HATE Insurance Companies
Mom's insurance company refused to pay for an even halfway decent rehabilitation facility, so we decided to just go home. She came home Friday, and so far is doing great. Home health comes out to do the wound vac changes. She has 2 drains left, but neither seem to really be draining, so we're hoping she's finally healing!…
They are thinking of building a theme park....
LOL! Last night my beau and I went to a friend's house for a visit on our bikes. Now, to set the stage, my bike was Hans' mother's bike, and the light was just as old... We all had a glass of wine, and sat by the fire outside in the garden. Well, it got to be 11pm, and just had gotten dark. So, we set off for home, me in…
I'm NED!
Thank all of you for your prayers and support. In Nov. I had my colon resection, and then last month took the second of two PET scans and I just heard from the ONC that no cancer showed for a second time and that I'm NED. Yippee! Since I refuse to dance naked alone, how about a Happy Naked Conga Line. Never mind! Now that…
My husband had colorectal cancer with colostomy surgery 9/06..followed by 2 plus years of chemo. In Feb at Vandy he had 4% of his right lung removed and they got all the cancer there. Then on April 30 he had 75% of his right liver removed. His CEA on 6/7/09 was 226.1 the doctor was pleased it had gone down from the above…
Fired my Dr today
As you all know I was referred to my Onocologist about my hip pain. They did some blood work and my liver count was up, how high I don't know they never would tell me. The Dr wanted a scan ugently, like right now of my liver. His nurse refused to schedule the scan as I don't have my new insurance card in my hand, (will…
post chemo body
I have issues with sweating and BO- sweating when nobody else is, runs in my eyes and burns, end up moping my face all day long with my tshirt. BO- by the end of the day smells like a gym locker room. Use a deodorant soap and Mitchem BO killer, shower daily. Complained to my oncologist that 6 months after completing chemo…
Friday Riddle Answer
grandma2selena is this week's winner :) :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: If measured from the center of the planet, which mountain on Earth is the highest? ANSWER: Mount Chimborazo, in Ecuador. Everest is the highest above sea level, but because of the way the Earth bulges at the center, Chimborazo (6010 meters, or 20,600…
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer and Research Institute
Does anyone have any experience with H. Lee Moffitt Cancer and Research Institute, which appears to be the only comprehensive cancer center in Florida?
Question about scan results...
This sounds like a dumb question, but how do most of you receive your PET/CT scan results? Is it mostly phone consultations or face-to-face? What about those of you who go out-of-state for treatment? I've had 2 scans previously and my ONC always called me the same day with the report. Today, I, as usual, called and left a…
I just discovered a semi hard lump above my belly button..I am thinking it is scar tissue but don't know for sure..Has anyone else have had this problem???? I do get shooting pain in that area sometimes...I have an appointment with my oncol on the 21st. So I was just wondering if I should go sooner or can it wait..I am…
2nd Opinion Finally Arrived - The Verdict Is In - VATS
Good morning Semis: I hope everyone had a nice holiday. Since before joining the board on June 9th, I've been waiting for the doctors at UTSW to review my medical history for a 2nd opinion and come back with their opinion and what they think the next course of action should be. And the verdict is...VATS. The definition of…
Is this normal after one round of chemo?
I am doing 8 rounds of Folfox 6 + Avastin to make sure my surgeries got all the cancer. I did my first round last week and went in today to get my bloodwork done. I will go in each week for that. Well my white blood count is already low! They said 'overall' it was okay but I am low on the white count so make sure I wash my…
Elevated liver enzymes.
Hi everyone. During my resection, I was told my liver looked great. 6 wks later had labs drawn before restarting chemo, an my liver enzymes were elvated. The doc wanted to do a CT right away, which ended up being clear. I don't know why the sudden elevation in these labs. Can anyone offer any info on this. Thanks.
port? CEA Marker? other things we might hear?
Hello everyone - Just in the few short weeks I have had to learn this stuff I have come to depend on being here as part of my routine....thank you. Obviously with my dh's new dx I am hearing all sorts of terms I think I understand and then I don't. Help? What is a port and what is it for? DH had a CEA Marker Test and it…
irinotecan/CPT11/Folfiri side effects
Hi All, Does Irinotecan (= CPT-11, or Folfiri when with 5FU) have any particular side effects? (aside from "the usual" ie fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, low white blood counts)? I've been on may other chemo "cocktails" (5FU, FOLFOX +/- Avastin, Xeloda). I know all too well the side effects of oxaliplatin. Anything…
A very awkward subject
I am so upset, not sure how to handle this. My husband was recently diagnosed with crc with "multiple" liver mets. After tests and the like, he was told that he only has about 2 years to live, and the only thing that can be done is to have chemo every other week until he dies. I of course insisted on a 2nd opinion and got…
post op liver resection chronic pain
My husband had colon cancer stage 2, none in nodes, 1 1/2 years ago. Last July he had his first PET scan and he had one small tumor in the liver, section 7 or 8, supposedly via blood stream. He had a liver resection last Sept. then started chemo six wks. post op every other week, did 9 rounds in all. He has pain in his…
Looking Ahead
The next few months should be very interesting on the bio-tech front. I know you all were wondering why so many new things were streaming in. Well, it's because Obama wants to decrease the proprietary formula time down to 7 years. Many companies that were thinking they would get 15-20 years of service from their products…
Question..... Bloody Nose Concern
For the last few days every time I blow my nose it is lightly bloody and sometimes with small clots. Sorry that sounds gross. Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe I am just getting a sinus infection.... I just started taking oxycodone 3 days ago.... maybe it's that? I thought I would run it by you guys before calling…
New diagnosis, a few questions
Hi everyone, I've been reading here for a few days now and I must say that I am so impressed with everyones attitudes and honest caring for each other. After much research, I knew this was the place to get answers and support for my friend. A little background. On Monday of this week my good friend and neighbor went to the…
Craig aka Sundanceh
Your quote "I see a chest surgeon tomorrow and my future is up in the air - I've been pretty sick about it all day as tomorrow draws near...just wanted to check the board one more time before I turned in for the night." Craig thank you for your inspiration and valued information that you have given me and others. I just…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING ON THE INTERNET ALLOWED !!!! RIDDLE: If measured from the center of the planet, which mountain on Earth is the highest?
let's try something different. At 9:00pm EST this evening (7/10/09) say a prayer for everyone on this board and all others that are fighting this fight to gather strength to finish their battle. (this was part of my 3-year NED post)
Update from Mike49
I know I have been absent awhile but just blame it on post-chemo euphoria. I had a PET scan which revealed one small area on my Liver. Liver Biopsy preliminary results show same cell type as my colon cancer. My doctor moved quick to get the surgery team lined up and we will be undergoing liver resection on Wednesday.…
Lordy, lordy, look who's forty...ME!!
It has been a long, tough year, but I made it!! Yay me!!
3 Years NED !!!!!!!
Three years ago today I was in the hospital drugged and getting pumped full of IV laxatives until my God send surgeon walked in and told my husband it had to be emergency surgery (7:00pm). The next day is when I found out it was most likely cancer, but had to wait for the pathlogoy report. I transformed from a women into a…
5FU Side effects
I've been reading some of the posts here and i have been in awe of the support from everyones heart. So i thought i should share my experience with colon cancer. March 08 i went to see a new dr. about my acid reflux. As we were talking he had mentioned a colonoscopy when i turn 50(i was 46)to check for polyps. As soon as i…
Cancer Project
This is a GREAT website and I wanted to share it again. http://www.cancerproject.org/
Trans Anal Resection Surgery
My husband had trans anal resection surgery December 2008. The mass was T2 when diagnosed initially. They did shrink it down to a T1 with chemo/radiation. He's done two of his three month PET/CT and CT scans. The first CT showed a small spot on right lung. The second set last month, the PET showed two spots on lung and…
CEA <.05 !!!
Mom's cancer marker came back and we are thrilled! It's < .05 so oncs are quite pleased with where she is at. Of course, no follow up tests until November- so then we will be able to sigh an even bigger sigh of relief. But for now---WHOOOHOOO!!! Thanks for all the encouraging words to help us through this journey. I must…