Back to reality!!
Today is my birthday and my last day in CABO. We had such a great time this week, but the time went by soooooooo fast! Boarding that plane in the am. Chat with you later! Raquel
New To Site w/Questions about hands, feet, port, eyes, fatigue, and so forth:
Hello. I am new to this site and needed opinions from others taking chemo treaments. I was diagnosed w/stage 3 colon cancer. I get chemo every other Monday and I just had finished my 3rd treatment out of 12. I have been having some strange side effects. My hands have turned black inside; they are swollen; numb; and hurt to…
Any Women Warriors Want to Try a Triathlon? (or 5k)
Hi you awesome women of the Semi-colons! If there are any of you that are secretly harboring a desire to embrace your inner athletic goddess and up the ante on your exercise regime, there is a Women's Only Triathlon hosted by Iron Girl, and IF you're a cancer survivor they will waive your entry fee ($95!!)if you write them…
Ah, the Dutch...my latest adventure:Baking!!!
I am attempting to bake bananna bread here in The Netherlands...now, the first hurdle was to find measuring spoons I could understand...Theelepel and Eetlepel just don't cut it, and most recipes here measure spices and leavening stuff (baking powder, etc) by weight in grams. But, each spice can weight different amounts, so…
Is it common to have a constant stomach ache with an ILLE
I have had a constant stomach ache with my ILLE so fr, going on two weeks, is this normal, I am drinking only water, milk and cranberry juice ( to help with my unrinary tract infection) eating samll meals and nothing after 7pm. Any thoughts? Live, Laugh< play Winney
CEA on Monday
Feburary- the CEA and colonoscopy month- I have now been off of chemo for a year, NED for 20months. oh joy So I will see my onc on Monday- haven't even seen him since August. I am not actually worried- just anxious- just the thought of the office brings on the dry heaves. Need a valium before going I guess. Not sure on the…
Good, no GREAT results!!
Hello - we are back from Houston and everything went great! Bloodwork was good and CT was clear. The only 'area of concern' was on the PET scan. There was a small area that showed up between the chest cavity and lungs BUT, I happened to pull a muscle right in that area the Friday night before we left for Houston packing…
anyone experience sore throat
Monday will be my 5th treatment. I had a pedicure on Friday and afterwards went walking through the mall for a long time. Later I began to feel my throat being sore. I also notice a sore throat before and during the first 3 days of the 4th treatment. Just wondering if anyone experienced the 'sore throat'...
Dog bit my Power Port
We have a 6 month old Maltese pup. She was on my chest while I was laying down watching TV biting at my pipe lighter thru my shirt pocket. All of a sudden she found another “lump” to bite. She got her jaws around that damn Power Port and bit hard. Talk about hurt. Mine has been a strange journey. I think they need a…
See What Happens When You Have Easy Winters :)
Will You Watch the Super Bowl?
I toned down my wording so as not to offend, but I usually call it the Stupid Bowl. Am I the only person who doesn't like football? Oh, I'll watch 'Facing the Giants' and cry through half the movie, cheering for the boys to win State, but that's as far as football gets with me. Who do you want to win?
Just wanted to say that I am looking forward to seeing you both post...Elizabeth about her surgery and Linda about her scan results. I hope all is well with both of you, Amy
hello..just wishing everyone here all the luck and success in your treatments!!!
Hi..i used to go on this message board 24/7 during my mom's 4 month journey. I just wanted to stop by and wish you guys a great superbowl weekend and an awesome road to recovery! take care y'all
alive and kicking
This is to encourage you all; I had surgery in July 2001 for stage 3 (C) colon cancer followed by Chemotherapy. I am alive and well after over 9 years in spite of some sinister polyps having to be removed at colonoscopy in the last few years. I stayed in touch with CSN for some years but then my time was required in other…
post surgery pain.
HI everyone, have a question, I hope you can help with. I am 3 weeks post bowel obstruction surgery and I was doing great and off pain medication. Over the past week the pain has gotten worse, not where the incision is but on the sides of my stomach. I am back on pain medication and it really hurts. I never exoperienced…
I'm doing the naked happy dance!! Well, maybe not naked, i don't want to scare the life out of my dog, but DANCING I BE!! I got the pathology back on the stricture, and there is no signs of cancerous life!!! The bleeding must be coming from the internal hemorrhoids (for once, they're right about that diagnosis!). I will…
Colon Cancer
I am in awe of all of your stories. I am amazed by the strength each of you show. I feel guilty posting this because as of right now, I am not sick. Here is my concern. I am a 37 year old female. Most of my life I've had stomach issues - not going or going too much. Cramps, pains, etc. This has happened since I was a…
Back home with illeostomy.
After 4 days in the hospital my husband is back home. His surgery went very well with no surprises. He's not feeling that great, still weak from surgery and trying to cope with his illeostomy. This is really the big issue for him since he only found out he would have a temporary one a few days before his surgery. Yesterday…
running out of chemo options and money
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. It has been a long time since I have posted. I hope you will be able to give me some ideas. I had chemo today. I have mets to my lungs. I have now reacted to oxi and cpt11 and can no longer receive them. I carry the k-ras mutation so erbitux is not an option. I spent 2009 stable…
How to Stay Young..........
HOW TO STAY YOUNG 1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them' 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle…
Dad is still NED
Hi everyone...Just want to update you on my father. Background: Diagnosed with colon cancer in 2005. Had surgery to remove cancer, but then it showed up in liver; Had chemo for six months and cancer was completely gone. He has been NED for 3 1/2 years after his last chemo treatment. I remember his onc telling us that the…
tried my dry skin remedy yet
Has anyone tried my hand treatment yet I use it 3 x aday and have not had a skin crack any where and my hands are so soft...it is something you have to do daily and often but it did work for me...
Lights, Camera, and ACTION!!! Craig and DaVinci Story Aired on Local News - Here is the Link to See
Good Mornin' Out in Semi;Colon Land :) Well, the moment I've been waiting for so long has finally arrived!!! KTVT-Channel 11 aired my story on the 10pm news the other night. I don't have to tell you that it was "highly emotional" to see a decade of your life (2000-2010) played out in front of your eyes in 3 minutes :) It…
Liver Resection a NO GO
Looks like I am not a candidate for the liver resection. New scans show the damn tumor decided to take up residence right up on the top of the main ventricle and then wrap itself around it for good measure. The surgeon says the surgery would be too risky and no chance of clear margins if they did try. At least the…
praying for pee
thanks for all the prayers, everything went well, i am still here, but i hope to go home as soon as i pee, s help me by praying for pee. winney
Shout out to my stomies
Hey everybody. Stewie here - Roger's stoma. Roger just fell asleep right in front of the computer, so I thought I'd say hello. Poor guy. He's been all over the place emotionally tonight. One minute he's crying. The next he's laughing. Then crying again. At one point he was dancing around the room naked. It's taken Rog and…
Median Sternotomy
Hey everyone! Mine is scheduled for 2/24, with bilateral exision of lung nodules. If any of you guys have been thru one, can you let me know what it was like? The recovery and all...thanks! -Sheri
Report on my latest CT Scan
Yesterday I had my doctor's appointment and chemo. I slept all through chemo, got home and went right back to bed and back to sleep. Slept until 5:00 p.m. then went back to bed at 9:30 p.m. It really wiped me out this time. I feel okay today, though, still a little tired. The scans were "unremarkable". Of my seven tumors…
what date do you use to be your NED date? Is it the last day of chemo if no cancer is showing on scans or some other date.
Help w/ eating healthy when eating out (Emily, anyone?)
I go to lunch with friends every Tuesday and to dinner once a month with another set of friends. Dinner is no problem because we choose high end restaurants with varied menus and several of those gals are healthy eaters, however... My lunchtime gal pals (8-10) are about 50% working women. We have to choose places close by.…