My Birthday Too! October 4th!!
NOT wanting to miss the October Birthday bandwagon!! On October 4th, 1957, under the sign of "the scales", in Fayetteville, Arkansas, I was brought into this world! The world's eyes were on the October Sky with the launch of the Soviet Sputnik. Be Well... Rob; in Vancouver "Verily, verily, he who does not toot his own…
stage 4 w mets to spine and lungs
Hey everyone! Long story short, stage 4 colon cancer with mets to lymph nodes for the past year. I have done 12 rounds of 5fu, surgery, they back on maintenance chemo. I just found out it is now in an area of my spine and lungs. I have done 10 radiation treatments for he spinal area and will start chemo (xeloda,…
Cancer tee shirts what do you think ??
Hi its michelle There are some t shirts i found on the internet that say cancer sucks some say fu.. colon cancer and i wanted to buy one and wear it so poeple can read it and maybe get them thinking about getting checked but i may offend alot of people , since you all are fighting hard because of the cancer would you be…
HAI Pump Questions
Hi- Anyone with experience with HAI Pump? Sister dx 3/09 stage IV with mets to liver and peritoneum. Supposed to undergo liver resection 8/26 but found another tumor. Waiting another scan. May do HAI pump. Can you comment on the treatment plan and how often they administer the chemo? Thanks! Marie
I'm worried about my husband
It's been a while since I posted, so a little background: my 58 year old husband was dx with stage 4 rectal cancer (with too numerous to count mets)to his liver. He is on foxfiri w/avastin & oxy. He has been doing very well. Even his drs are surprised at how well, and have gradually backed off from the "2 years of quality…
Anyone have radiation for Colon Cancer? What are side effects
I will be having radiation . I'm scared to death. Will I hae nasty sores and pain in my butt from it? Will it radically effect my everyday life- Walking, Sitting, laying etc??? I am really scared. I will be having my ileostomy reversed next week and I understand there's alot of diarreah and accidents post-reversal. So…
Surgery Wednesday
Hello Everyone, First, thank you for sharing your lives on this board. It has helped me understand so much as caregiver to my husband. He doesn't always let me "in" to what he is thinking so this board is great. Even though I know we are all different, we somehow are alot the same (as Sundance has shown us)! Anyway, my…
side effects - increasing - advise please
Just completed #5 of 12 treatments Oxaliplatin, 5-FU and Leucovorin and was wondering if what I'm experiencing is typical. Treatments 1 & 2 were tolerable but #3 hit me really hard, extreme exhaustion, cold sensitivity, shortness of breath, strong food reaction, muscle aches in calves and forearm, headache, sour stomach,…
Any other females under age 50, dx of stage III here?
I'm trying to get a better feel for the numbers. I know I shouldn't dwell on things like that, but I'm an accountant (although I've branched out into travel). I can't help it - I am a number fanatic and over-analyze things statistically. I've read the survival rates on hospital literature, and Internet sites etc., but I…
Please, call me NED.
Got results from CT scan today - NED!!!! Woohoo!!! Thought I was going to commit murder before I finally got the results, but after hearing the words "clean scan" I felt like kissing everyone I came in contact with (I refrained). This is the first scan since I completed chemo in December for Stage IIIa rectal cancer. I…
Surgery is scheduled
Had the appt with the surgeon and my surgery is scheduled for October 29th at 7:15. They will be doing the following. Laparoscopic assisted proctosigmoidectomy, coloanal anastomosis, and a loop ileostomy. I don't post very often but to recap. I was Dx on 7/1/9 with stage IIa rectal cancer. I went through 5 weeks of…
Starting over
I am going in for a Liver biopsy today to see what is going on in the same spot where my liver resection removed the lesion in July. My PET scan done 2 1/2 months post op showed uptake their at the same liver site and apparently a lymph node was showing some uptake during the PET. Going to also go back to MAYO clinic and…
I'm Back!!!!
Hi Everyone!!!! Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts, I actually had another small bowel obstruction last week, ended up in the hospital for 5 days, which luckily resolved on its own, and didn't need surgery! YAY! also, my computer needed some fixing and was in the shop for abit..... I really need to try and force…
Constipation after surgery
Hi all, I was recently diagnosed rectal sygmoidal cancer in August 2008, underwent neo-adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy and have was just discharged from hospital after a lower abdominal resection. The incisional pain is now subsiding. But I am experiencing constipation everyday with very little bowel movement. I am…
I am Retarded
Several of you have added me to your friends list and every time I try to add you to mine the page disappears. I click on the name and then the page goes bye bye. Apparently I am retarded and don`t know how to add friends. So if you got no response it is not because I am blowing you off it is because I am mentally…
Pet/CT shows a 1.8 cent spot on liver
Hi, we got my hubbys results today.. dx June 08 colon cancer in transverse colon.. 18 in removed 1 pos node. 6 mos of folfox. Now a spot on his liver! Going to see a oncology surgeon, prob full work up, biopsy, surgery. We are in shock, because the onc told him in July his chemo was only a precaution, and apparantly this…
Hey Michele, How are you mmaking out??? Have not heard from you in awhile are you ok????? JULIE
The Reading Room :Terms and Abbreviations.......
This was something that Kimby had earmarked that I found ......... ACRONYM ABBREVIATIONS: ac = before meals ADL = activities of daily life (eating, dressing, showering, etc.) Anti-angiogenesis - the process of stopping new blood vessels from forming APR = anterior perineal resection Bevacizumab (Avastin) - a drug used to…
Lynch Syndrome update stuff
Hi! I have not been back to this site in several months. I share my computer with my family, so my time is limited, but I miss all of the love and support. I always feel "changed" after reading the posts on here. So, just to update- female, dnx colon cancer age 36 stage IV. Hit my 5 year NED last August except ohh, yeah,…
awaiting Chemo
I had a history of Ulcerative colitis for 22 years. I was routinely check via colonscopy every 15-18 months. Upon my last examination in May they detected a small area that was cancerous. I went to Mt Sinai Hospital for a colostomy but ended up in a night mare. I had stage 4 cancer in my periteneal cavity. (18 of 31 lym…
blockage of veins and blood clots
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I wrote, but i was wondering if anyone has had this. In July my face was very swollen and I felt alot of pressure in my face and head. I ended up with a blood clot at the catheter of my port, I have been on coumadin since then and it has gone away! Just last week my face was VERY…
Hi Dear Ones, I have a question and would like your thoughts on it. I was at my cancer support group (it's for metastastic cancer) and asked everyone what your supposed to say when people ask you if they got all the cancer,if your cured,why your not back to work,when will you be cancer free etc. They all said that cancer…
Hello everyone, Has anyone ever heard of Tenanus? I tried looking it up but maybe I am spelling it wrong. The doctor seems to think that is what hubby has now. He is still going to the bathroom 25 - 30 times a day. They put him on Steroid suppositories twice a day and Lomotil 2 tabs 4 times a day to try to calm his bowels…
Friday Riddle
RIDDLE: Einstein's Riddle The story behind Einstein's riddle is that Albert Einstein created it in the late 1800s, and claimed that 98% of the world population couldn't solve it. I am not sure of the true origin, but I have seen this one floating around the internet, and it is a good brain exercise. Here it is: - In a…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winnder is phillieg! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: 2. Are you good at math? Complete the last two in this sequence: 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, 11=?, 12=? ANSWER: The solution for both is 6, because that is the number of letters in the name of the numbers.
When constipation is serious
Hi, All I have not had a BM in two days, was doing fine and i had some muscle cramps so i took two pain pills over a 24 hour period and now i am really constipated,> For those of you responding who don't know I am stage 4 with a pretty good size mass in my rectum. I have mostly direah or loose stools from the chemo it has…
Just Found This SIte: It's Great
Hello! I just found this site and it is just what I need. I was dx in April with Stage 4 colorectal cancer. What a shock! Had no symptoms and had my colonoscopy 4 yrs ago when I turned 50. They say the cancer has been there at least 3 yrs. Have been getting FOLFOX6 and have 2 more to go. Plan is to put me on some sort of…
Weepy eye from Xeloda
Hi I have a weepy eye from using Xeloda. It was suggested to take Claritin to see if that would dry it up. Well, it didn't help much with the weepy eye but it sure helped with bowel problems. It's works better and faster than immodium. Who would have thought! It seems to dry up the constants leakage that comes from all the…
Radio show opportunity to talk about cancer
Hello my beloved online cancer community! I have the opportunity to talk tomorrow morning-probably very briefly-about the patient's perspective on cancer treatment as a guest of my oncology clinic and the local radio station. I have my opinions, but I also remember that right beside me all my cancer community and support…
102.4 fever
I juat finished treatment 12 and running a fever 102.4, I know I am suppose to call if it gets to 104. but is this an area of concern should I call the cancer center anyway? My fever was 101.3 last night. My throat is a bit achy.