Study from MSKCC: "Surgery Not Necessary for Most Late-Stage Colorectal Cancers"
Surgery Not Necessary for Most Late-Stage Colorectal Cancers May 30, 2009 NEW YORK, NY http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/92848.cfm I've posted this link on a few of the threads - thought it merited a thread of its own. I found it on the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center website. It certainly goes against "gut" (no pun…
metastic lesions ( 2 ) to liver **symptoms**
not to sound negative in any way but i'm interested in caregivers and or patients perspective. i've had a recurrence of lesions to the liver and am wondering what symptoms i should look for and or pay attention to? is anyone out there going through a phase of symptoms? it's my understanding the usual colon cancer…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: You die and the devil says he'll let you go to heaven if you beat him in a game. The devil sits you down at a perfectly round table. He gives himself and you an infinite pile of quarters. He says "OK, we'll take turns putting one quarter down, no overlapping allowed, and the quarters must rest flat on the table…
blood in urine
Last night my husband & I celebrated his first year anniversary from his surgery date. today we were in the ER all afternoon. Talk about FREAKY. He has a lot of blood in his urine. They released him and gave him a urologist # and told us to call and make an appointment on Monday morning. Told him he would need to have some…
Ladie's Home Journal cancer articles
The Reading Room: Avoiding Surprise Bills With Homework and Negotiation
This article appeared in the NY Times on April 30, 2010. It includes some good background information on "Balance Billing" and gives advice on how to avoid or handle extra medical charges when you have to or choose to go outside of your medical network. Link: NY Times-Avoiding Surprise Bills With Homework and Negotiation…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO GOOGLING or searching the INTERNET allowed, and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: You die and the devil says he'll let you go to heaven if you beat him in a game. The devil sits you down at a perfectly round table. He gives himself and you an infinite pile of quarters. He says "OK, we'll take turns putting one…
96% 5-year survival for Stage IIA
I read that if there is no Allelic loss of chromosome 18p then the survival rate for Stage IIA colon cancer is 96%, as opposed to 54% if there is a loss. Does anyone know how they test for an allelic loss of chromosome 18p? Is it the same as the test for loss of expression, or for the P53 gene? This all gets very confusing…
Ratings on vitamins and supplements
Does anyone have a FREE source for ratings on supplements? A dietician I spoke with warned me to be very carefull with vitamins and supplements because there are many bogus kinds on the market. I checked 2 websites that evaluate and rate these things but they both have membership fees and while they aren't much ($25.00 to…
Small Intestine Obstruction
My mom is still in the hospital with an obstruction in her small intestines. She was getting some fluid out of her ilesotomy so they started her on clear liquids Monday night, but by last night she was getting sick again. They did a CT scan today and it showed a complete blockage in her small intestine about 10 inches…
Is it ok to juice during xeloda?
Will juicing during chemo cause a problem? Thanks
Juicing Recipes (Scouty?)
Does anyone have any favorite juicing recipes? Scouty, isn't juicing a part of your daily routine? Isn't juicing a granny smith apple and some other stuff? What's your recipe? thanks
Miralax prep not "The Bomb"...
I am a stage II-B, 6 year survivor, so I have to do annual colonoscopies. Two weeks ago I did a miralax prep at 6:00 pm. after some Dulcolax. By 3 a.m. nothing had happened. I had a low resection in '04, so I don't get much warning when the urge to purge hits me. I was fighting to stay awake about then when I suddenly felt…
Iliostomy “Take Down” I need all the help I can get. HELP!!
Okay.. I’m just about ready to give up. It’s been about 3 weeks or so since my Iliostomy reversal and I’m still not getting the hang of things. Ether I’m constipated and cramping or I cant stop going. I don’t know how often I should eat or what to eat or (at times) if I even should eat. Do I take my Miralx and Lactuloce…
Thought of the Day
“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~ Charlie Chaplin
Question about constipation
Have you suffer from constipation after finished chemo, that have gotten worse with time, needing more stool softeners than before?I had my last check up in February and the lab work was fine, Cea was 0.04, I did mention to my Dr. that I had some bleeding a couple of times, but that have happened to me before during these…
Back on chemo after a 3-month interruption...has anyone else had this long of an interruption?
My oncologist has decided to put me back on chemo, which is 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin. We stopped in early February because of a micro perforation in the colon and will be restarting next week. Thus, there has been nearly a three month interruption in treatment. Has anyone had this long of an interruption in chemo…
Diet during Xeloda
What does your onc. suggest as diet during Xeloda? I'm a bit confused...are healthy foods encouraged during chemo? Shouldn't "good foods" for liver be included? Hubby had PVE last week, starts xeloda today and liver/rectal resection scheduled for early June. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
How do you delete pictures?
Anyone know how to delete pictures on your expression page?
Gene Expression Profiling
Has anyone on here had Gene Expression Profiling done? At what point from diagnosis was it done? After reading the recent saddening news about Pat (and others)I can't help but think that alot of his pain could have been avoided if he'd been tested before treatment. From what I've read, proper gene expression profiling can…
Metabolic activity...what does it mean???
Hello friends! I had my first PET scan a week and a half ago, and didn't receive a call back from them, so i figured everything was okay. They called back this morning to tell me there is some metabolic activity on my right ovary, and i have to get an MRI to see what's going on. I tried to get more information out of them,…
USA Today article
There is a nice article and interview in USA today about a father getting a group of friends to be there for his kids. While tough to read and touching. My biggest concerns have always been my 2 kids and it gave me some ideas. Below is the title and link: Facing cancer, dad asks 'Council' of friends to be there for his…
experience with oral vs IV chemo
My boyfriend and I need to make a decision about his chemo for colorectal cancer. The oncologist stated that both the oral and IV meds are just a affective, but what about how it affects your day to day life? We want to know which my be better and how it worked for others.
My First Trearment
Well everyone, I made it!! I did very well in the hopital yesterday, no bad reactions to the treatment, so far only a little bloody nose and that is about it. I know it has only been less then 24 hours but I feel great so far. I understand that most people feel bad for a few days AFTER each treatment, I thought it was…
Curcumin or Turmeric
Has anyone taken Curcumin or Turmeric supplements? Cancer Lett. 2007 Oct 8;255(2):170-81. Epub 2007 Apr 19. Curcumin for chemoprevention of colon cancer. Johnson JJ, Mukhtar H. University of Wisconsin, School of Pharmacy, 777 Highland Avenue, Madison, WI 53705-2222, USA. jjjohnson6@wisc.edu Abstract The most practical…
Male Answers to Male questions......Inquire inside..... :)
OK, for the women and men that need to know before hand what they may expect or problems they may already be seeing this is the place to try and get some answers from men and women about sex,sexual desires and cancers effect on sexual relationships....I know that I may differ from others but with complete openness and…
My first Chemo treatmen
My first Chemo treatment is in the morning...I am very nerves but I feel it will be OK no matter what. My sister is going with me for support and also to drive, as I don't know how I will feel afterwards. Well wish me luck. I will be back online in the next few days to let you all know how I did. Sue
I had my checkup with my oncologist last week. He said my bloodwork looked good. I'm to have a CAT scan in August. If it is clear, then no more scans just chest x-rays. Very happy about this. Cancer free for 3 years.
Just found out
Hello Wish myself and everyone else did not have to be on this site. Just found out Monday, Feb 19 I have rectal cancer. Don't know what stage yet, will find out Monday after ultrasound. Tumor is about 8cm so it's pretty large. Good news I guess is catscan and xray showed all organs to be ok, blood work great. 1 lymph node…
checking for lights in the darkness–stage 4 survivors
Hello everyone Though I don't post much, I do check in periodically just to bear witness to all, and to me, who are on this cancer path. I'm posting a link to a NY times article from today that pretty much sums it up for me as to why I do this. I hope you enjoy it too. P.S. My CEA yesterday was 1.5 and my every 2 month…