Farrah's Story
My husband and I watched her story Friday night (5/15/09) at 9:00am on NBC 4. He has been through soooo much and endured sooo much pain to get her to the point she is at now. I was glad to see that the other methods in Germany gave her more time which gave her time to feel good, enjoy life moments and laugh. She kept her…
Biopsy results
Biopsy results were inconclusive, WTF! The Drs said there is definitely abnormal cells, but they couldn't pinpoint it as any particular type of cancer. Surgery is scheduled for next friday. My surgeon and oncologist are puzzled, as are the pathologists. My surgeons best guess is that if not cancer the abnormal cells were…
PET scan question
I just had my first PET done friday and i am anxiously awaiting results. I called my doc this morning but no results yet. The scan place just called me & wanted to know if i had had any facial implants in the past.... WHAT???????? No... i never had and i don't understand why they would ask that. After I hung up and thought…
Judge rules US family can't refuse chemo for boy
http://my.earthlink.net/article/top?guid=20090515/4a0ce8c0_3426_13350200905151047636638 Let me know what you think
Does anyone have an update on how Limey is doing?
Angel has died
Angel passed away on april the 16th at 10.55 pm. I was with him when he took his last breath. He was in alot of pain thursday so i called the pain dr she came to my house about 9pm gave him triple the dosage for pain then left he was heavely medicated and then he started breathing less and less till he did not take another…
This week's winner is kymgil. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: The beginning of eternity The end of time and space The beginning of every end, And the end of every place ANSWER: the letter "e" IT SEEMS THE RIDDLES ARE TOO EASY, SO I AM GOING TO HAVE TO GET MORE CREATIVE AND THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX SOMEWHAT.
PET Scan
I had my first PET done yesterday. I prayed and cried thru the whole thing. I am so scared something MORE is going to show up than what I even started with. I have an appointment with radiologists for Friday. Does he give me the results of this? I won't be seeing my surgeon before then. I won't see my onc. till 6/4/09. Can…
It's a boy!
Hey everyone Just thought I'd pop on and given an update. We had an ultrasound yesterday (between chemo weeks - yay!) and found out we are having a boy! We are SOOOOO excited!! We woulda loved a little girl, but for some reason we were both hoping for a little boy :) My husband made the switch from folfox to folfiri and is…
Relay for Life report
Whew! I'm exhausted, but it's a good thing. Spent the night at our local Relay with my little team that could. We walked over 99 miles as a team and raised (so far!)over $5000!!! I had set our goal at $3500, and I was depressed, thinking we weren't going to meet that goal. HA! The new picture is me (on the right) with my…
My Husband has stage 4 colon cancer
Hey everyone my husband has now joined the group. I think it will help him see that he is not alone. If you see JR that's him. I check it out almost everyday. Best to all of you Paula G.
vitamin D- updated with a question
UPDATE: I added a post on the bottom here stating that I just got my vitamin D level test back & it's very low. For any of you taking vitamin D supplements, do you know about certain types, brands, etc. that are better at absorbing than others? Please read below & let me know- thanks in advance! Lisa…
Farah Fawcett
I just read on yahoo that farah fawcett isn't doing to well. Apparently she wasn't able to beat her liver mets. That is a shame. I remember having her poster on my wall almost the entire decade of the 80's. I only took it down when I was given a poster of heather thomas from the fall guy. As a matter of fact the very first…
Port has to be declotted.
Has anyone had to have this done. The Dr. told me it needed to be done or else the drugs could back up and not go into the vein like they are suppossed to. I am just wondering what type of procedure it is, and I was feeling so bad at the Drs. office all i wanted was to go home. I didn't ask any questions about what exactly…
Ginger for Nausea
Interesting story on how ginger is good for combating nausea. Google it or it can be found here.
Need Prayers
Hey everyone please keep me in your prayers I am having my first colonoscopy since I am done with treatment...I had a clean CEA test so I am very hopefull that this test too will come back clean...I am very nervous but it has to be done and I just know it will be good news...Started my prep and will have the test done in…
More Good News
I had the wound vac taken off today all most had it fore 5 weeks now I just have dressing on it The nurse will still come out til it heals it is only 1/2" deep now no more chemo.I know I said good news but I have a question to. Does any ones stoma bleed when you touch it with wet rag or toilet paper? Some times when I…
Hi, just a newbie on the board. Have Colon cancer III, have had surgery and am on chemo now. I belong to one board..The colon club... which I go to every day. Found this one while looking around and decided to sign up. Hello to all and God bless, Karen
I'm Done, I'm Done....
Doing the happy nekked dance - I'm done! Don't have to see a doc for about 4 weeks, then I guess, unfortunately, they stick me again to flush this thing, I get to have a scan, and if that is clear, then this thing comes out of my chest....YEAH - now THAT will be the day for the champagne! Gotta say, if I wasn't so tired…
The beginning of eternity The end of time and space The beginning of every end, And the end of every place
There's no Me in Wii...
...or is there? I was wondering if any of you folks have tried using the Wii Fit for the Wii console as a means of exercise. They have everything from Yoga to balance, to steps and other exercises. Since we have a Wii for the kids, I wondered if it's worth the try. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks ;-) -phil
Y'all might have noticed I have a new profile picture. The little princess with me is my new granddaughter, Caroline Grace, who was born on Tuesday night. I've been at the hospital with her and my daughter, and I've loved every second of it. She's gorgeous!!! I got all emotional when I called people to tell them, because…
First visit with Surgeon since surgery
Got staples out today... that feels much better. Doc set me up with 1st onc. appt, 1st radiologist appt., and a PET scan appt. He said I am going to be getting a heavy dose of Chemo & radiation as well. Do they do this at the same time? My tumor was about the size of a racquette ball and extended outside the colon and onto…
Hi everyone
I am wondering a couple of things. First is there a way to lookup other peoples DX to compare treatments? Also my husband is on FOLFOX plus Avastin. He gets real bad hicups the first couple of days. He has the pump on for three days. Has anyone else had this side effect? We ask the nurse about things we notice and she…
Oxiplatin Side Effect
I please need people to tell me about this oxiplatin chemo drug. I am so nervous about starting this and my reaction to my doctor telling me it is just a nusance drug only and all the concern I have heard about all the side effects from you scares me. Please all of you give me your personal opinion to what you think about…
Good things always come in threes
I started feeling a pain in my armpit friday morning, saturday I notice a small lump, by monday the lump was as large as a pecan. I had a biopsy done today. My surgeon, oncologist, their residents, and pathologist were all there for my needle biopsy. The needle biopsy tested positive for cancer. So the surgeon did a core…
Nice to see you return, Buzzard
Your family hear has missed you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Very Frustrated - Thursday Update at bottom
I had my port installed this morning, well actually it has been 7 hours. Everything was going according to schedule - they just started to prep me. They hadn't taken a certain blood test so they did that and then put in the needle for the IV - OUCH. Something just didn't feel right at all. They started the IV and I…
i dont post much
i dont speak alot on here, but this site helped through some bad times, i am on my 6th chemo treatment and thank god my side affects have been almost nothing iam truly blessed, i was diagnosed with stage 4 and man it was overwhelming, but my last meeting with my doc for the first time sincs this started, they told me…
The Fatigue Question
Hi all, It has been a while since I have griped so here goes. But before I do, it would seem that I should have little to gripe about. I am NED - scans a couple of months clear - was stage 3. I wanted to throw a question out there about fatigue. It has been almost 2 years since my last chemo. I have mostly good days and…