Fight Cancer In the Kitchen article
Hi everyone, I just picked up the most recent publication of "Canadian Living", a very popular magazine here in Canada. I am not sure if it is available in the US (maybe in the large cities). There is a very interesting article (IMO)called "Fight Cancer In the Kitchen", which talks about foods that help fight +/or prevent…
cancer treatment centers of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals?
Some Pics of my apartment on the beach
on my expressions! There is where l go on weekend! Cheers!
went and seen my new onc last week
I didn’t want to say anything but I went and seen my new onc last week. I told her about the leg pain I’ve been having. It’s like a dull toothache kind of pain I told he and it’s almost everyday. Been having it since chemo treatment. Well, NOW I have a bone scan next week. She said that maybe something made my cancer go…
what a night
I spent 5 hours at the hospital ER last night with my sister. She is 5 week pregnant and she started to bleed she miscarried in march. Her husband was away at a softball game in york and he did not really seem to be worried about her or care.He makes me so made I wish he would just baby her sometimes but he is so hard…
Not Cancer related but freaking me out anyway
So, you would think that after all I have been through that I would not still be freaked out by going to the dentist. Not so. I need to have another root canal and some other fillings fixed since Chemo so nicely messed up my teeth. I am lucky though I found a dentist that will sedate me and about a month ago he did so and…
No Stanford for me
I've been turned down to be seen by Stanford tumor board, yep, they only see Stage III's. Enough said for now.
More tales in the ongoing saga of living with a bag:
I get very protective of my stoma area when out doors, near other people. I try to avoid crowds and if anyone is on my left, where bag lies, I usually place a hand over stoma area to protect it and to push away,if need be, anyone getting too close.One of my neighbors has a son who is mildly autistic, Max. We get along…
I had bacon this morning!!!!! Walked right over to my Mom's, and my sister was there and they were making breakfast. Made me an egg (juevos rancheros, added some skillet potatoes, crushed a bacon strip over the potatoes, and ate it! OMG!! I felt like I had sinned! Then I added some Mango juice to my 100& cranberry juice…
Post op questions
Hi everyone...most of you know my husband had Lap LAR 2 weeks ago. He has been feeling pretty rough the last day or two and is worried... He has a left sided pain.....has had testical pain...both of these start after he gets up. He had no BM on day 8 or so after post op and Doc recommended Miralax. He took that x2, had…
Appendix Cancer newbie
Hi. I was diagnosed with appendix cancer in late June 2010 after refusing to leave emergency until they explained a sharp pain in my lower right quadrant. The surgeon said he was going to treat it like we were taking out my appendix. The appendix was swollen into two bulges, one attached to the abdomen wall. The surgeon,…
port problems
How many of you have had problems with your port and have had to have them replaced? I've had mine in for three years now and the past two times my port has been accessed or flushed (two times ago I had chemo and the last time, just this past Tuesday, was a blood draw and port flush). Anyhow, these past two times when they…
Guys I love bacon - Need advice
Guys I love bacon. Not cooked crisp but good greasy loose bacon. The scary old woman says I can’t have it because of the illeo bag. Any of you other baggers out there eating bacon???? Kerry
The greatest evening....
We spent with friends who travel all over the world. They just returned from a 10-week sailing adventure in Germany and Poland. We inheirited them from my beau's mom, who met the lady by sharing a hospital room with her at one point, long ago. They became fast friends. Now it's our turn, they are both incredible people.…
Another surgery post op food for thought about resting in the hospital
When at Vandy I asked the staff if they could all collect their pokes, pricks, and prods at the same time each night instead of coming in every 1 or 2 hours and waking me up. They are excellent caregivers and it was taken very well and at 2 am in the morning there were 5 in there poking, pricking, and prodding and then…
Biopsy & thyroid appointments
The biopsy went well Friday. Double doses of the meds, and I was still fully alert - to be expected for me. I did feel a little pain, but only when he pushed to get into the node to clip another sample. I got a pain that shot down my back into my left hip and groin. But it stopped quickly. That was done 4 times, so no big…
loosing weigh , need your experience about!
After my second round of chemo l realize lm loosing weight , not dramatically but it worries me. Last year When l was on Folfox, I didn't loos any kilo, but gain weight ! What really worries me is that I'm not having diarrhea or vomits , l eat very well and despite that l lost 2 kilos after 2 rounds.Does it have any…
Let's post a picture of us in our younger years
Hey it's Sunday, Monday is labor day, so let's have a little fun and post a picture of us in our younger days. Age 19. Over 30 years ago.
Radiation side effect
Would like to find out how many ladies have been able to overcome any vaginal issues caused by radiation? What is working for you? I seem to be getting some good results using dilators and a couple of products, sorry for being graphic. Astro glide and replens are helping. On my way to getting back my groove. I had thought…
Great Article- Living with metastatic cancer long term
Yesterday while I was at my Onc office I read an article in "cure" magazine. It was a great article. It talks about the increasing number of "chronic" metastatic patients who are living long term with cancer. Suzanne Lindley is mentioned in the article. She was DX in 1998 with metastatic colon cancer. She was told she had…
Removing fluid from abdomen
I was dianosed in 08 with stage 4 colorectal cancer I just started my second round of chemo which consists of erbitux and camptosar. Recently a c-scan showed fluid build up in my abdomen and I'm having it removed tomorrow. I'm told this entails an ultra-sound and a long needle. Sounds painful!! Can anyone tell me their…
Fresh from Surgery
Well I'm back from Surgery and the hospital. My surgeon said the laproscoptic surgery would be about three hours but turned out to be six. The first problem was they could locate the tumor. It had been stained with ink two weeks before but was not on my left side as the gastro doc said it was on the right side on the…
PET/CT scan: Update and plan
Hello all Off to SLC and the Huntsman for my follow up PET/CT to take a look at the 2 suspect lung nodules and one lung lymph node at 11:30AM tomorrow. This is a difficult one because in one quick look I can go from NED status 2 years out to incurable. I recognize that I'm not alone in this category, though I really,…
Hi, new w/ question re: surgery for lung mets
Hello everyone, I'm new here, but not all that new to cancer. Although just a year ago I felt like I had just finished CRC bootcamp. I had been dx with rectal cancer July of '08 went through 6 weeks of Radiation and Xeloda. Had surgery 7 weeks later (tumor removed along with rectum and a permanent colostomy and…
Please Pray for my family
Its not cancer related, but my son killed himself tonight, he had been very depressed and struggling with addictions..please pray for my partner it was her first born...My heart is just so painful..I dont have the words to type anymore, I just know I and my partner need your prayers... Thank you Beth
Once more : any interesting week end plan or adventure?
As usual and if weather allowed go to my beach House rest, and a little of boating! Boring! l Rather prefer an adventure in the Jamaican jungle or so! Have a Funny weekend .
Any experience with retroperitoneal lynph nodes?
Best way to attack them; chemo?,RFA,? radiotherapy? surgery ? Best!
in a beechy mood
The affects of chemo are really evident in my mother. We went on a family trip this weekend and she didn't want to do anything. She said she didn't feel like going out of the resort condo.
Today's my B-Day and it's the fist time I've been happy about it
Yep... Today 47 years ago a fat little rollie pollie was born "Me" I really ever cared too much about my birthdays. Yes there was a few I liked. The ones when I was a little kid and got lots of toys. Then the one at 16 when I got my driver license. Then the one at 18 was kind of cool when I didn’t HAVE to listed to my mom…
A small question
When people say they have been NED or a survivor for as long as they have, do you start counting that time from your original diagnosis of cancer? I saw people signing their names and putting years next to how long they have been a survivor at this cancer walk once and I wondered this question. Thanks :) I know I did not…