Cancer and Advanced Cancer....
I was wondering, if people are at Stage 4 Advanced Cancer to a person who is at a Stage 4 Cancer, I thought it was advanced anyway at any stage, but what is the difference? Is Stage 4 advanced too late too do anything with? Would it be too late to juice or try other alternatives? This kept me up last night wondering what…
Urge to move bowels that no longer exist--advice sought
Five and a half weeks I go I underwent a colostomy. Periodically I get incredible urge to deficate as if I had a functioning rectum. From those who have experienced this, how long will these urges last? I know its "normal"-the so=called amputation effect, but it at times drives me craZY......Thanks.....Steve
Can't Eat Popcorn?
If you can't eat popcorn because of an ileostomy/colostomy, diverticulitis, or for whatever reason, the following is a good substitution. My son mentioned it yesterday and I had forgotten all about it. You put some butter in the bottom of a pan (or margarine - I use the spray "I can't believe it's not butter" because it…
Meet My Girls!!
I want to introduce you folks to my beautiful daughters. Kelly 26, Robyn, 24, and Morgan 23. (I know! What can I say? ...we lived in the north in the early 80's and didn't have cable TV!) Anyways, they are awesome girls and great to have around. Especially all at once. I've posted pictures on the "expessions" page of my…
Oct. 12th is lmliess (Linda)'s Birthday!
♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to a special friend. ♪ ♫ We ♥ you bunches!
Hello everyone, Just checking in while my family gets ready to go out to dinner, we are in Sandestin on a trip that was set up for the Jack and Jill Foundation...It is for late stage cancer, very depressing but I thought it would be nice to get away. Anyway I am feeling like crap. My back is hurting and my liver feels sooo…
neuropathy in hands
I have started XELODA (capecitabine) pills and neuropathy is starting up in my hands. Does anyone know a way to slow it down or stop it entirely? I've already gone through this before with a different chemo treatment and my feet never did return to normal. Thanks for any information you might have.
problems after reconnection
I just joined last week and have already found information from all very helpful. But I have a new question: my husband wipes blood when he goes to pass bowel movements-is this normal, it does not happen all the time and the blood is not deep red.
Today I don't know which way is up
I should probably be posting this to the "Caregivers" forum, but it doesn't get as much action as this one, and I feel like I'm starting to get to know some of you guys. I wish this whole business of having cancer came with a user's manual. I don't know what the right thing to do is. Should I encourage my partner to…
Need To Vent- add yours too!
My main struggle, besides my constant painful constipation after my ileostomy reversal last month, is FOOD. I've lost 40 lbs since diagnosed. I know I look like a refugee. I KNOW I have to eat, but I am SICK of everyone telling me I have to eat- "that's your job", "do what ya gotta do", " don't you want to live?" etc..…
Thinking of You Craig
I'm thinking of you this week Craig as you gear up for the lung surgery on Thursday. I've posted an Alison Krauss video (Down in the River to Pray) and healing prayer for you on "A Cancer Journal" http://rob-pollock.blogspot.com/. To use the expression Adrian introduced upstream. "I am holding you in the light!" Peace and…
Problems after reversal of ileostomy
I am having severe diarrhea. Any ideas what I should be doing to prevent this?
Scan is Clear
I am happy to report that I talked to my oncologist today and she said my scan is clear and everything is normal. She even mentioned seeing the resection and the j-pouch and everything looks great. I am so excited as this was a very anxious wait and my first scan since December when I first found out. My oncologist said I…
"UPDATED "SURGERY Date Set for Oct 16th – Another SUNDANCE Update
Good Evening, Dearest Semi;Colon Family I met with my new surgical onc this past week to go back over everything. I needed to find a comfort zone and I wanted his medical opinion and input on what I should do about this surgery. All doubts have now been eliminated – he told me that the tumor has now moved INTO MY LUNG. So,…
Thank You
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to thank all of you for the hope you have given me. My 33 year old son was diagnosed with stage 4 CRC in January of this year. As a nurse I knew the "statical" survival rate for this stage...or so I thought. Then God blessed me with finding you guys and I have been glued to this site every since.…
Looks like he or she is still messing with the board...
The Reading Room: As Flu Vaccine Arrives For the Season, Some Questions and Answers
Recently, there has been some discussion on this board about the wisdom (or lack thereof) of getting regular seasonal flu shots and/or the H1N1 flu vaccine (nasal delivery or injection). Today's New York Times ran the linked question/answer piece on the H1N1 vaccine which I thought might be of interest. Incidentally, our…
Vitamin D3, and another great post
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_D I'm at work so just sending the link.
Help with depression
Since my most recent cancer symptoms my wife seems to have fallen into depression. She's had to cope with issues and problems she's never encountered before. I know the last 18 months has been hard on her. She was diagnosed with depression many years ago and had a slight bout of postpartum. Now she seems to be getting…
User Name 32 is infecting our board, links are corrupted beware
Not quite sure what is happening but Username32 post this last few days are filled with infected links, don't go to them and will someone who knows some thing try and fix it thanks Winney
Stage IV - recurrance in liver
Hi everyone. I am new to this board. I was diagnosed in Oct 2007 and had surgery in late Feb 2008 after some chemo and radiation. Second surgery in April to remove lung met. Then a little more chemo. Third surgery Sept 9, 2009 to remove liver met. Now my oncologist wants me to undergo 6 more months of chemo. Has anyone had…
WinneyPooh, update day TWO
I Came home yesterday, Wow it was very hard, i never like to takeing pain meds, but yesterday it was like candy, I could not get c0mfortable, I was convinced i'd have to go back to the hospital. But some how I woke up this morning and i felt good, i even got my own toast and helped my mom go thru the refrig, for a shopping…
It appears this discussion board has been hijacked by "username32." It's a sad pathetic day when a simple yet very powerful cancer support like ours has been tapped into by a computer moron with nothing better to do. My heart nearly sank when I saw the post from "andreae" brought up from the archives. Us "veterans"…
Send e-mails to CSN!
I've already sent them 2 e-mails. Maybe if they get a flood of e-mails about the spam it will grab their attention.
An opinion on usermane32
You are a despicable person, why on earth would you come to a Cancer site for people who are fighting for their lives and SPAM it? You have no compassion and a hard heart. May Karma come back and get you whee it hurts the most. I hope you pick up a life threatening virus on your oh so valuable computer you SPAM from and it…
Irontecan/Erbitus vs. "#3CO62". Help!!
My friend Mark is faced with yet another tough decision - start the more traditional Irontecan/Erbitux treatment or go on another experimental trial. The doctor is pushing the trial. Mark has stage IV rectal cancer with tumors in his liver and lungs. The last regimen was working at first but took a turn for the worst. He…
Newbie From Miami area
I am a new member of the semi-colon club and look forward to sharing thoughts and ideas with other members. My story is a little different, though, as the day after my surgery (in late October), when I was sitting in a chair in recovery, I had a heart attack and came pretty close to dying(by the way, I am a "young" and…
Friday morning laughs
Hi Guys: I had chemo #7 yesterday,which made me throw up and break out hives last night. I still have swollen face and big lips, looking like a bad botox job! So, I'm desperately in need of a good Friday morning laugh! And lo', I've stashed away a good tapework joke for occassions just like this :) , straight from the…
The stress is really starting to hit
Before the whining, I have to say how very happy and grateful I am to have found this board. I just signed up and have read several posts and everyone seems so wonderful. Now the whine... I first got diagnosed with colon cancer on my 16th birthday. I feel like I somehow kind of cheated with that one. It was found during my…
Hey, this is Donna's daughter
This is Shan, my mom Donna is doing better and should be home in a few days.She wants to thank you all for your prayers and to Beth for posting on how she is. She is looking forward to coming home and chatting with you all soon, maybe in 2 days. Thanks for keeping my mom in your thought, Hugs to you. Shana