Busy Next few Days
Saturday I have an apt. to get my hair cut short a little scared about this I will post pictures when it all done. Monday I go get a pet scan and a cat scan done. And on Wednesday I go get my port port put in . But the good news is I am Leaving for Disney World on the 22 with my kids and my older sister and her daughter…
after effects
In response to Susanbm and nanuk. Bud proposed that it might be usefull if we list after effects of chemo drugs. We have all learnt here that everyone has different reactions to chemo and also all of us by now have a pretty fair idea what to expect while doing chemo.It may well be of benefit here for us to list the chemo…
Another Loss
I'm not sure how many of you know of Malinda Sapp. She was the wife of a famous gospel singer, Marvin Sapp. She lost her battle with colon cancer this morning at the age of 43. This is a dreadful disease. -Sheri
New to this...
A friend of mine (Jay) has just confided in me that he has been diagnosed with Colorectal cancer stage 3. He is a bit overwhelmed so, I have volunteered to go through this with him and help him in every way possible. He has had three different confirmations on his diagnosis and has his first surgery scheduled for…
Strange Deja Vu - fall of 2009 repeat?
This is all so crazy. It is like last fall all over again, minus colon resection, but adding in thyroid troubles in its place. I really thought I'd have more time to get caught up and get my life and business back in order to where I like it to be before I'd ever face chemo and the battle again. I've been so fatigued,…
Friday Riddle
With Football season upon us, I thought it only fair to have a football riddle and remember NO searching or googling the internet for the answer, and good luck !!!! RIDDLE: What is the record for the longest NCAA Division I football winning streak?
Thought of the Day
“Thank Heaven! The crisis the danger, is past, and the lingering illness, is over at last, and the fever called living is conquered at last.” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
Hi everyone. I'm not sure I mentioned previously that I have started seeing a Chiropractor about my nueropathy. Today, in support of many friends, I walked in the Breast Cancer Stride for Life walk here in our local park. Tonite I am really questioning the good sense of that walk for me! I have been having really intense…
biopsy of head
Noticed my husband had a small "knot" on his head, we mentioned it to the radiation Dr. and he suggested a biopsy. A couple weeks ago after a bone scan they found cancer at T11 (back) and it was causing pain, so he will have radiation (10 treatments - today was treatment 5..yeah--halfway) but he is having lots of swelling.…
Recurring colon cancer in ovary
I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in May of 2009 at the age of 48. Had surgery and 12 rounds of chemo. I now have a mass they will be removing next Friday on my ovary that they are relatively certain is return of my colon cancer. Any other survivors of a similar recurrence? I admit I'm pretty scared right now
Just curious... Dr. Oz in People magazine this week...
If anyone read his encounter of his colon polyp and what you thought of his article.
Nephew (got to love him)
Last night my 20 year old nephew sent me a text it was a picture of him. He got all his hair cut off. And he said I beat you to it. (and boy did he have a head of hair) He also when I was in the hospital having Surgery he went and took my kids to a movie and spend the day with them. ( He is a very quiet person but has a…
named my damn bag
I did get out of the hospital today. A good friend picked my up at the hospital and drove me home. Dropped me off then drove back to STL. Now that is a true friend. He did not want Susie to make the long drive. I named my damn bag “the shart bucket”. I am going to have a lot of fun with noise that thing makes. The only…
port replacement done
I had my port replaced yesterday & it didn't hurt terribly like my first experience 3 years ago. I made sure they gave me plenty of "happy medicine", as they called it! When I first had the port put in when I was diagnosed 3 yrs ago, it felt like someone was hitting me with a sledgehammer & I had pain for weeks in my…
ColonPalooza 8
Don and Joann, our ColonPalooza hosts this year, have sent out the following details regarding this year's Palooza. Hope to see many newbies AND most "veterans" there! ~Stacy P.S. I must say that I am a tad bit disappointed regarding the discussion boards....we "veterans" have prided ourselves in having more posts than the…
Treatments for Metastatic Rectal Cancer
Hi my name is Liz. I am a 3 year survivor of metastatic rectal cancer. I was diagnosed stage 4 at 44 years old with no family history. I went through chemo and radiation prior to a rectal resection and have been on Folfiri every other week for the better part of the last 2-1/2 years. My last scan showed my liver mets are…
Surgical Radiation to the Liver
When I went in for my post op check for my liver resection, my surgeon said that there were microscopic crc cancer cells found in what was left behind of the right lobe. One of the lesions was close to the blood supply for the left lobe, so he could only get so close. Anyway, Duke has recommended surgical radiation (not…
OFF Cancer let's speak about something interesting! Does any body like Soccer?
Yestarday : Spain (current World champion) 1-Argentina 4, What a mess! AGHH!
Someone asking for money
Hi everyone. I'm not sure if anyone else received an email like this today or not. Someone saying he is from Poland and needing me to send him 5000 euros. It was in a private message. It was really disturbing. My Mom received an email the other day from a friend who said she was stuck over in Europe and needed money to get…
Just came back from the oncologist - bad news
I came back from the doc today who told me I had a 20 - 25 chance that that the xoloda he was putting me on would work and and that if it didn't work I would not live longer than a few weeks to a few months. Right now that is the end of my story. The only thing to do is to pray that the xeloda works and that a good trial…
****'s antinausea tea
Hi, **** wanted me to share that he has found a drink that really helps him during chemo week. We make him a black ice tea - lemonade. During chemo week he has a horrible taste in his mouth and excess saliva. He finds the combination 1/3 lemonade to 2/3 black tea really settles his stomach and gets rid of the bad taste in…
Swollen feet (an indication of liver troubles?)
Anyone have swollen feet/ankles? Folfox for 6 months, CPT-11, Erbutix for 3 months, currently radiation for bone mets. Waiting for SIR Spheres, possible clinical trials.
Nutrition (Nana b or anyone else) help!
My mother's diet is gone to the pits since she started chemo. She has gained 14 pounds since May. Should we be pushing her to have a better diet, since that and excercise are the key in fighting cancer or should we just back the heck off until after her treatment? I don't expect that she can run marathon's, but she is…
Appointment tomorrow (for port)
I Have an appointment tomorrow to set up a date to put my port in.
CSN staff: spam alert
Dear CSN staff, Spam alert. Someone called "municate" posted a spam message in the chain titled "Neutropenia" on Sept 9 2010, 11:40am. Is it possible to block this person/poster? Tara ps grrr - makes me so mad
more surgery FRIDAY
I am getting surgery again on friday to remove ca from lung now. I had colon surgery 6 years ago and hysterectomy 7 weeks ago is it more serious on the lung also someone told me lungs grow back is that true thanks Sheri22
Chemo ?
start chemo in october. (5 Fluorouracil,oxaliplatin,leucovorin)I was really woundering in anyone is one this type and If they lost their hair or not. I am just woundering if I need to go get a wig now or if I should just wait.
Just wanted to let you know that you were in our prayers today during your surgery. Ktz
I got the answer to the question I never wanted to know the answer to
Well, I have the probable answer to the question I really never wanted to know the answer for. What lit up on my liver and the lymph nodes that were enlarged and lit up on last fall's PET scan were most likely cancer. I have 3 nodes now enlarged and active, The biopsy was positive, I am stage IV. The plan is FOLFIRI with…
NED for three years - how about those of you who are NED for longer
I noticed when I was a newbie that there were not a lot of people posting who were NED for more than 1 or two years. There were some notable exceptions. I am now apparently someone who is also not posting much anymore. I think it might be helpful for those of us who are 2, 3 , 4 and more out of treatment to check in from…