Mom's CT Scan Results - Switching from FOLFOX to FOLFIRI

KFen725 Member Posts: 108 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Mom just had her first CT scan following dx, after 4 treatments with FOLFOX. It looks as if her 3 lesions on her liver have stayed the same size, and there may possibly be a tiny new lesion as well.

They are switching her to FOLFIRI starting tomorrow. Prob won't do Avastin with it because she had some heart issues with that while she was taking it.

Mom is wanting to know what your experiences have been with FOLFIRI. With Folfox her hair just thinned, and she's hoping that it would be the same with the Folfiri. Also, she is wondering what other side effects people dealt with on Folfiri. Obviously, we won't miss the neuropathy from the oxy, so that will be one less one to worry about.

Anyway, if you have any thoughts or pieces of advice for her new regime, we would greatly appreciate it!


  • KFen725
    KFen725 Member Posts: 108 Member
    ...and one more question:
    Also, I am wondering if anyone on here had better results from Folfiri after having minimal results from Folfox? We were really bummed that the Folfox didn't do much.

  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    KFen725 said:

    ...and one more question:
    Also, I am wondering if anyone on here had better results from Folfiri after having minimal results from Folfox? We were really bummed that the Folfox didn't do much.


    Hey There
    I was diagnosed back in January of 09 with Stage 4 Colon cancer with a met to the liver, and put on Folfiri with Avastin in February. Does your mom have a port? if not, I'd suggest she get one, it makes chemo delivery so much easier, I couldn't imagine doing chemo without it. I am to do 12 rounds, and this Wednesday, will be my 11th! then 1 more to go!

    I have not had any neuropathy thank god, I am so scared of Oxy, I'm glad they started me on the Folfori. The Folfiri will give you quite a bit of nausea, so make sure she gets some really good anti-nausea meds like Emend and Dexamethasone. I use those along with Zofran, compazine, and ativan. The chemo will make you feel abit "groggy" and does come along with diarrhea. But everyone is different on chemo, make sure you treat any kind of diarrhea with Immodium-AD. I also take Miralax in some juice everyday to help keep regular.

    I Have been hospitalized at least 4 times with 5 surgeries during treatment, (not because of the chemo) I had an emergency Colostomy that had to be done to a perforated colon, but they also got alot of the cancer out. I was to due my 4th session, but had to wait to be healed of course. I should have been done by now, but then a couple obstructions, which was due to scar tissue from the surgeries.

    My hair was long and thick, up to my waist when I started, but my onc said I wouldn't lose my hair, I would get thinning though, and that's what happened, It thinned alot, there were clumps of hair in my hands in the shower, and I would just be in tears, but I got my 14 year old daughter to just cut it up to my shoulders, so the weight would just be lighter and maybe more wouldn't come out, and I'd say by about the 7th treatment, it did lighten up, it's so thin, and short, above my shoulders, but no more hair is coming out, and I have 2 more treatments to go!

    I wish she'd get the Avastin, it's an excellent drug, my onc said it's very good for the liver, and my body is responding well to the chemo, and according to my recent CT Scan, the tumors in my liver have greatly shrunken. SHe said we were going the way she wants it to go! it Was very encouraging news.

    So, really, I get infused for a few hours at the infusion center with the chemo drugs, then get 5fu hooked up to a pump on Wednesdays, (every other week) that I bring home for 46 hours, which a home health aide comes and unhooks me that Friday, then the day after, I feel very tired for the next 4 days, it will feel like a truck hit you, just really wiped out, but don't worry, keep hydrated and drink lots and lots of water! you don't want to have obstructions like I had, but after about the 4th day, you'll see yourself bouncing back to your normal self, and will start feeling good again, then by that time, you have to go back for the next round of chemo!

    Just don't give up! You can do this! If I can, You Can! Some days I would ask if this was really worth it, and you know, it is! it really is! any questions, just let me know!

  • KFen725
    KFen725 Member Posts: 108 Member
    Shayenne said:

    Hey There
    I was diagnosed back in January of 09 with Stage 4 Colon cancer with a met to the liver, and put on Folfiri with Avastin in February. Does your mom have a port? if not, I'd suggest she get one, it makes chemo delivery so much easier, I couldn't imagine doing chemo without it. I am to do 12 rounds, and this Wednesday, will be my 11th! then 1 more to go!

    I have not had any neuropathy thank god, I am so scared of Oxy, I'm glad they started me on the Folfori. The Folfiri will give you quite a bit of nausea, so make sure she gets some really good anti-nausea meds like Emend and Dexamethasone. I use those along with Zofran, compazine, and ativan. The chemo will make you feel abit "groggy" and does come along with diarrhea. But everyone is different on chemo, make sure you treat any kind of diarrhea with Immodium-AD. I also take Miralax in some juice everyday to help keep regular.

    I Have been hospitalized at least 4 times with 5 surgeries during treatment, (not because of the chemo) I had an emergency Colostomy that had to be done to a perforated colon, but they also got alot of the cancer out. I was to due my 4th session, but had to wait to be healed of course. I should have been done by now, but then a couple obstructions, which was due to scar tissue from the surgeries.

    My hair was long and thick, up to my waist when I started, but my onc said I wouldn't lose my hair, I would get thinning though, and that's what happened, It thinned alot, there were clumps of hair in my hands in the shower, and I would just be in tears, but I got my 14 year old daughter to just cut it up to my shoulders, so the weight would just be lighter and maybe more wouldn't come out, and I'd say by about the 7th treatment, it did lighten up, it's so thin, and short, above my shoulders, but no more hair is coming out, and I have 2 more treatments to go!

    I wish she'd get the Avastin, it's an excellent drug, my onc said it's very good for the liver, and my body is responding well to the chemo, and according to my recent CT Scan, the tumors in my liver have greatly shrunken. SHe said we were going the way she wants it to go! it Was very encouraging news.

    So, really, I get infused for a few hours at the infusion center with the chemo drugs, then get 5fu hooked up to a pump on Wednesdays, (every other week) that I bring home for 46 hours, which a home health aide comes and unhooks me that Friday, then the day after, I feel very tired for the next 4 days, it will feel like a truck hit you, just really wiped out, but don't worry, keep hydrated and drink lots and lots of water! you don't want to have obstructions like I had, but after about the 4th day, you'll see yourself bouncing back to your normal self, and will start feeling good again, then by that time, you have to go back for the next round of chemo!

    Just don't give up! You can do this! If I can, You Can! Some days I would ask if this was really worth it, and you know, it is! it really is! any questions, just let me know!


    Donna, thanks!
    Donna, I know your story well as I read the boards every day. I was secretly hoping you might respond since I know you've been on this regime. :) Thanks so much for writing.

    Mom has already been through 4 treatments with Folfox (and 2 included Avastin), so yes she does have a port and is kind of used to the chemo game. I am just hoping that the Folfiri isn't that much worse for her side effect-wise, especially with the diarrhea. Sounds like the medicines really do help, though.

    Thanks again for taking the time to write!
  • davidh03
    davidh03 Member Posts: 9
    Switched to Folfiri
    My mom switched from Folfox to Folfiri and her hair fell out. On Folfox her hair thinned a little bit like your mom's but, after about 4 or 5 treatments of Folfiri most of my mom's hair started coming out and it became very thin. She didn't shave her head but just got a really short haircut and a wig.

    She did get some neuropathy from the Oxalyplatin but it seems like the Folfiri is effective.
  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    I did lose my hair while on a combination of Avastin, Irinotecan, and xeloda (similar to FOLFIRI) during chemo for a recurrence 2 years ago.

    Upon initial diagnosis (Fall 2004) I did 6 sessions each FOLFOX and FOLFIRI because my onc wanted me to have the benefit of both Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan. No hairloss then!

    Good luck to you Mom...

    Rob; in Van
  • Shayenne
    Shayenne Member Posts: 2,342
    KFen725 said:

    Donna, thanks!
    Donna, I know your story well as I read the boards every day. I was secretly hoping you might respond since I know you've been on this regime. :) Thanks so much for writing.

    Mom has already been through 4 treatments with Folfox (and 2 included Avastin), so yes she does have a port and is kind of used to the chemo game. I am just hoping that the Folfiri isn't that much worse for her side effect-wise, especially with the diarrhea. Sounds like the medicines really do help, though.

    Thanks again for taking the time to write!

    I'm here...
    ....for you whenever you need to talk, it seems Folfox and Folfiri seem to be the standard choices for this cancer.

    There are always meds to help with any side effects, My onc said this chemo is alot more tolerable then the Folfox. She didn't want to give me Folfox becayse it was winter, and she didn't want me to have that cold sensitivy Folfox brings, especially in the cold, and if it didn't work, we would then have had to try it, but it's not so bad, the nausea can be, but there's good stuff for that ;)

    You could ask away anything to me or pm me even, I wouldn't have bitten :) but let me know how your mom does on this, I wish her alot of luck, and she'll be in my thoughts and prayers :)
