Emily, "juice chick"- we need some advice!

lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I hope you haven't been too scared off this site after some of our recent posts!...
All that aside, "marc" and some other newbies have recently posted asking for some nutritional and dietary advice for cancer, and I immediately thought of you.
You have given some great health and nutritional advice in the past.
So, hoping to hear from you more! (or anyone else who wants to pipe in with some good nutritional "dos" and "don'ts" for eating, juicing, and supplementing for cancer).



  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Emily -

    Looks like your fans are calling!

    Personally, I have gotten into juicing, too. I like to take a bunch of grapes - they can either be white or red - squeeze the juice out of them, add a little yeast and sugar and then put the juice in an oak barrel (usually French oak) and let it sit for a while. I cannot tell you how GOOD that juice makes me feel! You're a genius!!

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    spongebob said:

    Emily -

    Looks like your fans are calling!

    Personally, I have gotten into juicing, too. I like to take a bunch of grapes - they can either be white or red - squeeze the juice out of them, add a little yeast and sugar and then put the juice in an oak barrel (usually French oak) and let it sit for a while. I cannot tell you how GOOD that juice makes me feel! You're a genius!!


    Okay, that was funny...you had me going there for a minute. I gotta get to one of those colonpaloozas...
  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Hi Lisa! I used to juice a lot before i was diagnosed...I heard that beets are WONDERFUL for liver cleansing. Any of the purple and orange veggies are good. I wish my juicing book wasn't in storage...there are some excellent recipes for healing various ailments in there.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    Hi back, Krista- good to see you back on the board!

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member

    Hi Lisa! I used to juice a lot before i was diagnosed...I heard that beets are WONDERFUL for liver cleansing. Any of the purple and orange veggies are good. I wish my juicing book wasn't in storage...there are some excellent recipes for healing various ailments in there.

    good to see you, Krista!
    I'm with Lisa, it's good to see you back again! How have you been doing?
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Em, where are you????????
    Bumping for Emily,

    I juiced after I chose to stop chemo in 2004. 1/4 carrots, beets, cabbage, and celery twice a day. I also ate a 90% alkaline diet (mostly fruit and veggies, you can google chemical ph balance of foods if you want to learn more). I was given targeting foods by someome who had a PhD in Clinical Nutriton to help boost my immmune system and shrink the tumors in my liver, lung and bowel. Some of the foods: peaches, asparagus, white beans, at least a daily big ole green salad, walnuts, tomatoes......those are what I remember today (durn chemo brain).

    I must admit, there is no way I could have done it while on chemo. I had to force myself to eat then and lived off grits and oatmeal. I stopped chemo and concentrated on me for a change.

    I did guided imagining nightly with my immune system being like pac man (showing my age) eating away at the nasty **** cancer cells. I also did my own personal version of chanting......yelling "get the #@#@ out of my body" as I rubbed where I envisioned where the tumors were.

    I have been NED 4 1/2 years now and still juice every so often and look forward to trying some of Spongers at CP7.

    Hey Em, come out and play!

    Lisa P.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    spongebob said:

    Emily -

    Looks like your fans are calling!

    Personally, I have gotten into juicing, too. I like to take a bunch of grapes - they can either be white or red - squeeze the juice out of them, add a little yeast and sugar and then put the juice in an oak barrel (usually French oak) and let it sit for a while. I cannot tell you how GOOD that juice makes me feel! You're a genius!!


    You are up to your old shennanigans my friend! Don't forget to add some blueberries!

    Thanks for pulling this up top. I did not see it at all when I was pulling my April Fools joke.

    I wouldn't want anyone to think I was ignoring them. Heck no!
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    I'm HERE!
    Thanks for the request.

    Scouty is quite right with focusing on eating an alkalizing diet which ever one you choose. Juicing is so important to us folks trying to cure (yes, I said the *other* 'C' word) our cancer because of two key factors:


    The live enzymes (only in raw foods) are going to help heal your diseased organs. We all have enzymes in our bodies, but when our health is compromised (in a big way with cancer) we need the enzymes to come from our food so as to not have to draw from our bodies the enzymes we need. Juicing gives us optimal nutrition in an easy to assimilate way. We are literally pumping in pounds of produce per day that in no way could we ingest by eating. This juicing takes the pressure off our digestive system freeing up our body to focus its energy on healing the diseased parts. We get increased energy when we stay away from "dead food" (cooked, meats, dairy, processed etc) and give our digestion a break.

    Scouty already touched on the pH connection to health and by juicing you are going to speed up the process. Cancer CANNOT live in an alkaline environment so it's so important to stay slightly alkaline. You don't want to be TOO alkaline cuz that can cause other problems. Staying away from sugar, white flour and grains, meats, dairy, alcohol, and drugs will help. Those are all acid-forming substances which help create an environment where cancer can thrive.

    As for supplements, I took many. I worked with a Naturopathic doctor, but Patrick Quillin's book BEATING CANCER WITH NUTRITION was very helpful too.

    I know this is just a brief answer...if anyone has specific questions that would be helpful.

    Happy to help. :-)

    peace, emily who still juices almost every day even after 7.8 years!