Get Your Rear In Gear
How many of you are participating in the Get Your Rear In Gear 5k walk/run? We have one here in the Twin Cities this weekend. I will be walking it (wish I was in shape to run, but I am not) I feel happy that I am well enough to participate though. I look forward to meeting the other fellow survivors.
crow71 idlehunters?
anyone heard an update on crow71 or idlehunters?
Off to see the CR surgeon "Wizard"…
Well this is (hopefully) the last weekend with my colostomy….I am off to “Oz” on Wednesday – (colonoscopy) – then Thursday – (reversal)…..so hopefully all the munchkins (internal organs) will be willing to work with me – and the reversal will go with out any wicked witches around! Alittle nervous...and really don't want to…
On the advice of my surgeon...
I went and got a mammogram on Friday since he was telling me that breast cancer and colon cancer are about a gene away from each other. Well, I have to tell you that getting your boob smashed between a 'tire on a hummer and the ground' isn't any fun, but at the hospital I work at, they have a radiologist read them…
Metastatic Colon Cancer treated by maintenence chemo
My Mom was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2006. After a colon resection, they discovered that it had spread into her lymphnodes. She was treated with chemo (5FU and Oxcillipattin) for the normal treatment time. In June of 2007 she was complaining of pain in her vaginal srea. There was no sign of cancer. By January 2008 her…
Offered home hospice not surgery
Stage IV cancer. On February 6th I was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer of the Colon, with mets, to right ovary, right kidney and my liver. No offer of surgery was made, yet it seems that most of you have had surgery. I was offered chemo because my cancer was blocking off my intestine and could no longer process food, food…
Stay focused and positive.
Good Morning and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OF THE LADIES. My name is Karen. I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in February, 2010, following a colonscopy. I had a Sigmoid colon resection on March 24th, 2010. They had also removed eight surrounding lymph nodes. After returning to work on April 12th, 2010 as a Disability…
Cindyz's final update on Stephen :-(
Click Here
Mom is finally home!
Well, after 18 days in the hospital, mom finally got to go home today. She had her rectal tumor removed on 4/14, home on 4/19, back in the hospital on 4/22 due to an obstruction. The obstruction is still there, so she is on iv nutrition 24 hours a day at home now. Hopefully this obstruction clears within the next 3 weeks,…
Things are looking good…I think.
It’s been one year since my colon resection, in which they removed a tumor the size of an orange and staged me at IIA. They found a small tubular adenoma polyp during my colonoscopy last week, and told me today that it tested negative, but since it’s the type that can grow back I will have to have another colonoscopy in…
Rough Time on the Board Lately
I realize that there have been quite a few of "us" who have lot their battles with cancer lately. I know it hits me hard and I imagine it hits the rest of you the same if not harder. Just doing a quick search on this site, I came up with 701 members who have either colon or rectal cancer. That's a lot of members in our…
got home from New York to big disaster
sorry guys....before I read through the forums and catch up I thought I'd tell you some funny/crappy news. some of you will remember Jim gave me tickets to the Met in New York for Christmas....off we went and it couldn't have been more wonderful> The people of New York were fun, kind and generous.... skip to crap.....when…
got scan report today
I went to the records room and got my PET/CT scan report today. As I had mentioned as an update on my other post, I left the scan yesterday with a CD in hand, and I did look at it last night. The same old lit up spots were still visible on my lungs, liver. I couldn't tell about the rectal tumor (which showed as a…
burning veins
Just had my first oxaliplatin chemo yesterday and my veins on each arm felt like they were burning. Any one else have this happen to them? I start Xeloda tonight. I had colorectal cancer resection 2 years ago with chemo but only could get through 4 treatments out of 12. Then Jan this year had lung surgery to take out a…
my husband
We just found out that my husband has colon cancer. Do not know the stage yet but they told us that it has not gone anywhere else. He goes for pre-op on the 19th of this month. But I am very worried because of some of the things that are happening. He is having problems controling his bowels and has had several accidents.…
swelling after liver resection?
We are so thankful Jim's surgery went very well last Monday and he came home Saturday, but we're back at the hospital the next day already. He has a fever and urinary tract infection, an abcess he had to have drained and cleaned on his wrist and he has such a swollen belly. He is belching and vomiting a small amount of…
Friday Riddle Answer
This weeks winners are: TxKayaker and PGLGreg. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a wad of £50 notes out of his wallet. He turns to the rich man and says to him, "I have an amazing talent: I know almost every song that has ever…
How long until tumors shrink?
My husband is on a chemotherapy regimen that includes oxy, vectibix and xeloda. My Question: How long does it take for these chemotherapy drugs to begin to shrink colon cancer tumors? Do tumors respond immediately or does it typically (or sometimes) take many months to see results? I've been trying to research this…
Reading Room: US cancer costs double in nearly twenty years
While some of the findings reported in this article (out-of-pocket costs, for instance) don't mirror the anecdotal experiences of many on this board, this study is an interesting read: Link:Associated Press-US cancer costs double in nearly twenty years Hatshepsut
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a wad of £50 notes out of his wallet. He turns to the rich man and says to him, "I have an amazing talent: I know almost every song that has ever…
Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms!!
We all love our Moms.. Brooks
I can declare to all of you today that I am back 100%
I can declare to all of you today that I am back 100%. After 2 years into my stage 4 journey every thing inside my body is back to normal. After being rotisserized with radiation while being internally basted with chemo, no longer do I have to run to the john. I now actually sit on it like a normal person and push to…
scan results not great - bone mets
Got my PET scan results this morning. Not so good. I have bone mets. Five (neck, rib, hip, pelvis, lower back). The good news is they are tiny. My onc wants to do a biopsy. He suspects my cancer has mutated (hence the rising CEA, when CEA has never been a good indicator for me before - not at initial diagnosis or with any…
Prayers Needed
Hi All, I always know where to go when I need help and support. I got a call from my daughter yesterday, she said that she went to her doctor because of some bleeding when she went to the bathroom, she of course told him about me and my history. So she is scheduled for a colonoscopy on May 14, 2010. She is only 18 and she…
scared and hurt
Tomorrow I go for a pet scan to see if after four years my rectal cancer has returned. My CEA went from 2.2 to 5.8. I have had to wait just over a week for the exam and in that time I have lost five pounds. I know my wife says its just stress and maybe she is right. Tomorrow will tell us nothing, we won't know until the…
How many are still on dial up
Hey Phil, I just read on another post of yours “remember dial up”. What, am I the only one still on dial up??? We are lucky to have internet at all down here. The best speed I can get is 26K. What drives me nuts is you high speed folks sending me video files. I use outlook and when I see over a meg coming in, I have to…
Missed You All
Hi All: I hope you have all been well. It’s been awhile, but wanted to let you know all what has been going on. First, I would like to express my condolences to those we lost on the board since I posted last. My heart goes out to the families and friends. I’ve been looking at some posts but not very many. I was getting…
possible mets to spine
I am not new to this site but I do not post often. I read some of the posts and my heart goes out to each and everyone of you both patients and caregivers because it is only when someone is touched by this monster do we know what it really is like. I am a caregiver and would like to know if anyone has had experience with…
My morning
Hi, everyone. I had a nice morning. I was invited to a local elementary school to speak about being a cancer survivor. It was just a short talk to some 2nd graders. The school does a mini Relay for Life each year. When the kids came out to hear me speak, they had all brought money to put in a bucket. The PE teacher, who…
ANC 28%, No chemo,
Hi, yall How worried should I be? I have crazy met growth and spreading, mostly i look and feel great, only complaints are more tired, and neck and back pain, On a side note, had a great art show wt hubby and been hard at work trying to fill orders. question 2. Anyone else have advice on how to tell spouse things with out…