I had a colonoscopy on Friday the 13th this past year, no polyps, do not have to have another one for 3 years. I go monday for a Cat Scan on My left lung, found 2 nodules in the left lung base, I am scared that I have lung cancer, have been coughing a lot lately. I had a sister that passed away last month from Ovarian…
Some interesting articles on food and words from cancer comrads
http://www.thecancerblog.com/2007/09/08/meg-wolff-blogs-about-a-life-in-balance/ http://www.thecancerblog.com/search/?q=juicing http://www.becomingwhole.typepad.com/ http://crazysexylife.com/ excuse the f word once http://crazysexycancer.com/
Zappa photo ?
Hey Phil. Whats up with the Zappa photo. Are you an old rocker or what ? Been to any good concerts lately ? The day my dr told me I had a "serious problem", my son and I were headed to a Metallica concert. I had a good time anyway. Just curious. John
very scared
Hi, I was told today that my colon was going to have to be removed, The Dr's told me that because last year I had a resection for 2 tumers and the cancer is already back in 2 more places that I should have this done. They told me that they were going to make me a new colon with my small intestine and I would have to have a…
Medical Marijuana
I posted an answer yesterday replying to “If drinking was okay on chemo” and it seemed to open up a great discussion. My name is Brooks and on April 14th 2009 I was told that I have cancer (Rectal). My life as I once knew if was changed in an instant. A week later my 68 year old father went out and somehow somewhere got me…
Chemo Party
I am having a chemo party today. I love the smell of chemo in the morning! Head swimming from benadryl. Drowsy from anti naseau medication. Woke up early to get blood sucked from me and poison pumped through my veins. I get to go home with Jr. attached to me like a toxic parasite. A few days after the party I will have a…
The gears are turning
Met with the oncologist today. I will have 3 rounds of folfox with avastin. 3-4 weeks later I will have VATS on my lungs and probable microwave ablation on my liver, I will then resume folfox with avastin for 3 rounds and then alternate folfiri and folfox for an additional 4-6 rounds, I will take 5 weeks off and have liver…
post surgery pain.
Hi, I had a resection and temp ileostomy 2 weeks ago. When I move a certain way I get a sharp pain that is so painful, but only lasts until I change position, I am thinking it may be the abdominal muscle healing, anyone else have this? thanks.
2" met tumor in lungs...... need suggestions
I cannot find a doctor who will administer any type of radiation to the spot in my lung. I have several tumors spread across both lungs but I HAVE to get this one taken care of. I have the 4 in my liver too and the biggest one is right on a vessel. I did just start chemo for the 1st time ever on wednesday so maybe that…
Made it to Holland...3 month's rest is on the calendar!
We arrived in Holland yesterday afternoon. Before we left, we set up Skype (internet conference calling with video) on all the kid's computers. We 'talked' with both Hans' son and my daughter after we arrived home in Zwolle. The flight was quite interesting. We reached LAX, and asked for any upgrades. The gal at the desk…
good news for me [i guess]
well,just got #8 down and will be unhooked tomarrow.i had posted a thread not too long ago about 10 treatments vs 12.i talked to my onc yesterday and wanted to know what the word sufficient ment when she said 10 would be sufficient.she said the drug company that makes the oxy and 5fu which i am on did a study and they…
First Chemo today!
Hello all, I went in to see Onc. at 9:00 and then to the hospital for treatment. Boy was it a long day, the computers were down, they had to wait on orders to be faxed instead of being sent via computer. I just happen to ask the nurse about Avastan, don't know why I did and she said oh the Dr. marked that out, We said…
Post surgery
When did you start to feel normal after surgery. No discomfort, doing everyday normal activities. etc...
Help- Advice
Hi Everyone, Unfortunately, I am back to ask a question for my dad. He is a colorectal and bladder cancer survivor, but the beast seems to have reared its ugly head again. He just had a PET/CT and the findings were this: Mural thickening in the hepatic flexure ( ascending colon area ). The ascending colon is collapsed.…
First Chemo day was Crappie !!!!! Messed up port!!
Hey amigos! I spent all night last night with an ice pack on my port because I was in such pain. They had told me before I had left the hospital that I wouldn't be needing anything for pain..... NOT! M.D.Anderson did not have an available doctor to do the procedure so they had to send me across the street to St. Luke's to…
calling all stage 4 with mets to liver, start chemo tomorrow need positive feedback
Start first chemo treatment tomorrow, so scared....stage 4 mets to liver, colon resection on the 14 of May. Need some positive feedback that I can fight this and become NED Please!!!
Pet scan results pt 2
Well. I'm still smiling but it's bad news. I have 10 new tumors. 4 in my left lung, one in my right. Plus 5 in my liver. The results seemed puzzling since my last CT scan in April showed only one possibly tiny spot in each lung. I start chemo on monday. I would have had my Thyroid and lung tumors taken out at the end of…
FYI: Embedding images in posts
I don't know if anyone noticed this other than KatUSA and myself, but we are no longer able to embed images in our posts. I asked the powers that be about it and they gave their reasons for this which made sense to me. Actually, we were never allowed to post them but a glitch made it possible for a short period of time. We…
How do you know when your last treatment will be?
My onc doctor won't give me a time line for how long I'll have to go through chemo. He told my husband, without me being in the room, that he's counting on this going on for two or three more years. I don't know if I can go through that. How many of you were given a specific number of treatments you would go through?…
Half way through 2nd round of Chemo
This 2nd round has been a nightmare. I went in Tuesday for my 2 hour infusion of Oxi and right after it ended I had a bad reaction. They gave me more anti-nausea meds, steroid, benedril, nothing worked. I went back Wednesday and got more fluids, anti-nausea and hooked up to my pump for 5FU. THIS SUCKS!!! I said it before,…
Here I am again doing late night searches on the web
Deja vu! I think I was doing a bunch of this late night searching last year about this time. Once again I've been both encouraged and discouraged by what I find. Results of failed clinical trials, promising new treatments, stories of renewed life and death are abound. Oh what fun. I did stumble upon on promising little…
Started my LAST Round today
I drove myself today and had a nice chat with the Dr, then the first of my 5 treatments this week. Drove home and now I can feel the tiredness settling in. But I took my Emend and so far, no nausea. I have been in tears for two days now, and couldn't figure it out. The Dr said it's natural...big changes are coming. It's…
Scan tomorrow - trying 2B calm and positive!
I have a checkup PET scan tomorrow. I am trying to stay calm and positive but gee it ain't easy. Aside from the discomfort of the scan itself (I know I know -- all you have to do is lie there! But you know what I mean -- the needle, the hospital, the arms-above-head-till-they-cramp....),it is hard to be positive about…
New start
I guess I'm about the same place I was when I started last year. I first thought I was in a worse place, but in retrospect, I do have some advantages over last year. Last years prognosis was that I just had a few months. I had little hope for surgery and I didn't know if chemo would work. This time around, I know Folfox…
Good news test results
Hi everybody. Just thought I'd pass along, got my MRI test results today, all good, the spot on liver has not changed, and is believed to be benign or blood cell cluster, and thickening in colon has resolved, was believed to be spasm or parastalysis. No change in the liver lesion in four months, sounds great to me. 5 years…
Onc Visit and Hernia Surgery
Hi All... I had a good visit with the oncologist who said "I have nothing bad at all to tell you!!" CEA low as ever, CT Scan of liver clear, Chest x-ray good. Everything looking good! This is 2 years post liver recurrence/RFA/Chemo. Yeah!! So tomorrow it is off to the hospital for an "incisional hernia" repair. I've had a…
liver regrowth after resection
I had a liver resection just over a year ago. I had read so many articles about how the liver grows back after having a liver resection & have heard people on this board talk about how theirs was growing back too. Interestly, when I asked my liver surgeon if he could see any liver regrowth on my CT scan, he said "not much,…
Round 2 tomorrow...wish me luck!
I go tomorrow for chemo round 2...and I am scared! I made through round 1 okay...I was queasy, TIRED and I had bad stomach cramps. Couldn't eat for 2 days. The issue is I have actually felt good since last Thursday. It has been a long time since I could say that!!! I have been eating and actually driving myself places and…
PET scan results
My surgeon has a terrible habit of calling me the day of my PET scan if something ugly has popped up. I had it yesterday morning and he didn't call, my appointment is tomorrow. So maybe things are looking up. I'll know tomorrow afternoon.
Surgery Weds me: "The Unique One"
Greetings, this is Amy aka Slammer, so the news is kind of sudden but I am having surgery this Weds after something found on routine CT & confirmed on PET scan, Man have they been rushing me thru this so I am alittle scared but the surgeon is awesome and has got a team of extra to be there. Still have no specific idea…