I'm dancing!!!!!
Doctor gave me the 'A-OK' today!!!! YEA!!! Even commented on what a great scar I had during my internal exam!!!!!! YEA!!! Naked happy dance!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Family update
I would like to thank everyone who responded to the concern regarding my daughter's attitude in the "Family" subject. I am so thrilled to tell you that I received an email from her this morning offering any and all help I will need prior, during and after my surgery. She will be with me the day I come home, will take me to…
Happy Birthday
As most of you know, Sunday was National Cancer Survivors day. I personall attennded the luncheon in our town, It was a very nice event, good food, and cake, and door prizes, I must say i was shocked at the number of survivors attending the event from such a small rural area, and i was told several werent able to attend…
update on me
I was going to post this last night, but the site started being really slow, and I gave up. I saw my doctor yesterday, and he gave me a prescription for hydrocodone for pain. I can only take that at night, because it knocks me right out. My good doctor also gave me the kindly talk about stress reduction, which is something…
cancer has returned
I had a bowel resection and colostomy last Nov. Just found out 2 days ago that cancer has returned. Cat scan shows several enlarged lymph nodes in abdominal cavity. Anyone here who is going through this and can offer words of wisdom or help?? I'm new on here
I had colorectal CA in 2006 (the year I turned 50) with oral chemo, radiation and a full completment of post surgical radiation after surgery. I was an active female, playing sports, hiking, etc before the treatments. I lost a lot of weight, and thus a lot of muscle mass while in treatments, but as soon as I could I went…
Liver resection cancelled
The Dr. did laproscopic first and found mets on diaph. and pert. lining. Decided not to do liver resection today. Sending us to onc. for more chemo and maybe we'll try again.
I'm new here.......
Hi, I'm new here and just wanted a place to get some information and support. My mother who is 91 was diagnosed with Stage 3 (4 lymph nodes) Colorectal Cancer in August. She had part of her colon removed and now wears a colostomy bag. She is doing fine and living at home by herself. I go over there and do things for her…
"Stage II and stage III colon cancer patients treated after 1995 have improved overall survival..."
Article is about 5-FU based chemo after complete surgical removal of tumor. Though true for some, not all tho..... As per medicalnewstoday.com for those interested in a little more info....
Craig....(aka Sundanceh) did I miss
a post about your drs. visit? I think you said you were going the end of May and I haven't found where you reported in. If I missed your post feel free to direct me to it please. I am hopeful that he had some good news for you. I know that you don't keep secrets from your family here, so spill it!!!! I'm thinking maybe you…
check up scans **UPDATE**
Hey All, Just a little post to ask that you keep me in your prayers for my upcoming scans (tomorrow June 1) its another check up, gosh 3 months really do go by fast, seems I just did this. Anyway, I am doing okay physically, had my back surgery to correct the disc, it appears to have worked, just healing slowly from the…
Ok Phantom Farting...when was the first or only time......
when was the first or only time......or the funnies time. You farted in public since being diagnosed?? Tell us your story. I always make sure that gas is out of my body before going anywhere, well one day I was leaving work, and got in my car, and with a sigh of relief let it go.....well hell, if one of my co-workers…
Hey all I have a question for you. I am curious if anyone has any insight/experience with acupuncture. I am completely ignorant in regards to the subject but have decided I would like more information. I thought the first place to start my search for knowledge would just logically be here. Are there informative sites that…
Finding Polypes
I have recently discovered, what I think is a Polype. It feels like a cyst growing from the inside but swelling to the outside. It is right above the rectum. It is causing pain and discomfort. Could this be a Polype? Please give me some feed back! thank You
Good News
Got Hank's PET/CT results today, no evidence of metastatic disease! Meaning the multiple liver mets found on his original scan are completely gone! The scan still indicated some moderate metabloic activity in the primary site, but the Dr kept reiterating that everything else is disease free! The Dr and Nurse Practicioner…
Folfiri w/Erbitux starts Monday 6/7
Hey, guys and gals. I've been hanging out here for a while, I've learned a lot, much to put me at ease. Here's my story: http://geetar-dave.livejournal.com/ For those who don't want to read that whole long-winded thing, diagnosed 1/09, large tumor in colon, one spot on liver, both removed. 6 months Folfox with Avastin…
Please help me!!!!
I would like to chaqt with someone that knows a little about finding Polypes!
Jim is still running low grade fever
Surgery was the third of May. He came home and went back in because of a fever. They treated him with antibiotics and sent us home. We went back on the 27th and the Doctor took the drain out and by then he was having alot of pain in his back. He says it's sharp when he takes a deep breath. Then on the first of May we had…
Liver resection Sugery Next Friday June 11th
Well, the day is fast approaching. I realized during my recent travels that it would be the last time of easy security screening. Next time I will have a titanium HAI pump inside me and that will light up the airport scanner. I will be given a card, but I am sure there will be delays. Anyone else deal with this? I will…
Reading Room - Coping with Financial Challenges
Coping with Financial Challenges A diagnosis of cancer can create added financial challenges and stress for the person diagnosed and his or her loved ones. CancerCare will help you find assistance and offers helpful resources, including: The Financial Edition of A Helping Hand, the Resource Guide for People with Cancer, a…
humour on this forum.
It's funny that you would post about phantom farts this morning Clift. I have been thinking about humour on this board lately. I like it when we laugh at ourselves....the thread..you might be a cancer survivor...is a joy to me. All the stupid things we can relate to. I worry sometimes that perhaps new people might find my…
PET Scan--No Strenuous Activity?
I have my first post-chemo PET scan scheduled for this coming Friday. I know I'm supposed to avoid strenuous activity for at least 24 hours prior to the scan. What I didn't think about at the time I scheduled the scan is that our high school's graduation is Thursday evening. I teach a special class for students with…
Just diagnosed,
Hi all...just found this site today..husband DX w rectal ca yesterday. He was told he needs a rectal ultrasound for staging. The problem is the only radiologist that does this is out till the 18th of june. Have been on the phone for 4 hours now trying to find another radiologist who does them..even if it is in another…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO GOOLGING or SEARCHING the Internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: You have 10 trees and you have to plant them in five rows but each row must contain 4 trees. How is this possible?
Would you embrace technology?
Just curious how many people with a colostomy bag had inquired into an artificial sphincter? When I first heard I would need a permanent colostomy I figured this was my chance to invent something important. I'm a tinkerer and inventor and actually have two medical devices I have royalty agreements on as well as a child…
Thought of the Day
Thought for the Day “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Any idea what chemo is after FOLFOX
Just talked to onc., appointment Monday. Any advice for questions to ask? Had liver resection cancelled last Wednesday after mets found on diaphram. Mets were removed but surgeon is sending us to onc. for more chemo. My husband was dx'd May 09 with stage 4 rectal cancer, mets to liver. Has not had surgery for primary…
California, Here We Come!
can't wait...My youngest son (20), my Boyfriend, and I will be going to San Diego to vacation with my 2 older sons (30, 31); we rented a condo on the bay side. We'll all be together which is a rarity. My 3 sons, 2 daughters-in-law, and 2 granddaughters (2yrs, 8 mo, and 3 1/2). My oldest son and his family live in Germany;…
Jaw Pain
I could not find the previous postings for this topic but remember magnesium sulfate being recommended. I had this added to my cocktail but no difference was noticed except for a major headache
Old timers
Broke my heart reading the memorials and names. Sometimes I feel guilty making it this far. The "Why Me?" creeps me. Which leads to this: Scouty and Susan H are 2 people that have been on here longer than me. Stage 4 dx 9/06 with liver and lung resections. My questions are,to the longer term survivors: 1) what dietary…