I've commented on a couple of posts, but I'm new here.
Hi everybody! I was diagnosed stage 2B in 2008. I had a colon resection and 6 chemo treatments. In March 2010 I had a hysterectomy and was restaged....stage 4. I was told that I would never be cured and that we were just going to be trying to keep things under control. I did 11 more chemo treatments and this time I was…
ldlehunters ,Jennie!, how are you my dear?
Feeling better? Hugs!
Anyone with Metastic Colon Cancer having this problem?
I mentioned in other posts that I am writing for my dad who has Stage iv Colon Cancer. He is wondering if anyone else constantly feels like they have to have a bowel movement? That is his biggest complaint right now. All the time even after he goes to the bathroom, he constantly has an urge to have a BM but of course…
Amber to have liver resection today
Hello all. I am posting this for Amber as I know what a loving, caring forum this is and that it is also home to some pretty powerful prayer warriors. My sister Amber (immbeloved) is having a liver section today (getting started about 12:30) at Vanderbilt by Dr. Beau Kelly. She is having 2 tumors removed and has been told…
Brief citations of stuff in the news pertaining to CRC:
"Aspirin's ability to protect against CRC may depend on inflammatory pathways"....gist of which is that of the three inflammatory factors/blood biomarkers analyzed--C-reactive protein(CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-2 (sTNFR-2), it was only the last mentioned that showed benefits of…
My name is Cindy Brady
I treat myself to a milkshake twice a month...gotta have it. The problem is that since I have started on the Folfox + Avastin, my face starts feeling slightly numb during the infusion. Then the other thing that happens is when I drink a cold milkshake, my tongue won't work correctly, and I sound exactly like Cindy Brady. I…
Any news from Kerry and John 23.?
Hugs mates!
Extremely Sleepy at times
Sometimes my dad feels extremely tired and cant hold eyes open even after a great night sleep. Is anyone else going thru this or have any ideas what causes this? Sometimes its several days after chemo. Again, he has metasitic colon cancer.
Button down hon, I just watched the tsunami in Japan where my brother-in-law and sister-in-law live (we had our double wedding in Hawaii) and it's horrible!!! Get your self to high ground just in case, OKAY?????? Love at you, Winter Marie
Stage IV Survivors
My husband was diagnosed Jan2010 with Stage 2A colon cancer. He was only 25. Turns out he has Lynch Syndrome with a mutated KRAS MSH2. Chances of having this mutation is less than 1% and turns out he's in that percentage. He went through resection of his colon with no lymph node involvement. Now nearly a year later his…
Friday Riddle
Remember NO goolging or searching the internet allowed and good luck !!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: I have seas without water I have forests without wood I have deserts without sand I have houses with no brick What am I?
Follically challenged
Well, I knew it was coming. I started Folfox with Avastin every 2 weeks on January 31st of this year. I knew that my hair would begin to thin, and now I am shedding worse than my cats. I think I saw one of them with a lint brush trying to get my hair off their fur. Anyhow, I was just wondering, how much hair should I…
Article about me in the paper today
Thought you might be interested. http://www2.journalnow.com/entertainment/2011/mar/10/wsrel23-youth-soccer-coach-battling-cancer-still-h-ar-847431/ Roger (Can someone tell me how to make a hyperlink on this site.)
HIPEC...didn't work....
Rick's initial scan results yesterday showed all clear, until about an hour ago when the doctor called. I guess the HIPEC surgery didn't work...the little bastards are back on the peritoneum. Onc. asked us what we'd like to do, chemo now or wait until symptoms appear. Anyone with any suggestions?? We don't know what to do…
Surgery, looking for hope
Hi everyone. Yesterday was my day for surgery at Mayo Clinic. I was nervous some, but more excited than anything. All went well, the surgery consisted of sigmoid colon resection, liver left lobe resection, (one tumor remaining after Folfox and Avastin), and hopefully portal vein emolization. The surgeon has been very…
JOYCE STEELE....This Hugs for you !!!!!!
Joyce, it seems that sometimes one of our own needs a very extraordinarily extra special cyber hug.....Also, to show that we are devoted to our family here at CSN and all over the world........This post is devoted to you only, to let you enjoy all of the love, tears, hope, joy, laughter, promise, and simply to lift you up…
Billiary Drain anyone ?
Dx with stage 4 colon cancer with mets to liver a year ago,had colon resection by excellent surgeon, 6 months chemo and then 3 months maint. chemo after a clean PET scan, have had a billiay drain for about 9 month , a pain in my side to deal with daily, do they ever take these things out? what is the criteria (have had the…
on the bench !!! and surviving survival and 21 days
Had my first school recess with my son. he is only 5 and first few weeks at school. our day started off slow, so I got the kids to school late. so the penalty clauses kicked in, like no truckshop spending money for treats and no lunch orders on friday. I asked my kids to handover the change in the car. they said they had…
Thought of the Day
“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” ~ George Horace Lorimer
May the devastation and the loss of life be minimized. My heart goes out to all those troubled by this tragedy.
Does anyone take BTC?
Does anyone take BTC? Have you found any success with it? Thanks, Erin
O/T - Can I brag....please...just a little?
I must preface this post by saying I ususally try not to brag, but I just can't help myself this time. Besides, I know lately I have been sharing more of my stress and worry. Here is some great newa to share. We have 2 fantastic daughters, 17 + 22. The younger one applied to 3 universities for the fall + got accepted to…
Sugar vs Splenda, and how much daily
When I am too weak, or tired to make food for myself, I like to be able to use Carnation Instant Breakfast to help supplement my diet. I know that sugar can feed cancer, but some sugar is necessary for all cells in the body. I am not sure if I should buy the no sugar type, or if I should buy the type made with Splenda. I…
We have a full house! Kids arrived yesterday.....
YEA!!!! My beau's son and daughter, and his daughter's friend, came in yesterday from California....I am smiling from ear to ear!!!!! Last night for dinner we had traditional dutch: Thick split pea soup (with sausage in it), dark pumpernickel bread with butter and cheese, celery root salad, and full-cream ice cream for…
dr. leonard coldwell
any of you heard of his treatments????
"master and man" by leo tolstoy
from wikipedia In this short story, a land owner named Vasili Andreevich Brekhunov takes along one of his peasants, Nikita, for a short journey to the house of the owner of a forest. He is impatient and wishes to get to the town more quickly 'for business' (purchasing the forest before other contenders can get there). They…
Welcome Lightchaser777!
Just wanted to welcome you to the club!! I saw your post in one of the other topics and am soooo happy to see you post... and thanks for posting your story! Everyone who is going through this journey and has found their way to the CSN Board, be it someone who is looking for information because they have been diagnosed, or…
Lisa42 naturopath update?
How about an update on your cleanse and your naturopath visits? I am still on parabiotics, mastica, and licorice root to clean me out of any parasites that I may have and working on building up the lining in my stomach. I have mailed off my blood specimen to find out what I may be allergic to. Waiting on those results. I…
Out of hospital again
I had a very unpleasant and freakish overdose of fentynal. They gave me a patch to wear for three days. I put it on and things were fine and it seemed to work well. When I got out of the hospital I went home and took a nap. I have a habit of napping in front of a space heater. Well, After about two hours of napping I woke…
Smokeyjoe Welcome to the Board!
Hi Smokeyjoe. I saw your first post on another thread and wanted to make sure that you didn't get lost. I'm sorry that you have to be here and deal with this cancer but, I'm glad that you found us. Welcome to the board