Hello All: Thanks to all for thinking of me and sending me private messages. I got my CT scan results back Monday afternoon. They aren't great. One of the tumors in my liver has grown from 7 CM to 13 cm - that's a good bit and probably why I have been having more pain in my back, side and liver area, plus my temp. has been…
Bad day at the Onc. office
Hello everyone, I have been sobbing all day, I went in for to see the Onc. before chemo and I was telling him how my back was hurting and my liver is so tender. he cancelled the chemo and told me he wanted me to do another scan tomorrow. He said if things are getting worse he will change me to Irotecan, he said it would…
Can't sleep- it's almost 3 am-just venting
I see there are only 9 member up this time of night. I am usually getting close to getting up for the day (usually 4-4:30 am) but it seems things are changing rapidly after starting this new road in my life. I took an ambien before going to bed and woke up about 1 am and now can't seem to go back to sleep. I guess lack of…
Sundance's Last Post Before Surgery - "Let's Just Talk"
Dearest Semi;Colon Family :) It has been said that “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” And that’s exactly how I feel about it too. By now, all of you are aware of my upcoming lung surgery with Da Vinci this Friday, October 16th @ 7am (CST). So, I thought for this post, I would just sit down here and we could get comfortable…
Weight Loss
I am scheduled for surgery on the 29th. When you all had surgery did you lose weight afterwards? I am curious because I was on a diet before I was Dx on the 1st of July and had lost about 30 lbs. When I started chemo (Xeloda) and radiation, several people told me to go off of my diet because a majority of people will drop…
LifeRegenerator (Emily, Check him out!)
...To all who are interested in getting started juicing or eating healthier, I have been watching this guy on youtube all weekend who has been cracking me up, he is funny, and his videos are very informative, and it reminded me of Emily...have you seen this guy Emily? what do you think? But I wanted to see how to use a…
The Loss of Our Beloved
Dear Friends, It is with profound sadness that I share that my beloved sister made her transition this on Sunday. Like the apostle Paul she indeed "fought the the good fight, and finished the race". Thank you for all the support and love shown here on this board. Hugs and Luv, Blessings.
Tips on increasing White Blood Count?
Mom's chemo treatment was delayed a week because her White Blood Counts were low for the first time (I believe this would have been treatment #6). They told her that her number was 1000, but I'm not sure what that really means. Anyway, just wondering if any of you have any tips on anything that we can do at home to boost…
Port pain - update 10-08-09
I am concerned about my husband. He has a port in since 9/4/09. He is his first round of chemo on 9/15 with no problems. However, every once in a while he has pain in the area of the port. Is this normal? Is he doing something wrong like working it too much or lifting too much? Should we be making a special call or trip to…
Xelox versus leucovorin/oxaliplatin/5-fu
Thank you for listening to me. I had a tumor removed from my colon last month. It was large but had not grown through the wall of my colon and all lymph nodes were clear. (And everywhere else they checked!) Except for the tumor area, my colon was substantially healthy and I gained back 8 pounds within the next 3 weeks!…
Sending a personal message
Can someone please tell me how to send a personal message to someone on this site??? Thanks JULIE
CT Scans are clear
I finally got the results of my CT Scans. They are all clear, that means I stay at IIIB! (Tumor outside of the bowel and 1 lymph node involved) Still have to do clean up chemo and the Dr will watch closely to make sure there is no new involvement. Oh happy day!!! Jan
Phil's Pfamily Photos
Check out Phil's photos under expressions and listen to his music, see his photography talent and more! Phil, your boys are cute as can be. I love the photo of your family on the beach. Diane
dry mouth
anyone else experiencing extremely dry mouth, i can hardly keep it hydrated, at it wakes me up and i have to hold water in my mouth for several minutes so that it will feelnormal. Then igo back to sleepa nd it happens again, during the day i just drink water alll the time, what do you all think LIVE LAUGH GROW Winney
the ease and necessity of second opinions
I know there are various factors influencing second/third/etc opinions. I think insurance (or lack of), location, comfort or discomfort with first opinion- that all of these issues do complicate and muddy up the picture. But I need to put a plug in for second opinions! Personally I had to be led away from the colorectal…
Neuropathy in hands and feet
I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer last December. I completed 12 rounds of chemo in June and have found that my neuropathy is getting worse and worse since chemo ended. Numbness, needles and pins galore.I thought it would improve the longer I was removed from chemo. I'm wondering if it will ever get better. Taking…
To Msccolon
How are things going, drop us a line, I hope you are doing well..thinking about you michelle
Really rough day today
Whoa. what a day. I'll post more tomorrow if anyone is interested, but today was really tough. What should have been a routine sigmoidoscopy turned into an 8-hour ordeal. I've never seen a person in so much pain, even though he's had multiple kidney stones back in the pre-cancer days. It's now 11:30 pm and I'm really beat,…
Have question about fiber pilles
I had rectal cancer surgery March 26Th and I still hate my colostomy I am back to work went back Aug 1th. I seen the DR today cause I was in the hospital fore 2 day near the end of Sept cause I eat 2 corn on the cobs oh lord I got so sick I could not stop throwing up the corn stopped things inside from moving. I still have…
meet my family
This is the reason a fighting so hard against the beast. Picture in porfile. Jeff Just happy to be here!!
Reading Room: Football and Dementia
This is off-topic with cancer but not with our kids. I know that sports, especially football, is a favorite game for many people. Many people's kids are involved with it. I thought that while they may not want to hear what is said or maybe they are aware of the potential consequences, it's a newsworthy story. There is a…
anal and vaginal cancers together
I am undergoing treatment for both anal and vaginal cancer. Today will be my last day of radation and taking the chemo pill Xeloda. I have been told by my surgeon that I will have to wear a colostomy pouch for the rest of my life. I am a 75-year-old female, so while the colostomy pouch is not something I'm looking foward…
Excellent Book for both Caregivers and anyone with a Serious Illness
I thought it worthwhile to share this in a new thread, even though I've mentioned it elsewhere a few times. The other night I finished reading The Power of Two: Surviving Serious Illness with an Attitude and an Advocate by Gerri and Brian Monaghan. They tell their story together and it's an amazing story of tenacity and…
check out these kids
in my profile
Learned something new about myself
I'm a big puss when it comes to pills. I kind of already knew this but not really. Some years back I had to take an antibiotic that made me really ill. I took them but didn't like it. Well, I've been prescribed Xeloda. The only way my insurance will pay for it is through mail order. I got them this morning and have done…
Hello again - just stopping in to just say hi and ask a question
I just completed my 4th of 12 rounds of Folfox-6 and 8th of 26 rounds of Erbitux. I've had a few bumps in the road but so far so good. No lasting side effects so I'm thankful every day. I had a personal preference question - since I'm Stage IIIb with NED after surgery and 1 of 23 node involvements, would it be a bad idea…
Craig`s surgery
We all know what a blessing Craig has been to the board and I am returning the favor for the post he put up for me. Post here and send your prayers, good vibes, or whatever you feel comfortable with his way. Craig deserves all the goodness he can get. Not to discount the rest of you but he is the brother in immediate need…
Please help me to understand!
Hello, I am new to this board and my husband (and best friend ever) was diagnosed with colon cancer Sept 18, 2009 during a routine colonoscopy it was the last part of his complete physical. At that time a mass was found and they scheduled him for surgery (Right-Hemicoloectomy)Sept 28, 2009. Did not need a colostomy and the…
Kimby has been in the hospital
I don't know any details. She posted on Facebook two days ago that she's finally out of the hospital. I had hoped she'd post somewhere giving details. Keep her in your healing thoughts and prayers. She's such a precious person. Diane
crc has a five year survival rate of ZERO?
I just read a post that really got me down today. It is under the posting about death if anyone wants to have a look. It came from a old post that somebody states that crc has a five year survival rate of ZERO? Well, I dont know about anyone else but I dont think that's true. A lot of very old information is out there. I'm…