Almost 5 yr Colon Ca survivor???
Hey all~ This is Slammer aka Fmsamos in Cali~ Well, had routine CT scan in early May and well now back to my oncologist in Sacramento. Yes, Dr. Fisher found something on that CT (called immediatly says get blood work) and I have already had a visit w/ him & did a PET scan on Friday- so here I go again...2 small spots on my…
Port placement underside of upper arm
Has anyone had their port placed on the underside of your upper arm? That is where my oncologist said that they are going to insert it. If so, does it work as well as a port in the chest? Thanks, Susan
chest port
Hi, I'm a newbee, I just had a chestport installed so I can start my chemo next week. The hospital gave me a packet that was supposed to have a dvd in it to show what I'm supposed to do in regard to changing my dressing and taking care of it. It wasn't in the packet, does anyone have any info on care for these things? I…
Scan Panic
o.k- I am starting to have scan panic not just scanxiety. My scan is in 2 days(Wed.) and it is all I can think about right now. I am Stage IV - it has been 6 months since my met was removed and a year since chemo. Hoping and praying that nothing has been growing since. I haven't been able to make any future plans beyond…
Happy Memorial Day
I hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day and safe one. To all of you who have served our country a BIG THANK YOU FOR OUR FREEDOM and God Bless you. It is because of your unselfish dedication and service that we are free. I know my baby is in the Army and I have only seen her once in two years so I know what it is to be…
one year from stage 4 diagnosis
Greetings to all. It's been a year since I posted and have finished radiation/chemo; 2 surgeries to rectum and liver (NED after that!); and two weeks ago had my last FOLFOX infusion. I feel extremely grateful to be alive, to have the friends and family support I have, to enjoy the emerging spring etc. I also feel like I've…
Ileostomy and Passing Fecal Matter
I was surprised this morning as I woke up with so much gas - I mean normal gas where it usually comes from. I've had this before so it didn't take me totally off guard but it was almost like normal gas then I went to the bathroom and passed some fecal matter. Now that was a first for me. I have passed mucus and blood but…
My husband is NED
Ok, now that my husband is NED, he is still doing maintenance chemo to keep the beast away. I'm fine with that, my problem is that I find myself constantly worried that something is going to happen, that it's going to come back and he will hide it from me because he doesn't want me to worry. Everytime he sneezes, coughs,…
Totally different opinion on treatment for lung mets
I went to Kenneth Norris Cancer Center for a second opinion on treatment for lung mets with nodal involvement and got a TOTALLY different recommendation. A brief history for those of you that might not know, I had a bilateral VATS on April 1 for 2 mets in each lung and 6 mediastinal lymph nodes. Both my surgeon and my…
help explain department of children and families Fl. shared cost
I have to chose coverage for myself. I would like to hear the experience others have had. What would you recomend. I will begin Social security disability in june 2009. I also start shared cost with a $1571 deductable in june. I will also begin 6 months of chemo and 1 nonth of radiation. My question is did I make a good…
Questions- 4 weeks out of surgery
Are you guys getting tired of hearing from me yet??? I know I post on here a lot but I have so many questions and you guys always give me good answers. Ok...here goes 1. I am 4 weeks out of surgery where they removed half the right colon... no bag. Is it normal at this stage to still be sore inside? If I have sat in the…
Friday Riddle Answer
This weeks winner is PGLGreg. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let…
My Mom Used to Say....
...If you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary = Decorum - de-co-rum, noun 1: literary and dramatic propriety: FITNESS 2: propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance 3: ORDERLINESS 4pl: the conventions of polite behavior. Thesaurus.com = Decorum synonyms: civility,…
Siblings ?
Does anyone have any advise on how to get siblings to wake up and get a Colonoscopy ? I am a 56 year old male with colon cancer, advanced liver cancer, and lung cancer. I have two older sisters that don't seem to be in any hurry to get checked. How do I get them past the fear ? Is there still a misconception out there that…
It's FAPMOM47 doing much better
I went to the er and they are stupid!!!!! I told them I had rectal surgery on the 11th, and had an odor and color to discharge. They made me sit after I told them I could not sit, we waited 2 hours and I went up there and then I finally got a room. I told them about what was going on and after I got discharged seen they…
side effects
Hi all-my husband has just started chemo(5FU continuos infusion) and radiotherapy for rectal carcinoma this week-at the moment he is fine but when can we expect any side effects to kick in-I'd be really grateful for anyone's experiences. Thanks and happy easter. kelly
Am I Just Being a Brat?
I hesitate to say this here, but I really need your honest opinions. I am having trouble with a friend and I really need to know if I'm just being a brat about the whole thing. I really do think it's ok to feel whatever it is you feel, and I am very HURT. But it may ruin a wonderful friendship. A dear friend of mine has…
eye problems
i know there is a lot of us that have the eye burning thing while on oxy and 5fu.my question is does anybody use eye drops or a prescription drop for this side effect.thanks and have a good day Godbless.....johnnybegood
I'm a newbie here, I just found out my anal cancer is back...
Well, to let you know a little about me, I am a 35 year old mother of three. I was diagnosed in 2008, and went through radiation and chemo. But, found out last week that my cancer is back. So, they want me to go through the surgery and have the colostomy bag. And they also think that it may be a life-long thing because my…
stage III CC
Hi everyone, I have posted a few times on here. I think I am going to spend more time on here because it makes me feel better talking to all of you and hearing advice and experiences. I meet with my surgeon this afternoon. I was Dx'ed in Feb 09 with stage III rectal cancer,(Now 36yrs old) some lymph node involvement. I…
1st Chemo Done
Monday and Tuesday went in for 4-5 hour infusion and went home with pump. 20 hours first day and 22 hours second day and this morning had the pump removed. Boy when they say it will last 22 hours they count right down to the minute. Monday I felt some slight sensitivity to cold in the throat due to the oxi and a little…
last infusion
> Now here's a pic no one except on this board would understand. That's my cute chemo nurse. Yesterday I reminded him that we had been at this for five years and he siad..."lordie mags that's longer than I have been married!" lol he has one beautiful baby boy now and another on the way. So here we are kids "Looking Good"…
Feeling depressed need help
I need to know how you cope with having a colostomy bag and how long it took you not to check it all the time afraid of it caking up cause it causes leaks and checking to see if I need to empty it.I had a wound vac cause when the Dr. took the staples out it opened up had the wound vac for almost 5 weeks.Now the wound is 1"…
I have been home since 5/13/2009, but just able to sit up a little. the surgery went fasters then I thought. the next day I was told by the dr. they knicked and a flow put in dye and it was not the bladder. I have called my dr. and he is doing something. I have an ileostomy and 2 days for me ti urinate I have to push ans…
RIDDLE: A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?
A taste of help to keep cancer patients' pounds up
Good article on nutrition: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20090518/4a122ec0_3ca6_15526200905191366105981
Another step to remind me I am a cancer survivor
When I had my first round of chemo/radiation I was told that it's rare for 5FU patients to lose their hair. My hair thinned, but that was it. Had surgery, and now am back on 5FU. Starting with round 1 my hair started falling out in great amounts. Round 2, more hair loss. I am nearly bald on the top and sides. I start round…
Rectal Cancer Misdiagnosis
I was bleading and had bad hemhorroid, so went for sigmoidoscopy, and endoscopy. I complained of pain when tried to insert into rectum, so doctor stopped and did only endoscopy. After 6 months with no change, same doctor sent me to get an air colonoscopy. The nozzle blew off and I hemorraged all over the radiologist…
Dating anyone?
I'm looking for a mega rich, incredibly attractive female 18-100+ to jet me off to exotic lands and treat me to a lavish lifestyle. Come to think of it, you don't have to be attractive or female. If your willing to put me up and treat me like a king just private message me and you can come pick me up in your jet.
The 'joys' of surviving....rofl!
So, now that both my cancers are GONE, and Hans is on the mend from his latest procedure to replace his 'generator' (lol....new one has a GPS in it, they can check from anywhere he is...I asked for his ID...so I can follow him, too!!!!), my life goes forward at a fever pitch!!!! We are moving my daughter to Redlands, where…