Thanks for your support of my sister in law. But the bad news continues

trainer Member Posts: 241
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Update on Linda Penny: She's now in surgery recovery from her brain surgery. Apparently the tumor grew so much in the past 12 days that the doctor thought it best to go after it. Is is a glioblastoma. He got most of it, but some of the "tendrils" remain and that's the bad news. Her family is with her and naturally devastated. My brother in law is a doctor and when he heard the dx, his only comment was SHXX! To have endured such a week and now to get this news is going to require more support and prayers, so keep them coming and thanks. Prognosis isn't good, a year at best, and that's if all the treatments help. I'm praying for a better quality of life as well as a miracle.

My sister-in-law has had a horrible week. Took a spill and thought she had a mini-stroke. Then paralysis of her right side, loss of some cognitive skils. Extreme pain in her seisure areas. Then a day later, a full body seizure or convulsion. Again, horrible pain. She's been in the hospital all week and under heavy pain-killers. The doctor was going to do a brain biopsy, but it's rapid growth made him rethink next move. Now he's going to remove the whole tumor by drilling down from the top of the skill. She's not in enough good shape to handle a biopsy and then a surgery if necessary. Apparently it is neccessary.

Thanks for putting Linda Penny in your prayers.

I did get some good news today. One friend who had colon cancer, stage 4 completed his chemo and he reports the doc said he's now clear. Not sure how that works. And another friend in Missouri who underwent chemo to treat ovarian cancer emailed today to say she finished her chemo and the onc. said she was clear now.


  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    Prayers for Linda
    We will lift Linda, her doctors and the whole team up in prayer today.

    Many hugs and thoughts your way as well. Vicki
  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    Your sister-in-law is in my
    Your sister-in-law is in my prayers.Hopefully she will get through this soon.Thanks for the good news,good hope.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Consider It Done
    That was a rough week for anybody. So terrible she has to endure that. Sounds very scary, but hoping and praying for a good outcome there. All the best to Linda P.
  • CanadaSue
    CanadaSue Member Posts: 339 Member
    I will send up a prayer for the complete recovery of Linda.


  • luv3jay
    luv3jay Member Posts: 533 Member
    The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much...Linda will certainly have the strength of us prayer warriors on her side!
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    luv3jay said:

    The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much...Linda will certainly have the strength of us prayer warriors on her side!

    ...I'm so sorry she has to go through all this Mike, she is definitely in my prayers, and will send positive vibes, sounds like a scary thing to go through, and tell her to be strong! we're all thinking of her~

    And love the good news about your friends who are in the clear, I swear I feel so good today, I'm still hooked up to the 5fu, I double my dosage on my nausea meds, and feel really good for some reason. I have to bring my daughter to a orthopeic doctor so she can get a cast on her foot (she broke it), should be a fun day :)

    Hope to talk soon!
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    yes I will
    Yes, I will put Linda in my prayers for her surgery Thursday (yikes- that's today, isn't it?) Prayers, full force!

    Thanks for sharing the good news of your two friends. That's encouraging and wonderful news!

    Keep us posted on Linda, please.

  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    Shayenne said:

    ...I'm so sorry she has to go through all this Mike, she is definitely in my prayers, and will send positive vibes, sounds like a scary thing to go through, and tell her to be strong! we're all thinking of her~

    And love the good news about your friends who are in the clear, I swear I feel so good today, I'm still hooked up to the 5fu, I double my dosage on my nausea meds, and feel really good for some reason. I have to bring my daughter to a orthopeic doctor so she can get a cast on her foot (she broke it), should be a fun day :)

    Hope to talk soon!

    I am sorry your sister is in alot of pain She is in my prayers ,Take care

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Prayers are on the way. Please let us know how she is doing.

    Wonderful news about both of your friends. That is encouraging to hear that they are doing so well.
  • lmliess
    lmliess Member Posts: 329
    She is in my prayers tonight!
    I truely believe miracles happen so I will pray for one for her. Never never give up because you never know when things may turn in her favor.