Anyone hear from Nana2- Her Husband's status after liver resection?
Jim was having issues with infection and not eating, haven't seen her on the board and his caring bridge page isn't coming up thanks Peggy
CT results
Hi everyone, Well it was as we thought. His CEA was telling us the ugly truth. John had new nodules in his lungs and existing nodules all showed an increase in size from 2 to 4 mm. One of the tumors in his liver had increased in size a little and the mass on his right adrenal gland also had increased in size. They added…
Paddle for the Cure
http://www.hdocc.com/Hoewaa/Paddle_4_the_Cure.html For those in the North Texas area I provided a link to the Paddle for the Cure event scheduled for July 17th. If you know of someone who might be interested in this event please forward to them. Thanks for your support. Mike
First post...... Side effect question
Hello. 44 year old here, Retired military......On 14 Dec went in for what I thought was constipation. Doc sent me for colonoscopy.... Woke up and the friendly doc said "Youve got cancer, would you like to get dressed here or in the bathroom"..... Didnt know if I should cry or kill him for his bedside manner. (Civilian Doc,…
Reading Room - WARNING - Sorbitol in many foods - Causes Abdominal pain & diarrhea & Rectal Issues
I went to the grocery store and bought Sherbert for what I thought would be a nice treat. I bought the one which read "No SUGAR Added". BIG MISTAKE!! My husband (who is healthy) and I both had Abdominal pain & diarrhea and lots of gas! Then I read the ingredients. Sorbitol was the second ingredient. --What is Sorbitol? ---…
How long did you feel like this??
I no when chemo is over and they say things look good, the pain and not feeling good does just not end there. Chris last chemo was March 3rd but he still hurts everyday.. In fact has not really been out of the house in 6 days. they did make him go in for a blood test to check his pancreas and gallbladder. Just lately he…
Here's an interesting thought: "Are Dead Cancer Cells Feeding Cancer's Spread?"
Reseachers at University of Alabama at Birmingham(UAB) are "examining inactivated or altered genetic material (DNA) left in the body after breast-cancer cells are exposed to chemotherapy. UAB researchers say the resulting altered DNA may be the factor that activates the spread of living cancer cells to distant locations in…
Mixed Bag PET/CT update
Greetings to all! I wish that I had definitive news to tell you. I write this all down to you because it helps me gain perspective. I have been feeling very good, the best in seven years. And yesterday and today, my tests were a mixed bag with knowns and unknowns. My rectal exam went very well. My GI surgeon says that…
First they see it, then they don't - back again!!!
Hello everyone. Been a while. Become a work-a-holic. An update, stage 3 colon cancer, 1 node positive. Well, remember in March I wrote that a scan was done that showed a 1.5mm spot on liver: well they did a pet scan afterwards, and they saw nothing. I had another scan on yesterday that showed the spot was there and had…
Diagnosed and Surgery 3 weeks ago need advice
Hi I am more here for my husband but he isn't as into computers as I am. He was diagnosed with having colorectal cancer May 21st they did not feel there was time to try and shrink so he went from his coloscopy to surgery. We haven't really had time to let this soak in and have sooooo many questions. Things are moving so…
Help me, guys...I'm sad....
...and stumbling... I just found out that a very dear friend has a reoccurance of her breast cancer, mets to the liver... I know this isn't about me, but I feel so helpless....if you could spare a thought or a prayer for my friend, please do. Hugs, Kathi (I threw out my back on Tuesday, can hardly move, feeling sorry for…
CT Scan Results
Got good news clear scan next scan in 6 months. Doing the dance. God has been with me. Mike
June 9th, 2009 – The Day My Life Changed – “Year ONE on the Board”
Thanks so much for stopping by today! It’s so good to see you this morning. Pull up a chair and sit awhile with me and let’s get caught up on stuff. June 9, 2009 was a very significant day in my life. It changed my life forever in ways that I could never have forecast or thought was even possible. What’s the significance…
Thank you so much!!!!
Thank you all for all the well wishes and thanks for remembering me. I still can't believe it has been seven years. WOW. I will be walking in a relay for life next w/e, I will proudly walk the survivor walk and I will be thinking of all of you. You guys were sooooo helpful to me when I stumbled upon this site seven years…
People Giving Advice
Do you ever have anyone that says if I were you this is what I would do. Just having a hard time with this reversal and going several times a day. My friend says if you maybe try this and to me it's been tried and done this and ate different and took this and drank this and been there. Oh my goodness, sometimes just…
Pancaking and Pancakes....There is a difference
Defined: Pancaking This is when the output collects around the stoma and can squeeze between the flange and the skin instead of going into your bag. One of the reasons this happens is because there isn’t enough air in the bag and so the output doesn’t take a downwards turn. If this happens try lubricating your bags with…
One left....
Only one treatment left. YAY!! They did a little med error, which I caught, with my last 100mL bag that they send home with my little friend, Peter pumper (My bottle pump). They put in a bit too much of 5-FU with the saline. I can't remember feeling this tired since early in my treatments. LOL No mouth sores, a lot of…
****'s scan today too
Hi, Add **** in to the scans today. He just had surgery (4 weeks ago) so we really hope and pray for an all clear. Thanks for thoughts and prayers. We both are looking for some good news. Thanks. Aloha, Kathleen
Friday Riddle
Remember NO Googling or searching the Internet allowed and good luck !! RIDDLE: What has seven letters, is greater than God, Preceeded God, is more evil than the devil, Poor people have it, rich people need it, and if you eat it, you will DIE?
I know there's a couple of us going for scans this date
Hopefully we all have positive (that is, no evidence of disease) results, making all the agony and suffering so far tolerated worthwhile. Just called for a car service; be back later......
Current issue of C3 Research has 3 interesting items on CRC
at fightcolorectalcancer.org, two on age and Tx amd one on Erbitux.....steve
Thought of the Day
Thought for the Day “Destiny: A tyrant’s authority for crime and a fool’s excuse for failure.” ~ Ambrose Bierce
Chemo, radiation and sun spots on skin:
I spent years on the beach in summers without using lotion or sun screens and cultivated quite a number of spots as a result (two removed as precancerous maybe 8 years ago or so). Since Dx of COPD in 2000 I had cut down on going and eventually stopped beachbumming due to difficulty breathing in heat. However, since doing…
What are the chances?
So my first port was put in on a Thursday, and I was in the ER Friday night with an infection. Admitted for the weekend on IV antibiotics and they removed the port. I was told I am the only case for this hospital or this surgeon group to have gotten an infection the day after insertion. Second port inserted - no problem.…
CT Thursday
John's CT is Thursday. We see the Onc on Friday. I am scared and worried. I will post when we get the results. Paula
Is it Ok to hope?
I've been reading the boards for several months and have just started posting, as for some reason I was reluctant to tell our story or ask questions; everyone here seems so supportive and caring so here goes My husband, Hank, was dx 10/09 with stage IV rectal cancer, with lymph involvement and liver mets in Oct 09. We has…
I have been done with chemo for almost 1 year. I cute my finger back in Dec and got 3 stitches. This week it still seemed not completely healed and slightly infected. I see my Onc tomorrow and will tell him about it. Did you notice it taking wounds way longer to heal after or during chemo? Seems odd to me.
Last round of chemo - CHECK!!!!!
Hello everyone, It has been a few weeks since I have been out here. I have been tired, sick, fatigued, busy, and oh yes ............... HAPPY!! Last week, on Tuesday to be exact, I finished chemo # 12 of 12! I cannot believe I made it all the way through! I was so ready to give up around #8. Even though I had kept a…
K it has been a while since I posted, brief history husband diagnosed Stage 11B Sept 2009. 6.5CM tumor found - removed Early September. He was offered adjucant chemo and refused (because his monther who had breast cancer told him that the chemo almost killed her after 2 sessions so she stopped and has not had a reocurrance…
CT Scan looks good
I picked up the report today from my CT yesterday. It looks good. The largest lesion on my liver that was 7.6 six months ago has shrunk to 3.3 ! And nothing new showing up and no growth. Feeling relieved. I always pick up my own copy of my test reports, and my onc appointment is not till the 16th so glad I don't have to…