Had a bad day:(
Hi Everyone, I am stage 4. Diagnosed 2008. Just found out it is in the lungs and spine. I have Very positive throughout this whole process. Chemo and Radiation and now more chemo. Today was a bad day for me. I don't know why but I don't cry much. I just feel I need to fight and get through this. On my way home tonight, I…
Krista, glad your back.
Hey Krista, Been missing you being here. Glad your back sweetie. Are you feeling better from the Flu? Don
New--sort of
I haven't been on this board for a couple of years. Had a colonoscopy today and made me think about this site. Let me reintroduce myself. I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer at age 48. I had surgery to remove a foot of colon, half my liver, and all the lymph nodes in my abdomen. I had 10 months of chemo and given a…
Round 6 tomorrow - Half way
Hi everyone. I am going in for round 6 tomorrow. Really ready for this to be over. The rash, fatigue, pain from the neulasta, etc. Half way to the end. Yes!
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET FOR ANSWERS :) RIDDLE: A man wanted to get into a members only club but because he couldn't become a member, the man hid and watched as the guard at the door of the club house said a number to each member as they approached, the member would respond with a number of their own, if the…
To Username32
You should let me know where you are located. I'm convinced you're a piece of SH!T. It pains me to know that I have killed good men across the world protecting freedom and rights for you. So, come on. Give me an address where we can meet.
Powerport comes out tomorrow morning!
I'm very excited about having my port removed at 8:20 on Wednesday. I'm a little apprehensive because I don't want to SEE it being removed. Also, I wondered if you can feel the cath portion being pulled out of your arteries. I'm not much of a nekkid dancer, so I'll just smile really big. Anyone know about the questions/…
6 weeks out from chemo now and got my port out (any diabetes people out here?)
Have to say that was the best reason for surgery I can think of. I am assuming that the doc wouldn't say ok if it wasn't (ok don't ever assume anything, but it was clean up chemo after the resection), but found it odd that I haven't had a scan or anything yet. I have to set up a colonoscopy appt before I see the Onc again…
Questions regarding Sloan or Vanderbilt
Hello. I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer in January of 2007 (at the age of 34). Over the last 2 1/2 years, I have been on a number of different chemo regimens and have had two liver resections (actually, the surgeon just removed two small segments each time). Our family has certainly gone through a trmendous amount of…
Second Opinion
We went to the Huntsman Cancer Inst. on July 28th. We met his new onc. We really like her and the place and the other staff that we were able to meet. How ever the prognosis is still the same. No chance for surgery. We really didn't except that to change but I guess a little part of me didn't want it to be off the table…
Things NOT to do during CHEMO
Several questioned me about this. Cat Litter: Cat litter (dirty) contains a parasitic bacteria that is very dangerous to pregnant women and during chemo. I received a booklet, which I have since thrown away, that said not to clean cat litter during chemo. Oysters: Oysters contain a bacteria that attacks your liver. If the…
We were given instructions for prep. for the PET scan and it includes... The day/night prior to and morning of the PET, Hop is to do absolutely NOTHING, including reading, any exercise, if he wants or needs something, I'm to do it for him...No chewing of gum.NOTHING...Can someone explain why for us? Marygale
Please "Bump" Recent Threads
With all of this spam activity it is very difficult to find and follow any of the recent threads. Perhaps if those of us who recently initiated a thread could find it, comment on it and get it bumped back to the top we can still catch up and connect. Sheeesh! Some people! Rob; in Van
No spring chicken!
I got a new propane powered weed whacker, I've been weed eating for days. I've been trying to catch up from the months I was without one and for the time I was down with surgeries. Two days ago I was weeding and something got thrown into my leg, just far enough to break the skin. I didn't think anything of it, it's…
Happy Birthday Patteee
Happy birthday Patteee I hope it going to be a great day and wish for many more. Jeff Happy to be here!!!
Mexico trip question
I am leaving in the morning and was woundering that when I get to the airport will I have any problems getting through security with all of my ostomy supplies?? Pat
Thinning hair, Shave or not?
Hi, I am currently on Folfiri and Erbitux. I have lost significant amt of hair on sides and top of my head. Has slowed down somewhat, but am wearing my wig when i am out of the house. Did most of you shave the rest off, or just leave it? Do you think it is from the irriotican or the Erbitux? Also, thanks to previous post…
medical marijuana, Has it help anybody on here?
I went down and got my card a few months ago and did get some medical marijuana. I have found that it does help me and was wondering if anyone has used medical marijuana too? Has it helped?
The beach!
Hey, Gang. Later today my husband and I are taking our older grandson to Myrtle Beach for the weekend. He just turned 7, and this is our birthday present to him. So, my usual request when I'm going to be gone-nobody do anything drastic! See y'all Sunday night! *hugs* Gail
we are being spammed
is the correct response to flag the comment?
Cancer Sucks!
Early this week it was discovered that I have another recurrence of cancer. This time in the bone of my lower back. (*&%$@... enter favorite expletive here!!) This was confirmed by way of bone and CT scans after I complained of some pain in the tailbone area. I have met with my oncologist and he has referred me to the BC…
Swine Flu
Wonder if anyone else out there is concerned about getting the swine flu.......here I am getting on a plane Friday to go to my high school reunion in Alabama and wondering if I should wear a mask. I am doing ok, chemo ended in Dec. and latest scans and blood work are good but I wonder if my immune system is back to its…
Compared to other things this seems trivial but need advice
Since my diagnosis and surgery I have had people who have gone through different types of cancer offer their advice and experiences. I am very grateful but need to know from those who have what I have. One thing that keeps coming up is juicing. I am prepared to purchase a juicer and would not mind giving it a try but I…
Here you go after 17 months of being on here now you can finally see who your talking too. Pat
first day of chemo
Well I am off to my first chemo treament, my son is going with me, I think it is partly for support and partly because he is afraid I will not go. But I have honestly come to terms that this is something I have to do and I am going throught with it. I read a book this week called When God Winks at You. It says that when…
H1N1 flu shot
Has anyone had the H1N1 flu spray yet?? I"m not sure if I should get it or not. I do usually get the normal yearly flu shot so I"m thinking I should get this one too. Any thoughts?
Epitome of Blind Faith
Hi everyone, I posted this yesterday. I just believe this is truly blind faith. Some of you will take it the other way. That's your choice. If you are outside the box, which cancer patients need to be most of the time it will allow for a clear view. I try to be their all the time it let's me find my space, the view is…
after reversal of illestomy
new to discussion board but I have so many unanswered questions concerning my husband. He had rectal cancer in 2008. 13 inches of his rectum section removed. Started leaking and illestomy put on one month after surgery. Wore illestomy for 6 months. Removed 6 months ago (Thank God). He is still having problems now. Many,…
for menrights
What form of treatment did you received? When were you diagnose? Did you have any surgery?
Not the colon this time
I think I'm being tested again to see where my breaking point is. I hope I never find out! My pap results arrived in the mail this afternoon. "Not entirely normal." "The exam did not show a clear reason for this." What? How can it be abnormal with no reason? I called the clinic where my OB/GYN is now (this was my first…