Done with chemo... what happens next?? scans? testing?
Just finished 6 months 12 treatments of 5/fu--lucevorian---oxailplatinum dx with stage 3 upper third rectal cancer.. pt2 pn1 mo cleveland clinic will do a sigmoid on the 9th. I had 65 lymph nodes removed 3 were cancerous a foot of colon removed and the tumor was removed back in Jan.. Now what?? my Onc. is horrible she…
post from the potty
I will now be posting from the potty I will be sleeping on the potty i will watch tv and do dished from the potty leaving this room is not an option. If you need me i will be on the potty. Live , laugh, play from the potty winnie
folfiri+avastin any experience with hair loss?
It is getting thin after first round but not loss! , do you loss the whole hair or just part of it? if loss, is it sudden or gradual? Thank you for your help!
I have had colon surgery, liver resection and a hernia repair. I am 1 year post chemo. I am NED, and my stomach is constantly bloated. My ONC has put me on a stronger Prilosec for acid reflux. My question is , Is anyone's belly constantly swollen after having surgeries. My ONC does not think that my belly should be bloated…
Cramping After Liver Resection
I am having chemo type cramps and the Levsin is working but only for two hours. They started yesterday but are here today with a vengence. Anybody out there experience this during their recovery? Other than that, everything is going great. I quit taking the pain killers so I could drive and am having no other issues.…
Requesting update on our friends UPDATED
Hoping that the following folks who have had major things going on recently will be able to give us an update on how they are doing: pf78248 (Priscilla re: hubby David) - reply below okthen re:hubby - reply below Sundance (Craig) - reply below Eric idlehunters (Jennie) - update on sep. thread dated 8/31 Kerry S. - update…
Detoxify to Beat Cancer - Any suggestions?
Does anyone know what works best to detox the body? My dad has stage 4 colon cancer. I have read about the coffee enema and it looks like an important part of getting the body cleansed. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried LIQUID ZEOLITE?
Had PET/CT scan- update: got results
Hi, I went in today (Mon, 8/30) and had my PET/CT scan. The last one was on 5/10/10 & that showed everything fairly stable since I started the Gemzar, Avastin, & Xeloda in mid March. My CEA count has steadily been coming down from around 100 to 38 until 2 weeks ago, when it went up to 81. It went up over 4 weeks & I had a…
Eric was scheduled for brain surgery
on the 24th of August. Does anyone have news? Ella
intersting drug study
Diabetes drug can reduce risk of cancer, researchers find Metformin reduced the development of lung tumors in mice by more than 70%. Clinical trials on humans for lung, breast and prostate cancer are being organized. Here is the link and it mentions colon cancer and a study done in Japan as well:…
Greybeard where are you?
Has anyone heard from Greybeard ( Chris ) lately? I know I have been absent a lot recently. Is he ok? -Pat
Warning symptoms after treatment
My wife had metastise to her ovaries. Ovaries and uteris removed. 8 treatments of FOLFIRI and Avastin. Good results, low CEA, NED. Finished everything in June and decided to take the summer off. No appointments, no Doc's. Extra healthy lifestyle and still working four days a week as an RN. Of course, unusual aches and…
My situation! only positive coments allowed LOL!
June 09: dx cc.+ 7 mets to liver , 6 <3cm + one big of 8 cm. 9 rounds folfox + trial ; result all 6 gone! and 50% shrink on the big one!. December 09 surgery 75 % liver removed and colectomy same time,all lymph nodes removed clear ! No evidences of disease in further controls, Labs every 15 days and scan every 2 months. No…
Update on....... Everything!!
Hello to my semi family!!! I have missed you all and will try to play catch up on the posts!. It has indeed been a VERY busy week. MONDAY - Went to oral surgeon and had back tooth removed. Chemo had just destroyed it and when the cap came off..the tooth fell apart and had to be dug out. I was so numb I didn't feel a…
And you guys wonder why I call her scary old woman!!
Today is my last normal day for a while. We will go to STL tomorrow morning and stay at my sons and do pre surgery prep there. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am the next morning. Lot better then getting up at 3 am and driving from here worrying about prep sharts for a damn 100 miles. So the scary old woman says to…
Happy Birthday to all the September babies !!!!!! Buzzard - 1 Sept ColoCan - 26 Sept If you would like to become part of the Birthday List, please provide me the following: DOB: Including day, month & year DOD (date of DX): Include day, month & yr NED: Include day, month & yr
New news item at businesswire.com about a company (Asuragen) launching its KRAS and BRAF mutation t
and provides a little info on the two markers for CRC......also in the news lately that might interest someone: "Black rice" as a good source of antioxidants Tumors larger than 5 cm, positive nodal status indicared poorer DFS, OS in anal carcinima Onko Sure in vitro diagnostic test for cancer "Among patients with stage III…
familiy pics - new
Okay Buzzard thought I would at least spend time with my grand kids pictures! lol
Conquering the fears
Hello all, Wanted to share something with all of you and maybe, just maybe shed a little hope and laughter. My son was married last week in Jamaica an while we we there I decided to do something totally out of charachter for me. You see, I am deathly afraid of heights, so what did I do? I went Ziplining through the…
Thanks but....
I appreciate all you guys complimenting me on my looks. The truth is, and I know, I'm incredibly goofy looking. The abraxane has me swelled up like a tick, especially in my face and already large head. Not having hair makes it worse, plus my color is way off. I really am cool with it. I would prefer you guys ridicule me.…
iliostomy reversal went good, but bottom is raw
sorry to be gross but i need to know what to do or i will go insane, what should i use to sooth my tender raw skin. Surgery went well and i am the world record holder for laps walked in a single day 2 days after surgery, ( i passed gas and poohed at 3am the third day and have been poohing ever since). Laps clocked was 40,…
Tumor Board FINALLY, Standford next
So this is how it was explained to me. Hmmmm, hard to explain. At the tumor board meeting, everyone agrees I should have surgery, it's the explaining the surgery apparently to insurance, etc., that could be problem. As they all agree that someone with "the many masses" as the onc put it, that I HAD, cannot have them…
They did not kill me
Hey guys. They gave me too much to put me out for surgery. Put the part that says breath asleep. That was a fun few days. Ended up with a temp Illeo bag. It's not that bad. Did dump it on me the very first day. That was a nasty mess. I am going home or taking hostages today. Convinstanced the doc my problem was lack of…
Dear colleagues in the fight; It may sound pretentious as lm too new here ,but l wish to share some positive thoughts with all of you in this particular sad days. Many surgeries ,many loved people have passed . Unfortunately this is part of our reality and we can not ignore it, but beyond that we are alive and as any other…
Allow me to sweat a little of the Small Stuff
This is so insignificant compared to what some of us are going through right now--I mean, really insignificant. But here goes. just feeling bluesy lately and I think it may be related to the 1-year mark. Last year, in August '09, is when I first saw my GI doc who felt the tumor in my rectum. I remember sitting in an exam…
Help, Need advice again
Hello all! I need a bit of advice. My Onc is talking about switching me from Folfox for Folfiri because of the neuropathy issue. I have had 6 out 12 treatments, will have the 7th using folfox. We know there is most likely permanent damage in the feet so she said we don't want any more permanent stuff to happen. Has anyone…
surgical removal for polyps
Hope somebody can give me some insight as to why a polyp has to be surgically removed. I have read that most polyp that need surgical removal already have cancer in them. THis is not me but a family member.. Thanks Petrina
VERY concerned about John and Adrian
Please keep them in your hearts. No update since Aug. 3rd.
Well ladies and gentlemen
Well ladies and gentlemen. The brain thing did turn out to be metastasis but it was still very small and caught early. It's a good thing that I was having the symptoms I was having or it could have gotten really out of hand before it was noticed. I love you guys and will update later. Eric
family pics on expressions page
I posted some pics from this past weekend on my expressions page. You can see me in all my hairless glory.