Friday Riddle Answer
WINNER IS................. geotina. CONTRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Name a common English word that changes its pronunciation when given a capital letter? ANSWER: polish / Polish
CEA going up after starting chemo
Hey gang, I've been doing some searching around, but I have to admit, I have Chemo brain this week, so my focusing powers aren't the best. But I could have sworn I read somewhere, either here on the boards or while googling somewhere that when you start a new chemo (or just start chemo that you've been on before but have…
Little things
Last week was a milestone. I was finally able to sit up and wear a seatbelt, so my wife and I went out to dinner for for the first time in almost four months! Today I actually drove the car and went shopping on my own! Little things, but they sure feel good!
Questions so we can make informed decisions re stopping chemo
So, I have mentioned, time and again, that Jack is saying he is quiting chemo. But for some reason, it's hitting me that he really really means it this time. The pain in his arms and legs, the over all malaise.. 3 or 4 folfox, 2 5fu, 4 more to go of 5fu Jack says will ask Onc to do a scan, or he willhave another scope to…
Caregiver, Support Provider and Researcher for my Sister
Hello Everyone, I am new to this Board and am seeking any advice I can find. 50 year old sister diagnosed with Colon Cancer Stage III in 2009. She had surgery and 5 months of standard Chemo. She was cancer free in 2010, or so we thought. CT Scan in early December showed 3 small legions in lungs (they were malignant and the…
Hey guys...
I just wanted to update you a little this morning. The freaking beast is at it again. My brother silently and peacefully passed away in his sleep from his short battle with lung cancer. Thanks to all who prayed and shared good thoughts, vibes and just good wishes. Thanks for all the PM's and such, too. I'm sure he and my…
To chemo or not to chemo
At Graci's suggestion, I am reposting this as a separate topic: I was dx'd a little less than a year ago as stage IV due to "distant" lymph node involvement. 12 rounds of chemo, 6 weeks of radiation and one bright red colostomy later and I have no idea of how I am. I do know that my secondary oncologist at USC Norris has…
In memory of Pam
It saddens me to tell you that my Pammie passed away. Yet, I am also grateful that her pain is over. She has been in the Hospice wing of the Hospital since February 22nd. The nurses there took great care of her, bathing her, applying skin lotion and they even painted her fingernails. While she was able, she gave hugs to…
A little funny for the day........Rated G.....
> > A husband and wife are shopping in their local Wal-Mart. > The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart. > 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife. > 'They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans he replies. > 'Put them back, we can't afford them demands the wife, and so they carry on shopping. >…
a poll about hospice/Update about my brother
i am quite upset. my brother is in the hospital. hospice is involved. my brother does not want to die. hospice nurse told us she was going to speak to him and would be telling him he was dying. myself and 2 other sisters said no, do not tell him, he is afraid. she told him. now he refuses pain meds, he knows what was…
My dr has recommended that I take aspirin daily. Has any body had problems with it? How do I know if I am having problem with aspirin? I was dx april 2009, stage III, colorectal. chemo/rad/ surgery/ostomy/ reversal/reconnection (in late mid november) digestion still a little rough. E
Peritonitis & Bedside Manner Deficient Doc - Sharing a Vent
My husband bounced back fabulously from his first FOLFOX/Avastin so well that we had one great day when we both went back to work, caught up with friends and enjoyed being confident & happy for the first time since his diagnosis. Then the very next day - whack - we got hit! In the space of 10-15 minutes he went from being…
IT'S Back and I'm back
Just got word that a spot on my lung is suspicious and likely cancer....so Radio Frequency Ablation and 4-months of Xeloda. I foolishly thought I was done. Any comments about RFA for a 0.5cm spot on the right lung???? Is Xeloda afterward standard? I hate Cancer! Mike
CT results
Happy Happy Happy!!!! Clear scans, we reach our 1 year mark!!! Thanks for all the good vibes! Love you all Loves, Mel
Friday Riddle
Remember NO googling or searching the internet allowed and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Name a common English word that changes its pronunciation when given a capital letter?
Time to place the one above in the special arena of your thoughts well wishes prayers karma, or whatever it is you do for best results and well wishes to someone special in your life...Here we go again.....OK...whose got me this week, whoever it is has their hands full........love to all this week and weekend........buzz
very sick.....
Going to hosp now......
update on surgery
Whew! No cancer dectected. Went for a PET scan in Feb, then in to see the Onc. The scan showed two areas of concern - one close to the ileostomy takedown and the other behind the cecum. Surgeon concerned even though my CEA was 2.5 and down from 3.5 in Nov. He was supposed to go in by laproscope, take a biopsy, wait for the…
Screaming, Crying and Singing
Good evening everyone! Well heck, guess it's good morning..140 am here... I know I've posted sounding like a crazy depressed woman lately, and I appreciate your listening and the support you've given! I left the house today, by myself, which never happens anymore, (Jack had a buddy here all day, so he wasn't alone)…
ok i gave up ************* update******************
Ok I gave up I can't do this anymore to night at 1230 my son jorge was in bed and had the biggest seizure ever now its 145am I'm sitting in the hospital my sons face is all bloodshot even his eyes and in about 8hours from now I need to go to the cancer center with my husband Jorge to see the chemo doctor and hopefully he…
any other colorectal vitamin d3 clinical trials running or planned
just really interested if any other clinical trials re vitamin d3 and colorectal are running or planned around this large planet. some of us have faith in these papers re vitamin d3 and reoccurence preventition. the more trials I see in an area, the more hope or potential I see the supplementation of d3 as having. I…
Why does my Oncologist dislake the pill Xeloda??
I was recently in my Oncologist's office for a choice of treatment. He prefers the IV type with a post and a 48 hour pump set up in my home. I prefer the drug Xeloda because it is easy to take and far few side effects. What do you think?
Jim is due for scans
Hi Friends, Jim goes for his PET scan in a few hours and then for his CT scan on Monday. We see the Doctor on Thursday for the results. So if you think of it, send up a prayer or a well wish or whatever you're comfortable doing for him this week. He told me after getting hooked up for Monday's treatment that he won't do…
So now......it's Folfiri for me
Okay....hmmm....just left oncologist appointment before chemo tomorrow and he delayed my treatment because platelets are a little low 84. I really really didn't want any delay's. Also....he doesn't like my Oxy side effects and is changing me to Folfiri. So now....what am I in for with the new chemo please? Oh…
New Oncologist visit.
So after my upsetting visit with my first Oncologist that was referred to me by my Surgeon, I went to see my new one at Siteman Cancer Center yesterday. Very cool, very laid back, very comfortable to talk to. He went over my CT scan from 1/8 and MRI from 2/17 and gave his opinion. My Onc I initially went to see on 2/14…
Hello my friends IT'S FRIDAY here, Anything interesting to do in the weekend ?
Bad weather here, today snowing a little , so not very much to do, maybe Friday dinner and Saturday night Cinema! jajajaja! Hugs!
Thank you all for your kindness
There will be no lung procedure for me today. My blood hasn't thickened up enough from warafarin. I was expecting it to be there this morning by Dr just said no. They are confident they will be able to buy me some lung function. If you guys could do me a favor sometime when you get a minute. Concentrate on breathing.…
Neulasta Shot Question
Good morning- I am comming off my second folflox treatment with Avastin. After my first treatment the rate at which my body was making new white cells was low and my second treatment was delayed one week. Today,after getting disconneted from the take home pump, they are going to give me a Neulasta shot to help with the…
Today's CT results
Hi everyone, I got my CT results today. My CT scan was 2 weeks ago + had been moved up due to increasing CEA numbers. Overall the results were not bad, although there is some growth in some liver tumours. Some of my lymph nodes have actually decreased, as well as a couple of "nodes". Anyway, my onc is switching me from…
I am such a sucker for Motown
did anyone see the Motown concert from the White House? ssoooo rockin I loved it. I am not really aware of John Legend but he was great and Cheryl Crow was fab and her duet with Smokey Robinson was over the moon. Of course I am way older than most of you so I remember all this the first time round. Yesirree 1965 bell…