HAI Hepatic Pump - Recovery Time Question
I might be having a hepatic pump placed into my abdomen next week. For those of you that have this, what was the procedure like? How much pain was involved? What was the recovery time? Thanks Everyone!
Brrrrr it's COLD!!! More OXI questions
Sorry to bother so much but I am still learning the ropes with all of this chemo and side effects stuff. Someone mentioned some Neoprene gloves to wear to help with the cold...Where can I find these? Does anyone else have any recommendations in this area. I would like my husband to be able to do for himself if he wants but…
chemo man
My son who is 39yrs old and has stage 3 colon cancer just finished his 4th chemo treatment the other day. He posted this on facebook. By the way he is in Canada today deer hunting and we live in TX. Bobby Minchew: Who can take a needle....and stick you with a smile? Who can feed you poison...for quite a long while? Who can…
caregiver question
Does anyone know of a "Caregiver" site? I would like to get everything in place for my wife as my time for departing seems to be nearing. I'm still up and about but MD says it's tme for hospice intervention and I have a few of the tell tale signs. "Good News" is,I know where I'm going...have a place bought and paid for on…
scan results
I got my results today, Onc.says everything is stable and pain in back is not from anything they see on the scan. I feel very relieved but still wondering about the pain. Thank you so much for the prayers. God Bless, Patti
First Onocological Appointment - what questions should we ask?
Well, we knew it was going to come sooner or later the Onocological Appointment. Dennys appointment is scheduled for Monday at 12:30 the clinic called today. We will arrive about an hour early to get some test done. Even though we expected the phone call eventually - we hated that it actually did as it confirmed no this…
HELP!!! High Amonia Levels...any ideas why?
I am still in hospital... for many things.... this is newest thing...ANY HELP??? jENNIE
What kind of supplements are you taking for your feet???/ I still have tingeling and some pain in my feet also..I am 6 months done with treatment...Thanks JULIE
Fentanyl pain patch
Anybody familiar with the Fentanyl 12 mcg/hr transdermal system patch for pain? Did it help relieve pain? Any side effects? Trouble Breathing? Been using percocet but still hurting. Don't know if I should try this stuff.....Thanks....Steve
Remedy for aches and pains we all have now
Home Remedy for aches and pains! Goat Tears. Click here for 1 min. video
Cetuximab rash
I got it bad, I got asked "what happened to your face"? You should see the other guy, I said, keeping a sense of humor.
Nightmares and bad dreams
I've had more nightmares in the last few weeks than in my life! They seem to be based on news stories, t.v. shows or even commercials. Dumb stuff that turns scary. I've never had trouble sleeping but this is waking me, sometimes several times a night. Anyone else? I'm not on any medication and my caffeine intake hasn't…
Getting closer
I saw the surgeon today. The cultures done from the port site did grow a very rare anaerobic bacteria. None of the surgeons and none of the staff at the hospital or doctor's office has ever seen or heard, of a port getting infected within a day of insertion. I've always got to be the oddball. I finally had him look over…
Far-infrared light therapy - can it hurt?
We have some good friends who own a far-infrared light therapy "bed" (like a cot) and they have offered it to us for Richard to use. I have done a little research on the Internet and have found mixed claims - some sites claim it as an all-out cure for cancer, but others have debunked that. The claim is that cancer cannot…
Maintenance Therapy??
I am on my 12th round of treatment of the Folfiri w/ Avastin but still not operable, my CEA markers showed that back in May, I was 140, and now I am at 60, so that's good, she said my blood was good, and the tumors aren't showing much activity, I just wonder how bad my liver is where they can't resect it, they want me to…
CT Scan & Bloodwork
Just asking for prayers that my CT Scan and bloodwork comes back ALL CLEAR. Again, thanks for your continued support, comfort, advice, and laughs. Love ya all :) Shelly
So happy to see you on line, I have been thinking about you lots in the last couple months. You haven't posted right, or did I miss them?? How are you?
Spiritual Healing
Hi, Yesterday a friend of ours took us to spiritual healing, it's not really a church but a ministry. There were about 12 people there discussing about the bible and stuff and then after they ask who needs prayer, so my friend said to raise my hand. So they went around and prayed for the people there and this lady comes to…
What is the difference between folfox 4 and folfox 6. I had folfox 4 with oxy a year ago and now I'm reading about folfox 6. Just curious. Thanks for your help. Blessings to all, Debbie (gramma)
A mental blow - and a new game plan
Richard's been on Avastin/Oxi for 6 months now. His 3 month PET was so encouraging, we expected to see further good results from the 6 month PET. Nope. New mets in the liver, so now we're switching plans. It was a blow - almost like diagnosis day all over again. He just had a port put in, and will start the new regimen -…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET ALLOWED :) RIDDLE: There were 4 people sitting in a row, trying to win $50 from a riddle. The one in front was wearing a red hat. The second from the front was wearing a blue hat. The third from the front was wearing a red hat. The last was wearing a blue hat and is blind-folded. Each…
Something in the air yesterday in California too
I agree that something was in the air yesterday. After I had gone to get my PICC line dressing changed I ran into a friend who I havent seen in 5 weeks or so. She stated that I'm sure loosing weight with this cancer thing. I talked with her for awhile then went home and lost it. I cryed for awhile, called my brother and…
Anal abscess and fistula -- what next?
For all those of you out there who've had colorectal or anal cancer, I completed my treatment for anal canal cancer in May 09 (surgery/rad/chemo-5FUwithMit). I've overcome fatigue (for the most part) and muscle weakness in my legs (PT helped). Now I've been treated twice for an anal abscess (the surgeon didn't get it all…
Prayers for Craig
I am going to be on my knees praying for Craig at 8 p.m. I realize we cannot coordinate doing it at the same time with all the different time zones but that just means if we all pray at 8 p.m. in our own time zones we`ll be doing it in shifts. Those of you who believe in prayer please pray with me at 8 p.m. If you do not…
For those on Social Security or CSRS pension
No cost of living for 2010;yet health plan costs increasing
Last Chance with Christmas Cards!
OK Everyone, last chance to get me or Beth your address so that we may be able to spread some Chistmas or Hannukah, or whatever Holiday cheer it is for you then (please let me know) as I will be putting this together hopefully this weekend if my 12th round hasn't kicked my butt! Just PM me or Beth, so we can get this…
Hello everyone, new member here 38 years old.
Hello everyone I am a new member to the boards here. I was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Drs are guessing that I am currently at a stage 2 and hoping that surgery and chemo will take care of me. About 2 months ago I woke up in the morning with what I felt were gas pains in my abdomen. pain was so bad at times that…
Living with cancer/treatment a post for newbies and lurkers
I was jusr thinking about starting this post this morning, and if some of you can add to it that would be great. It's just for newbies, and lurkers out there who are afraid to post, not sure what life is like living with cancer or going through treatment. Just thought it might help, as I know we have our bio page etc but…
CEA way down!
Hey Gang - John's CEA went from a whopping 60 before cyber knife to 12 afterwards! We are having champagne tonight - Adrian
Anybody have any numbness to their feet after Oxali treatment? I finished treatment 2/13/04 and me feet are killing me. They are completely numb and they ache, especially at the end of the day. Sometimes the ache creeps up my legs. The doc says the numbness should be starting to dissipate. How long is this going to last?…