My Mother in law was operated on for Colorectal Cancer a year ago @ 91
My Mom is 92 and still lives by herself in a rather large home. She is very frail. While she was in the hospital for her surgery a year ago, she had a serious seizure and now she has memory lasps..before the surgery she had a very sharp memory and now that she doesn't she gets so upset. She wants to continue to live in her…
PET scan vs. CT scan
I know this has been discussed somewhat in a previous post, but I still am questioning the differences. I've never had a PET scan, only CT scans. However, the CT scan I had initially right before my diagnosis didn't detect the colon cancer. The cancer was found through a colonoscopy, which was scheduled after my bloodwork…
Atrial fibrillation and chemo for stage IIA colon cancer.
Before learning I had stage IIA colon cancer several months ago I had been living with chronic Atrial fibrillation for the past four years, which is treated with beta blockers and blood thinners. Now that I’m on chemo I have the chemo port with the tube that goes into the vain and deposits the chemo into the large artery…
overactive tear duct
HI has anyone had a problem with an overactive tear duct from xeloda? My onc said it was the 5FU causing it. I look like I'm crying in one eye. Has anyone found a solution to this?? thanks for any info. This is a great site to ask questions and to find so many positive people. Thank you to everyone that visits!
stage 3a rectal cancer
sugery is done. we're told it's T2N1. cancer tuned out to be in the upper rectum rather than sigmoid. it hasn't spread to the outer walls, but 1/24 nodes is infected. how does it get in the nodes w/o getting to the walls first? what should we expect next? chemo? radiation? both?
Friday afternnon PET means long wait for results.
Had a CT Thursday, followed by a PET Friday, The ONC said "we see somthing at the same spot on your live were thr resection was done two months ago, could you get a PET on Friday" so off to scan I went. The problem is all weekend without results. I would expect the surgical scarring where they wedge resected my liver would…
KDO29 - your post
I read your post on a string of another post and wanted to say, your Mom will be fine. I had 60% liver resection and the hardest part was recovering in the hospital and several weeks after I got home. She will need your help and she will be in pain. Please ask any questions you may have, you have a family here. They may…
Genetic Modified Foods
http://www.hulu.com/watch/67878/the-future-of-food Here's site for a very interesting documentary about the US food industry, and genetic modifying of our foods. Very scary, ours is one of the only countrys that does not require labeling of these foods. Just food for thought, I always thought I ate "healthy" foods, but now…
2nd liver resection & hope
Hi everyone- Been a long time since posting. My husband just had a second liver resection on Wed. After having 70 percent of his liver removed during an 8 hr operation, he is doing very well. Our journey, as some of you may recall, has been a major roller coaster with many highs and lows over the last 3 years from initial…
Health Ins expiring...need advice
I am a new member, just joined today. I was first diagnosed one year ago with ovarian cancer. I finished treatment for that in February then was diagnosed with colorectal cancer one month later. I have been on disability for the entire year. My health insurance coverage will be ending at the end of this month. My employer…
Anyone have problems sleeping after chemo?
Has anyone had problems sleeping after chemo? My hubby says he can sleep great when the sun comes up but has crazy dreams at night... Anyone have any experiences like these? If so, any suggestions?
On the Roller Coaster
Hi All, Well we are back on the roller coaster. **** finished 12 rounds of Folfox 6, 3 weeks ago. He did it with such strength, I was in awe of him. He looks so good. He is at high school weight, running 4 miles, surfing, etc.. His neuropathy is bothering him but he is pushing on. On Tuesday he had his first after chemo…
Some good news today
Hi everyone, My husband had a CT scan on Friday and we are back up here today for #5. When we met with the onc she told us Friday's scan showed that the lesions on his liver are responding to the chemo. YEAH!!! There are no new lesions, and the two measurable ones are about 35% smaller. She was pleased with the results,…
screening scans
I am wondering just how accurate cat scans and Pet scans are. I seriously have doubts, especially after going thru treatment and then they say they found it has metastized somewhere else in the body. My scans have been normal but I'm wondering for a few others. Like to hear some comments.
post surgery rectal bleeding
has anyone had this? surgery to remove rectal tumor was 2 days ago and now experiencing bleeding. worried.
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winnder is USAKAT. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE:A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? ANSWER: The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture…
Round Two Chemo Question
Hello, I am writing to get some info for my sister who was diagnosed with colon cancer and met to liver and lungs in early May 2009. She has just undergone 12 weeks of chemo. There was significant reduction in colon tumor and lung "spots", but NO change at all to rather large liver tumor. During discussions with the onc…
Still anxious
Hi Everyone, I'm fairly new hear and have been soooo blessed to have found you all. (2007 emergency surgery for bowel obstruction, 2 obstructions, 1 lemon size cancer, 12 in resection, 8/38 lymph nodes positive, Stage IIIc, 6 mo chemo.) Wish I would have found you back in 2007 when this all began. I have learned so much…
My doctor gave his permission for us to go on vacation. So Friday, September 4, my husband, Gerald, and I will be heading for London and Paris for a week. My doctor even told me I didn't have to wear a mask (I still will on the airplane). I'm pooped from getting ready and packing, but we aren't leaving until 1:40 p.m.…
I'm Ned
I just got the phone call with the results from the CT and Thank God they are good. No evidence of any tumors or mets anywhere. I cried like a baby, only they were tears of relief. I am so happy right now, I really could dance naked.LOL. I hope and pray that everyone on this site gets to hear those words, no evidence of…
Eating for life: Coconut Curry Soup!
This recipe is from the "Living Cuisine" uncook book by Renee Loux Underkoffler. I made it last night, and it really tasted like something you'd get at an expensive restaurant. I tend to choose recipes that are very simple out of laziness. This one was perfect for that. Serve with a salad, and it's a complete meal! 2 cups…
Venting as a caregiver
Okay, I know there must be more of me out there..... My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer three years ago this month. Since the diagnosis, we have tried multiple chemos, radiation, surgery ( he now has a colostomy bag, and parts of his lungs taken out from where it has spread). I know that i could never…
Dry Sleeve Questions
Do any of the other men on this site use a dry sleeve while showering to keep your PICC line dry? No offense ladies, please chime in also. I just figured us men are a tad bit harrier on our arms. How do you deal with it feeling like it's ripping all the hair from your fore arm? I'm about to shave my arms so I can put it on…
A word of caution for those who are parents
Hello everyone. some of you may remember me and what I wish to share with you today. My husband ws dx'd with stage 4 in 2005 and is continuting to fight this beast. At the time he was dx'd, we did not know he had a family history of colon cancer. We later lerned that his aunts, uncles, cousins had fought the same battle.…
New to colon cancer and these boards - anyone else here have RSD and is getting treatment for cancer
Hello. I am new to all of this. I've battled cervical cancer and won. I've been clear since 2004. Summer of 2007 I got RSD. I've mostly won my battle there - it has mostly been in remission for almost a year. For at least a year I've been complaining of cramping/bloating and some severe pain when my bowels move. Then the…
decreased libido and unable to take testosterone
Hello All, My husband a 47 year old who was diagnosed with rectal cancer 4 years ago. He has gone through chemo, radiation, and about 14 surgeries. The last treatment and surgery have been almost a year ago. However, he has had additional problems -including a strange incontinence of urine at night but not in the day time,…
New Pics....
Well, the last big push has begun. We need to pack, and get the house ready for being alone again. It's been great... Today we start the phoning to say goodbye. I am thankful that this is a long list...we have made some wonderful new friends, as well as kept many old and dear. The sun is playing tag with the rain today.…
Husband's new treatment/ anyone tried these drugs?????
Has anyone done the Avastin with Arantica(?SP) also known as CPT-11? He has stage 4 with metastis to lung and new tumors in the liver. Initially didn't want further treatment; now has agreed to this. Anyone tried these?
back from moffitt
I went to Moffitt Cancer Center yesterday for a consult formy mets to liver. They told me that the mass involves one of the arteries and they want me to to 3 months of chemo but they want to add avastin to the cocktail and go back then to them for a liver dedicated CT scan. Hopefully it will shrink and then possibly…
not in front of your eyes but in your heart
can somebody help me- I can't even remember who was posting this. One of our regular posters did a lot and I can't remember the phrase- and I know somebody who needs it now. thanks