Folfox 6 and Infusion?
OK! I am confused....I understand that my husband will be hooked up with a "box" that will come home with us on one day and we will return on day 3 to be "unhooked". Here's for the confused part: Is there an infusion that happens in clinic before we go home with the box? I am sure the oncologist will let us know. I am just…
Lisa 42
Hey Lisa just to let you know I'm thinking about you and sending best wishes and good vibes your way . Hope the blood work goes well and the ct scan love ya Tina
Feeling sad today ,not very usual on me but not very positive today !
Some body would give me a hand? Thank you! Love you!.
Folfox 6 side effects
My husband has recently been diagnosed with Stage 6 cancer of the small intestine. He will be receiving Folfox 6 via a port that has been implanted in the upper right chest area. I would like to know what to expect.
Silly question
When someone says they have been through 2 rounds of chemo, does that refer to two chemo appointments. Like say I had 12 chemo appointments completed is that 12 rounds of chemo, or just one round of chemo since 12 is the entire run of it. Yes I know a weird question.
New Adventure tomorrow (Tuesday)
Well, let's see what tomorrow brings :) Today, I stopped by the Cancer Agency to do my blood work/CEA. I won't be seeing my oncologist tomorrow because since we now are on the new schedule of the half-dose of Irinotecan every two weeks instead of every three weeks... I will see my oncologist every other chemo week. But, of…
Not on Topic but was on "Lock Down" today
Yep, hopefully my first and last "LOCK DOWN". Some 45 year old student (gives us oldies a bad rep, just great)threatened to kill students, teachers and some administrators. My son was in his anthropology class on the opposite side of my classroom,and I was in my Political Science, we were busy texting each other. I looked…
Weight gain/loss poll
I have read that some people gain weight, and other lose weight, during chemo treatments. I started chemo on January 31 of this year, and I am still at the same weight (I need to lose some lbs). I am surprised that I have not gained weight, because on the week that I don't have chemo, I eat like Ms Pacman on fire. What was…
Friday Riddle Answer
And the winner is ....................... PGLGreg. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: I have seas without water I have forests without wood I have deserts without sand I have houses with no brick What am I? ANSWER: Map
I will be gone a week
I am off with my three daughters, husbands and eight grand kids to magical Disneyland and to the beach....Let's see how Steve and I fair! lol Chat with you later!
I know you all like a little good news now and then
Jim's scans came back and showed very slight "shrinkage" in his tumors and less activity showed up on the PET scan. We are still going ahead and getting a second opinion on treatment from THE CANCER TREATMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA. We leave Wednesday and will go for a five day evaluation. We are pleased that the current…
Interesting theory:, "Tumours could be the ancestors of animals"
tho I kinda go with the idea expressed by other researchers that individual cells within the tumor compete with each other to survive,( as per Darwin)which these authors disagree with, nevertheless, an unusual concept, found at www.newscientist.com/article/mg20928033.700-tumours-could-be-the-ancestors-of-animals not…
new life style study downunder
My wife and I have just joined this lifestyle study of cancer patients. I get off chemo the week study applications finish. Just made it. Its focusing on diet , exercise and some other bits and pieces. The part I like is the resistance training. Its going to force me to workout more. I explained my healthy approach so far,…
Target Cancer cells video, just an FYI
Hi everyone, The pharmacist at my cancer centre called today @ ~ 5 PM to say Cancer Care Ontario has approved me for my erbitux treatment. So it looks like I will be starting next Tuesday, 1 week later than planned but nevertheless starting! I wanted to just update the thread on this I started yesterday but for some reason…
Hey, everyone. I received this email from Rob. He's making progress! *hugs* Gail Greetings from Vancouver's beautiful West End!! I am enjoying a day at home after getting a "day pass" from G.F. Strong Rehab Centre. Does it ever feel good to be home! Presently I am sitting comfortably in my wheelchair with my laptop on my…
Need prayers, good vibes, vodoo, hodoo...
anything will pay. :-) Yes it's that time of the year, when the birds chirp and flowers bloom..and yet it's still cold and no sign of spring yet. Lol ok I will get to my point, it's scan time again for me on Monday. Appreciate anything you can send or throw my way. If I pass this scan, then I will be only scanned yearly,…
ok here it is for my love Jorge
We just got back home for seeing the colon and radiation doctor Jorges tumor that is in the colon it was in the fat in his back well the tumor is no longer in his back but Jorge will be doing radiation for 5 weeks and then SURGERY in June the doctors are very happy how well the chemo has worked .I would like to thank you…
stage 4 colon cancer
Hi I am new to this forum and I need help and prayers,last year I was going throug colon cancer,had quimo, went to my liver, they took half of my liver, wetn to quimo for another round, my liver is healthy now, and now the Doc's are telling me that I have a tumor in my left side in my lymph nodes, I am scare and confuse,…
how do i develop an avatar
Can someone guide me?
Tutorial: How Do I?
TUTORIAL: How to email a fellow member (or PM - Private Message) How to email a member TUTORIAL: How to format TEXT How to format TEXT TUTORIAL: How to change your Avatar (Profile Photo) How to change your Avatar TUTORIAL: How to create a link (hyperlink) How to create a link I can see it now... "How do I make tutorial on…
TSUNAMI in Santa Cruz
Here in Santa Cruz, we have 20 boats that have sunk, over 100 damaged and 14 million in damages from the tsunami. This is nothing compared to what Japan suffered and is suffering. We are still awaiting news from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, it's proving to be a long wait, we've been trying since 10:00 pm last night…
I am thinking of you and hoping your knee surgery went well.
CT colonoscopy
I'm usually on the Uterine Cancer Board but since I have been identified with MSH6 gene a situation has come up & need advice. I went for a CT of ab/pelvis & they found a "spot" in the cecum area. They don't think it is cancer but I have to have it checked out anyways. The 2 procedures the report mentioned were colonoscopy…
Hi folks! it's FRIDAY here ! Anything interesting to do in the weekend?
Just cinema, if chemo permits it! Hugs!
Alien fingernails
My eyes aren't the greatest any more, so when I was cleaning my nails under a brighter that usual light source, I notices these small, blood colored lines underneath my nails. The streaks are right behind the white portion of the nail that you trim, and partially on the white portions too. What is this, and will it get…
ONE RIBBON, ALL CANCERS lets make it happen
I am tired of cancer awareness being treated as a pop culture fad or some trend that goes in and out of style. Its become something that embarrasses and disgust me about or culture. This actor gets this cancer and that cancer gets a telethon or a walk, but when john or Jane doe get cancer they don't even get a "sorry bout…
I just HAVE to share with all my supportive friends here....
I got my mail today...I have come to HATE getting my mail...full of Medical Bills, and what has seemed like turn down after turn down from foundations who never seem to have any money left once they get to my application for financial/medical bill help. Any how, got my mail. 3 letters from our cancer center. 1st one-new…
Heard from Relatives in Japan
Here is what they wrote: Mark, Marie, Everyone here is Ok! I got stuck at school for 24 hours! It was a big quake but no one in Our family or at school got hurt. The school did! It separated from the ground! Water pipes all over the neighborhood bursted! I write a letter or a more detailed e-mail. We love U both 2! Chihoko…
I've not posted in a long time
but I have a question to ask. I have been on 5fu, Avastin and CPT-11 since June 2010. I lost all my hair (everywhere) after the second treatment. Last month my hair started growing back (I even have eyelashes again). Is this normal? Should I be worried that my onc has cut back my dosage without tell me? Thanks, Debbie in…