CEA , must it drop rightly after the first round ,to see if chemo works? or normally results are not
Any help Will be appreciated !
All tucked in?
Just checking to see if everyone is all tucked in! Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite! Nana!!
Carpel Tunnel
I found out I have carpel tunnel on my hands which probably got worse with the chemo and neuropathy on my feet due to the chemo. I've had this pain for about a year now. FYI: If you have carpel tunnel on your fingers, wrist or your shoulder hurts, it is better to not use the thumb and fore finger because there are nerves…
Need fluid suggestions for hydration
Currently my husband is struggling with hydration. He has a ileostomy bag and is on chemo treatment (oxiplatin & Xeloda). He is drinking Gatorade and water. But, of course, it just runs real quick through his body to his bag. He is also eating quite a bit of soup. Are there some fluids better than others to help with this?…
Leaking Chemo
Yep, you read it right, not allowed to touch grandson, because I'm leaking chemo through my pores. Yep, that's the latest theory my son's fiancee' has, all of a sudden, I'm a chemo leak and shouldn't touch my grandson. I could see if my little darling was sucking on my arm, which I wouldn't ever allow, but not to be able…
Fatigue and diarrehea control
Posting this message September 19th, 3:30 pm PST. My husband is 49 yrs old and was diagnosed with rectal cancer. So far he has gone through chemoradiation treatment, had surgery for rectal removal and currently has a ileostomy bag. Right now he is going through chemo treatment. He receives an oxiplatin infusion and then…
Peritoneal Chemotherapy- Anyone gone through this?
Hi, my husband ws just diagnosed with stage IV Colon cancer two weeks ago. He had surgery to remove the tumor and we were informed that while the cancer had not spread to other organs, it had spread to most of his lymph nodes and to his peritoneal cavity. We are researching a surgical chemotherapy procedure that he may be…
Happy and sad...
tomorrow we pack for the 'switch' on EARLY Tuesday morning (the car is picking us up at 6am to take us to Amsterdam). We are preparing the house today...washing stuff, cleaning... I'm happy that I get to see my family and friends in the US (VS here), but I'm sad to leave my friends here...Oh, well, 3 months from now, we'll…
Who is the beauty you have as your avatar? That is a gorgeous photo!
It is Friday what are your plans for the weekend?
Mine go to the beach as usual but whether terrible here! Hope is not the last this year!
Dinner included a rare treat....
Porcini mushrooms! Picked from the field across the street!! They were EVERYWHERE!!! (Yes I checked them first...they are truly porcini...edible and YUMMY!!!) Hugs, Kathi
Sara hope you see this here is the title in case you didnt see when I posted earlier there is pros and cons on it but you can judge for yourself just type this in Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment international medical veritas association Like I said I really dont know anything about this other then what the article said…
Bicarbonate maple cancer treatment
My sister just told me about this bicarbonate maple cancer treatment today I went to health store and bought the bking soda and maple syrup to do it but just wondered if anyone else had heard of this pros and cons of it before I try doing this thanks for any imput Sheri22
Got port in
Well I got my port in on Wednesday Still a little sore but not bad. I get to take the bandage off tonight. A little scare to see what it looks like.
Another person lost to Colon Cancer Today
Laura did not come here on the boards. I knew her through my sister in law, who reached out to me to help Laura - information, chemo questions, resources for the kids, how to apply for disability, Hope, how to ask questions of doctors, urging second opinions. Laura did none of it. Laura couldn't tell you the name of her…
MRI and Pancreas question
I tried asking on the other board and got no answer. I figured a term is a term and our friends here sure have loads of general knowledge. Hubby had been bleeding during urniation (catherizes himself for over 20 years now) and bleeding into underwear at night. He also felt very ill in June and had an MRI to check for…
With a heavy heart I post for my wife, RIP
My wife Ida passed away a month ago. That evil colon cancer took her away from us after an excruciatingly short yet intense 17 month battle. Sorry it has taken me so long to post about her passing. This is a terribly difficult thing to do. I miss her so much. Ida spent countless hours on the CCR forum during her ordeal.…
Small but big difference.... Did you know?
This is something I thought might be of interest...why I don't know guess I just have an inquisitive mind. I was searching on the various "T" depths of tumors in the colon. So I though I wonder how thick is the colon wall. It took me a while to find this but.. did you know the colon wall is between 1.4mm - 1.7mm in…
On the news.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXZ7v2IyYcE
My Dad is now at peace
My Dad passed away yesterday evening at 7.30pm. He was sleeping peacefully in bed at home with Mum and I at his side when it happened with his favourite ipod music collection playing softly in the background. While we are struggling with our loss like anyone does we can gain some relief in the fact he is free from pain. I…
My precious David is in Heaven
David died yesterday afternoon surrounded by his mom, his kids, his sister Sue who got out of the hospital an hour earlier, his sister in law, his brother in law, his best friend, and me, of course. I feel so privileged to have spent 37 years married to the man of my dreams. I will miss him terribly but I hope I am a…
How are you? We still should meet up. I think we have the same OBGYN- Kuchera. (sp) Just had back to school night at Alfred Vail, you? Hope you are still feeling great and golfing with your husband. Christine p.s. I did the Super Hero Half Marahon in May over at Ginty Field. Nearly killed me but I finished. Very emotional…
Yahoo! pledges $100,000 to Stand Up To Cancer
I didn't know how to post this link here, but if you have a facebook account, you are able to reach it from there for sure.... omg! from Yahoo! pledges $100,000 to Stand Up To Cancer - with your help http://www.facebook.com/omgfromyahoo For every new 'like' on its Facebook page, omg! from Yahoo! will be donating $1 to…
some good news
I got a call from my onc who said my CEA had dropped after surgery from 14.6 to 2.1. I had surgery 17 days ago and found out I am stage 3B again with 3 nodes involved. I didn't see this as such great news since wouldn't one expect your CEA to drop after the primary tumor and three cancerous nodes out of 60 were removed? I…
Sundance Scope Results AND Chemo Under Way Tomorrow *UPDATE*
Hey! Well, the scope went down. I was hoping for some good news on this front. PET/CT had shown no uptake to the colon area, so I was mildly optimistic that I might win one here. What do I know? I couldn't win the lottery in a One Horse town, LOL:) It looked mostly good, but they did pop my balloon when they found a nodule…
Did you get an email from CSN - More Birthdays?
Did you get an email from CSN regarding their More Birthdays website? http://morebirthdays.com/ I think it's awesome that caner awareness is kicking up!!
Adventures in bagland
I guess it's a love hate relationship with this bag. I was already having a rough night, went to bed about 10:30 and the dog had me up at 12:15 because she was so restless. So I got up with her and decided to nap out on the couch. Woke up at 4:15 and instinctively knew all was not right. Reached down to the bag area and my…
Ugh! I have it on my back. What the flip, another cancer. Surgical center is calling next week to set the date. Christine
speech and mouth muscles
Hi, My mom has stage 4 colon cancer metastizied to the lung with 9 small lesions. She was on xeloda Jan.-July. She starts Folfox first of October. She has had some of the side effects. Her speech is blurred sometimes, and it looks like her mouth muscles arnt working right. Her top lip is hanging over her bottom and she…
Why am I turning into a LARD after chemo and Liver resection????
Seriously, this may seem vain and unimportant in the scheme of all we go thru, but I am NOT eating 2000 calories a day. I am walking 30-40 minutes each morning, so why am i busting out of all my pants? Granted, my torso terrain is different and all lumpy and bumpy due to the myraid of surgeries, but hell, I don't need…