Has Anyone Heard From Diane (dianetavegia)?
I hadn't seen any of her posts lately. Hope all is well. Carolyn
rip mom
I love you mom.
something weird about me
I rode my 4 wheeler this morning with some friends up a mountain trail. When we got to the top, some folks started leaning over the ledge looking down. They invited me to join them and I declined. I simply can't do it. I've encountered this situation dozens of times in my life. They ask if I was afraid and I told them no,…
Special thoughts for today
Today LOUSWIFT is having surgery. Special healing thoughts for him and all those still recovering from recent procedures. Marie who loves kitties
Learning How To Deal With Grief And Loss
Learning How To Deal With Grief And Loss I have been sad about the loss of Donna. I liked her posts and I am grateful for the Christmas card list she set in motion. I have recently been reading articles and books trying to learn how to deal with grief and loss. Although I have suffered loss many times, each time is…
Not cancer related but just sad and angry this week....
This week has been a hard one. Four families have lost their loved ones close to our family. Two by suicide and two that died in a rollover. The two by suicide were my kids age. One was a mother who left her 7 year old daughter to find her hanging. The other was a dad who shot himself in his garage. The two that died in a…
Diane Sawyer
ABC will host Women and Cancer tomorrow night...not sure of the time. My husband just shouted it from the other room, as he's telling me to get off the computer. lol He's just hungry!!
My husband saw me very depressed when Donna passed away and then when he heard about David, he said to me, you know maybe you need to take a break for the forum, it can't be good for you to be depressed. I told him that I wasn't depressed, I was mad! Mad that this dang cancer takes people away when they are not ready to…
May everyones Monday begin with "What a beautiful day it is"..and get better from there.....
I sure hope everyone gets up in the morning feeling good and greets the day with a rekindled spirit, a feeling of refreshing vigor. I hope for a good week for everyone. I hope that warm surrounding arms are wrapped around all those grieving for loved ones and that they find peace within themselves to get through. I wish…
Dodged a bullet
But the gun is still pointed at me. My second lymph node biopsy came back same as first, negative. Just swelling and lymph tissue. They were all enlarged from top to bottom and active on Pet scan back in March but there appears to be no Cancer. They took one out in the groin three months ago and one in the armpit last week…
David still in hospice but hanging on
Just an update on David since I haven't posted in quite awhile. And there are so many new ones on the board now. For background, my dear sweet wonderful husband David was dx 4-08 with stage 3 colon cancer. Eight months later a liver met was found and biopsied. After being told by three surgeons it was inoperable due to…
You are all amazing people
I was diagonosed with anal cancer a little over a year ago and am currently NED. At that time there wasn't a board for anal cancer so I came to the Colorectal board. Donna was one of the first people that responded to me. I am very sad to hear of her passing and my condolences go out to her family and to all of you. She…
WIsh me luck!
I have a job interview with a great company tomorrow, better then the last one company I worked for. Please send me some great vibes, prayers, whatever! I need to get busy, I have stayed at home long enough! PS...I am working on my other battle....
RIP Donna
This is Shana, Donna(Shayennes) daughter. I just wanted to inform you that she passed away this moning. I know she really appreciated you guys,you helped who through a whole lot. I miss her so much and love her so much! Thank you for all the cards! I'm sad she had to go but I'm glad I don't have to see her in pain anymore.…
Thank you
Hi everyone. Mom and I just wanted to say thank you for all of the advice and tips. We were just blown away by the responses. Again, this is all new to us and we were feeling alone for a while. We were both crying after reading your emails. Mom was like, "oh my gosh, so many people understand". It truly helped her and for…
Bark For Life
I participated in a cool event this morning. Bill and I took our oldest grandson, Owen, with us to participate in a Bark For Life. This is a fundraising event also put on my Relay For Life. People can bring their dogs and walk with them. There were games, and the dogs walked the tracks, and we made a little extra money for…
tumor size
I didn't think I would be posting again until after my surgery on Monday but guess what I can't sleep what a shock. I have a reoccurrence upper desending colon this time. Last time I was stage 3 with a "large tumor" now I have a "medium tumor". I tried to get some medical type to tell me what stage this one is but got…
Two interesting over the counter drugs
Look into these links. You may find these information very interesting and can find many other, regarding these two drugs. I am specially interested in Cimetidine because I have elevated stomach acid myself. Why not to try? Here are the links: http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2002/jul2002_cover_cimetidine_01.html…
A trip, is it convenient whilst on chemo ?
Hi every body !l was preparing my summer holidays when l was told about my liver recurrence!. It is 2 years since we don't move or do any interesting plan, and my and my wife were really excited preparing our holidays, when doctors told us the bad new. Now l am under folfiri+avastin every two weeks , thanks good with very…
6 months and 12 treatments DONE!!!
Yesterday I was unplugged from my pump... 12 treatments of 5/fu ... lucevorian.. and oxailplatinum... It was the most difficult thing Ive ever done in my life!! The effects of the oxi are horrible, my feet and hands are bad... but I got through it! I go back to the cleveland clinic on sept. 9th for a return visit with my…
What is wrong with people? I was diagnosed 11 months ago. At 46 I'm still considered young for this proving it can touch anyone. I've talked to over forty friends and family about this and how important early detection is. In every case they ask, "how did you find out"? I tell them I was lucky with my symptoms and that…
You guys came through again!
I've felt pretty crappy the last few days, but nothing as bad as last round. I was up and about today. A full 2 days earlier than my last round. Thank you for all the kind thoughts and well wishing. Your time was not wasted. Thank you. Priscilla. I am sorry about your husband. Time may be short, but I think there is still…
Sending cards to Donna's family
I just spoke with Donna's daughter, Cheyenne, on facebook. She said they prefer not to have their address out there too much. If Brooks is willing, they would prefer him to send a packet of cards as he did before. Brooks, may we send to you? *hugs* Gail
Signs of mestasis to the lungs
What are the signs of mestasis to the lungs, I have this dry cough that I get mostly at night, and thought I better ask, is this a symtom???
Any News
Does anyone have news on Kerry and Jenny and our other friends who had procedures this week? Hoping all have done well Kathy
ARGH! Need more surgey
so I got my scan and all is clear! No cancer! But, I have multiple hernia's at the illeostomy site and they need to be repaired, Of course they tell me that they are going to start to do preventative mesh in the abdomen on patients noe to prevent this from happening. so why did they not figure this out when I had mine…
The plan is in place
Well, we have a plan. So, I sometimes make fun of my stepdad who always wants a plan. He'll ask, "What's the plan?" or "Do we have a plan?" He needs plans. I'm more go with the flow, most of the time. But in this case I have really wanted and needed a plan! I've been going crazy. Next Tuesday I will have a PET/CT scan to…
interesting plans for the week end?
Cheer up!
Does Anyone Have Donna's Information?
I would like to give my formal condolences to Donna's family? Does anyone have her last name and the state she lived in so we all could let her entire family know what she meant to us.
My heart is heavy
Today, tonight, or is it morning yet? My heart remains heavy. Too many loses, too many surgeries, less hope. Where do we stage IV go from here? I don't deny it, I want to live. I want to embrace life for many years. I want to feel the sunshine on my face, the embrace of my man at night. These are things that I'm just not…