Post-chemo Anemia?

Daffodil324 Member Posts: 59
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I finished my chemo (Folfox) in April, and went in for an exam, port flush and labs yesterday. Today the oncologist's office called and said I was anemic. They want me to come back in for more lab work needed to get an injection approved, and they want me to have the injection before I go for the PET/CT scan that is being scheduled soon. I was at work and my husband took this phone call, so this is all I know right now--the office was closed by the time I got home.

I know I can call them tomorrow and find out more, but in the meantime--has anyone else had this sort of thing happen? What sort of injections are they talking about and what would the anemia and/or injection have to do with having scans?

I did have problems with both white blood cell count and low platelets during chemo. I had Neulasta injections for the WBC, which worked well. For the low platelets they'd just postpone a treatment for a week, and that would boost them up enough to last for a couple of treatments.


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    When I was just starting
    When I was just starting treatment my iron levels were low + I had a "heme" infusion. My hemoglobin levels have been good ever since.
  • pf78248
    pf78248 Member Posts: 209
    My husband also had this and also got infusions of iron a couple of times and he, too, hasn't had problems until his liver resection. His hemoglobin is a little low now. I am sure what you have is easily treatable. I really do wish you the best!

    Hugs and Healing,
  • zenmonk
    zenmonk Member Posts: 198
    I had that for awhile after chemo. They gave me some pills, I think magnesium or something like that. I took those for like a month and it went away.
  • Daffodil324
    Daffodil324 Member Posts: 59
    I'm getting Procrit
    Thank you, AnneCan, Priscilla, and zenmonk for your help.

    I did get to talk to someone at oncologist's office today and found out that the injection I'm going to get is Procrit. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going in for lab work and for a Procrit injection.