Herbs to fight cancer?
Do any of you have any information about using herbs as a supplement? Kevin's Mom suggested a couple, but I've not had much success in researching these, any info would be appreciated. Mountain Yew Tip Burdock Root Sheep Sorrel Slippery Elm Bark Turkey Rubarb Root Thanks
The Reading Room: Texas begins $3 billion quest to cure cancer
Interesting article: http://my.earthlink.net/article/hea?guid=20091002/4ac588d0_3421_1334520091002-216770113
New Plan
Returned from Mayo today, new plan is FOLFIRI + Cetuximab. What can my friends tell me about either Irinotecan or cetuximab. I know there is a rash, and I thought I read something about a topical treatment for the rash.
Coughing Up Blood
I'm so scared and I'm just so frustrated. This morning after brushing my teeth I coughed and spit out blood. I rinsed my mouth out and called my husband and coughed again and spit and there was blood again mixed with the spit. It wasn't a lot but enough to make me concerned. I called the oncologist and because I was on my…
Hey CessnaFlyer....where are you? Havn't seen any posts from you for a while. Hope everything is going well. Been praying for you. Please check in with us. Debbie (gramma)
Thanks for all your kind words
Thanks to all of you guys for bringing me up. I'm fixin' to go to the grocery store and get some chocolate ice cream. The ice cream and your kind words is all a guy needs to start feeling better. Thanks, John
Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Juice
Someone recommended Aloe Vera Leaf Juice as a help to boost the immune system. Has anyone heard of it, pros cons ???
Leaving Minnesota for Sloan in NYC. A quick question regaring the oncology and liver surgery team
Well, we have a busy week planned. We are taking our 7 month daughter and heading out to NYC this weekend. We are scheduled to meet with Dr. Kemeny (oncologist) and Dr. D'Angelica on Monday. Although I have 2 positive lymph nodes outside of my liver, I am hoping that they will agree to utilize the hepatic pump in going…
How do you PM somone?
I have seen this before but never paid attention on how to do it.
blood pressure
At what point do you need to call the doc about blood pressure? I had a headache last night so I check my BP and it was 189/109. I am on avastin but I do not want them to have to stop something that will help me?? Not sure what to do??? Christy
I'm here again...new problems
Hi All. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have been trying to rebuild my business and get life back on track. For those who don't know me, I was DX'd 10/08, Stage 3 rectal cancer. The tumor was less than 2cm inside the anus. 6 weeks of chemo/radiation, tumor completely responded. Had surgery Feb 4, 09, removed…
What this board means to me.
Making Connections... This morning, in the "darkness before dawn", I found myself thinking of you all and reflecting on my connection to this community. I have posted my nocturnal reflection in "A Cancer Journal" as a tribute to this "board" and the very real and needed support it has been to me over the past few years. I…
Scan is tomorrow**update 2
Well, we shall see how it goes!! The pain on my right side is gone so that is good, but we shall see if that lit part by some miracle went away!! Results on Thursday! Breath.........
Coughing Blood Update
Well the last two days after I coughed there was nothing (no blood) in the saliva but I did go to the scheduled appointment with my oncologist this morning. She said that my counts were really low and this could be due to the low platelet count and diminished immune system since the blood is really thin right now. She…
Xeloda - pain possibly from Xeloda?
Hello All: I'm on night 6 of my first week of Xeloda (2000mg 2 X day). Today, especially this evening, I have had a bad stomach ache, like a burning pain in the pit of my stomach. Not having any nausea - I've been really lucky - throughout all the different chemotherapies I've been on, I never had a lot of nausea, just…
5FU treatment cycles
Has anyone been told me that 11 treatments of 5FU, Oxy & Leu were enought and that @ 9 cycles you were 90% done and that 12 was recomended because this was the original protocol back when. I'm on my 10th cycle now and am trying to make up my mind to go for 12. I have had very little side effects except that my blood counts…
Good luck with scan Dorookie (Beth)
Hi Beth I think you have a scan coming up in October? I just wanted to let you knwo I was thinking about you. Leslie
Swollen Ankles......
.....IS this normal being on chemo???I never had swollen ankles before while doing chemo..I'm hooked up to the 5fu, and just doing some cleaning around the house when I noticed, I have cankles!!! Hugsss! ~Donna
I was wondering if anyone on here was also on facebook.. the reason i am asking is because my birthday is coming up on Oct 7th. and as some of you know on facebook there are causes that you can sign up for that you support.. and one cause that i joined is the CCA or better know as the COLON CANCER ALLIANCE.. So for my…
Happy (Belated) Birthday to you too Emily
Emily, yours was shortly before mine, September 23rd. Hope you had a GREAT Birthday and many, many more! -phil
How do you manage mouth sores from chemo?
My husband had first chemo treatment last Tuesday (FOLOX, Avastin w/ pump for 48 hours) He's pretty tired but doing good. This morning noticed a mouth sore. What do we do? The support from this board has helped us so much!
Has anyone had any problems with thrush from the chemo? When I went for blood work in between chemo weeks I told DOc I had a horrible taste in my mouth and was unable to even drink water. He looked in my mouth and saw a tiny spot of thrush (Just the begining), he gave me script for magic mouthwash and it really helped, but…
Rogue fevers?
Richard has been having random fevers, with increasing frequency over the last couple of months on chemo. They come on suddenly and have gone as high as 102.8. He takes ibuprofen and then it goes away just as quickly as it came on. This happens every few days now. They have done blood cultures and a chest x-ray and have…
Master cleanser
I've been raw for almost three weeks now. Off and on (about every three days after the first week), my body has detoxed. Headache with fever, and then diarrhea/constipation. It took me a while to figure out what was going on; i thought my stricture was acting up, but now i know it was toxins coming to the surface. I figure…
my scan results
Hi Everybody, Well, I ended up waiting over the weekend for my scan results, but I really wasn't fretting or worrying too much about it. I had a Dr. appt this morning and got and discussed the results then. "Good" and "stable" are the results. On my last PET in late July, I had old and new nodules lighting up in my lungs.…
I'mmmmmmmmmm Back
Boy I have a lot of reading to catch up on. My hubby and I had a WONDERFUL time at the Poconos for our 27th Wedding Anniversary. The weather was GREAT and the food was OUT OF THIS WORLD. My hubby put on a few pounds. I cannot say enough about having alone time with your partner or spouse. We are looking at returning in Feb…
Friday Riddle
Since Nudgie isn't here I thought I'd try to have a little fun with the Friday Riddle* segment. Let's see what we can come up with. Q: Why DID the chicken cross the road? *this is in no way associated with Nudgie's Friday Riddle. Nudgie does not endorse this Friday Riddle. Any resemblance to Nudgie's Friday Riddle is…
Mom's CT Scan Results - Switching from FOLFOX to FOLFIRI
Mom just had her first CT scan following dx, after 4 treatments with FOLFOX. It looks as if her 3 lesions on her liver have stayed the same size, and there may possibly be a tiny new lesion as well. They are switching her to FOLFIRI starting tomorrow. Prob won't do Avastin with it because she had some heart issues with…
Has anyone had any experience with Erbitux in a situation of Stage IV colon cancer that metastasized to the lungs? My mom is 66 years old and has had several surgeries on her colon and lungs to remove the tumors. They were removed and she was okay for a few months while she was on a clinical trial. We recently did a scan…
Port is out.
They removed my port on Friday and I was a little nervous because they told me it would be done with just a local anesthetic. I must report that it was very easy. No pain, only some tugging when the dr pulled on it, but it was not bad at all. I am so glad to have it gone. The only thing left now is a colonoscopy in…