZMA's turn
Thinking of you and your hubby, and hoping all is going well. Tru
Lots of Polyps
Hello, New here and first-time poster. I have not been diagnosed with Cancer at this time. I have had 2 Colonoscopys; today and 30 days ago, with another scheduled in 30 more days. I had approximately 70 polyps, which I realize is a lot. 46 have now been removed, with several going to pathology today. The Doctor removed…
An idea for making DCA usable for colectral cancer
I have an idea using DCA in the combination of Atovaquone (both orally) for removing opposite effect of hypoxia. Any experience or idea on effectiveness on colon or dose correlation between two agents are welcome More info: https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms12308 What makes does correlation, crucial: using DCA alone…
I "paid" a visit to a naturopath doctor yesterday. He said he went to a conference last weekend. Supposely there were very good results with a clinical trial in Toronto, using DCA. DCA has been talked about before. It's one of those things that a pharmaceutical company won't invest in....no money to be made. DCA has…
Is Avastin worth the possible side effects?
My oncologist wants me to have that with the Folfox. I was reading the possible side effects and YIKES! Does anyone know if that drug is worth the risks?
Roswell or sloan kettering for stage 4 RECTAL cancer
I am trying to find out has anyone had any success on Stivarga and what side affects did you experience. My husband has stage IV Colorectal Cancer and they want him to start on Stivarga. He cancer has spread to his liver, lungs , spleen and lymph nodes. My concern and what I have read is that the Stivarga can cause him to…
Xeloda Starting Dosage
My husband has just completed eight FOLFOX/Avastin treatments (he had to stop Oxi after 4 sessions) for his stage four recurring colorectal cancer with mets to liver and lungs. His most recent CT scans showed stable disease in abdomen, slight decrease in liver, and slight increase in lungs .... his oncologist has switched…
Busybody Lately
Had been busy lately doing bracelets, pendants and rosaries to sell in local stores in town. All made of genuine stones such as Amethyst, Citrine, Peridot, Jade, Garnet, Tiger Eye, Black Onyx...it is fun to have something you like to do and make extra money and meet new people after going through hardtimes. Being a cancer…
CT scan results
So prior to changing my chemo from avastin, irrintecan, and 5-fu to avastin and Xeloda, my oncologist ordered a CT scan. I'm NED! I'm so relieved. I was so scared that the cancer has come back in the short time since April. Now I'm ready to continue the chemo to the finish! K
I wonder has anyone give good recommendation for constipation other than dulcolex or senna, they don’t help me enough. I have horrible lower abdomen cramping last 3 days. I called my oncologist’s office adviced me to take Nexium but it still continue. Thanks Kadir
Newbie here. A few questions
Hey Everyone, Newbie here. Like most of you, I never thought this would be a forum I would be joining, but ... here I am. I'm sure I will be inundating you guys with all kinds of questions and I'm glad an outlet like this exists for us. Thank you ACS! Personally, I am in good spirits considering, and trying to stay…
Rising CEA
Hi all! When I was diagnosed was given "possibility" of cure with full treatment. Chemo/radiationX6weeks, surgery (laparascopic assisted APR), and followup chemo Oxaliplatin and 5FU pump for 4 months. Did all that. May CEA 3.8, down from 4.7. Last CEA 4.0. Research shows if CEA doesnt normalize after surgery it is highly…
Cancer Humor
A very close law enforcement friend of mine (who is quite the character) shared his pre-treatment colonoscopy story with me: My friend was not only awake for his colonoscopy but totally alert. As the doctor began inserting the camera, he yelled "STOP" and the doc asked him what the problem was. My friend explained he was…
Two weeks in the hospital
I’ve been two weeks in the hospital and I’m getting out today and going to Rehab to regain my strength. We’ve been chasing pain in my butt for a few months. It was hard to pin down. Good news was that it wasn’t cancer. It was an infection turned into an abscess which was causing pressure pain. Finally a drainage tube was…
Six month scan results
It’s been six months since my last encounter with the University of Michigan Health System, Cancer Center. The blood draw area was all new. New design and reinvented. They had numbers now, instead of calling you by name. They also explainef that they can’t leave an IV in and use it for both the CT scan and blood draw. This…
Avastin and Xeloda
Well my oncologist is stopping the Avastin, Irinotecan and 5-fu because of low WBC. He's ordered Avastin and Xeloda. I'm not sure how long i will be taking this stuff. Probably the full 12 treatments. Has anyone been on this combination? I was on Xeloda pills and Oxiliplatin previously. I tolerated it ok. I only had a few…
Port.... How is it determined WHEN it is to be removed???
Hi All, I don't really understand "when" you get your port removed. If you get to NED status.... finish chemo.... but remain on Xeloda.... are you suppose to get your port removed then...OR ..do you wait around to see if you have recurrance...OR...being stage IV... do you not EVER get port removed because you are always…
Thank you and wishing each of you healing!
It has taken me awhile to come post on the board. My husband passed away July 30th. He fought so hard with this awful disease. The last week - things changed rapidly- and I have been going through the daily must haves since then. I cannot express how helpful this community was to both of us and how I plan to still use it…
Reseach Survey Today
My survey was over the phone today for CSN. She never asked me to download any software, was very interested in my experience on the boards, especially why my decision on becoming a member, the reason why joining, my posts, my involvement in the boards, the reason why I've stayed active after 9 years. She asked some…
trouble with port
Has anyone else had difficulty with their port getting infected? I am on my second port since May , the first one became infected after 3 rounds of Folfox, had another put in early July and now it too is infected. It is almost as if my body is rejecting it lol--but of course I am told that is "nonsense". It seems to alway…
Question unrelated to cancer
I have a question that is not related to cancer. I am posting it here because of the exposure and on the off-chance that someone here may be an amputee or know someone who is. Two weeks ago my 59 year old brother-in-law was standing inside a bank when a mentally unstable individual intentionally drove his vehicle into the…
I'm still hanging in there -- no chemo
I just wanted to give everyone an update that I feel my health has continued to improve. A little background, diagnosed stage 4, at age 34, after nearly 10 years of surgeries, radiation to the lymph nodes in my neck, and years of endless on and off again chemo, I finally had enough. Not only had my oncologist ran out of…
The short focus
"Living in the now" has been a valuable technique for many on this board, and I strive to accomplish that goal every day. However, I want to share another technique that helps me, and that is what I call "the short focus." I set daily goals and on some days I limit my focus on the future to a date certain. For example, I…
New article on Cimetidine
Here's a new article on Cimetidine (the antacid, Tagamet) reducing cancer recurrence (sorry, abstract only): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29630589 Despite being a very small sample, the results are interesting: Twenty-six percent (10/38) received perioperative cimetidine (mean daily dose, 750 mg; mean duration, 369…
Adjuvant chemo
My wife was diagnosed with colon cancer, stage IIA in June. Surgery was successful, and no lymph node involvement or metastatis. CEA 2.4 post op Her first oncologist appointment was today, he recommends surveillance, but we asked about adjuvant chemo just in case. He said he doesn't recommend it as it would only make a 1…
Can chemo alone remove liver mets?
Has anyone had small liver mets go away with treatment when they can't be removed?
To the Ft. Meyers FL Patient:
I am so sorry I can't remember your handle but I just have to say THANK YOU!!!!! I reached out to your oncologist and he still has a couple of HAI pumps left and is switching to a new one. I have reached out to so many centers to no avail and Thank God this doctor is doing this in our state. We are scheduling a consultaion…