a wonderful Thanksgiving
this is Canadian Thanksgiving weekend....so much earlier than state-side..... we had twenty friends and family for traditional turkey dinner,,,,mashed potatoes, squash, green beans, homemade bread, coleslaw,stuffing, cranberries and endless pies last night my dear neighbour died of throat cancer...a blow to us all but…
Stage 2 survivor - My blog
Hello everyone I'm new in this forum. My name is Paul Clement and I am a stage 2 rectal cancer survivor, having had my surgery in June 2010. I know I am one of the lucky ones to not only survive but also be spared chemo and radiation treatments. Even after 15 months or so, I felt like I needed to get a few things off my…
I'm back on Day Shift!!
Well, the tomato season is over. The marinaira sauce is off to our vendors. No more 12 hour nights. No more weekends! Just getting up at 0530. :) . Glad to be back to a normal shift. During these three months my aunt and mother in law passed away. That was very sad. I had just lost my Nana. We are not used to death in this…
brand new to CSN
On May 1, 2011, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer which had metastisized (sp) to the liver, 1 lung and the brain. They did Gamma Knife radiation surgery to the brain tumors and all are shrinking or gone. The latest CT Scan and MRI show the other tumnors are shrinking. Been doing the Folfox chemo for everything but…
Heard it again - NED "doing the dance"
FINALLY after 3 weeks from last CT scan we met with Dennys ONC, 3 weeks was terrible to wait but we figured that if something showed up we would have gotton a call sooner. Konwing that did help some with the wait but not toally we still worried. And we got the news still NED after surgery which has now been 25 months. So…
J Pouch
Hi to you folks, I usually post on the H&N (head & neck)site, but came here as I have had my colon removed, 3 years ago, and have a J-Pouch now. I have lived with colon problems for many years and was diagnosed with familial polyposis (sort of). Anyway, I got the J-Pouch to replace my colon. You can look it up on how it is…
Things didn't work out as planned ... and a big question
Hi all, First off - I hope you are all well, and enjoying life to the fullest. I don't post often but check in on everyone from time to time. I last posted in July some good news about my husband Brian. It always helps me to read good news - gives me hope and I wanted to pay it forward. It looked like he was going to have…
Insurance questions...
Good morning everyone! I have been researching insurance info and this morning I had an ephinany, "I can ask my friends on the cancer board! Someone is bound to know much more than I do." The insurance laws and info on the web are very hard to figure out. So here goes... we are insured through my work, teachers, in Las…
Officially Unemployed
Or retired, or on permanent disability, take your choice. Regardless, I got here at age 53. My last day was Thursday, and I flew up to the office (I work remotely, which meant there was a remote chance I was actually working :smile: ). There was a bunch of paperwork to fill out, then there was a lunch in my honor, where I…
Any body knows about Sister Sledge?
Not posting recently !
used chemo drugs, tomotherapy...???
Dear all, After one week being extremely depressed and devastated, my brain started working again. I need opinion and advice from you all desperately. My mum, a brave fighter, decided to continue chemo treatment even though she has used all of them and seems none is working anymore. Her onc decided to re-use oxaliplatin…
Bladder problems
Hubby's having problems with his bladder. Scan shows the bladder has stretched and is causing some blockage. Still in the hospital but they are sending him home with a catheter and a bag strapped to his leg. Apparently the rectal tumor pushed on the bladder and caused it to extend out of shape. Dr thinks and hopes the…
Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that since my venting post what is happening. My sister has metastisized lung cancer in the brain. drs. very hopeful that radiation will take care of it. 12 rounds. NOW, here is the weird part. She had her lung out 15 yrs ago and now it shows up in the brain. the drs. are more…
going on a trip and upcoming tests- *update*
Hi Everybody, (update at bottom of this top post) I'm just checking in and letting you all know that I will be gone on a trip from Oct 7-17th. Hubby and I are flying to Miami and going on a 5 day cruise with stops in Jamaica and Grand Caymen Island. When we return to Miami, we're renting a car and driving around Florida…
My, Oh My how life does change sometimes
I'm not quite sure about this stranger next to me. I hadn't realized how used to the way he had been for the last year or so that any change would seem foreign and indeed strange. Apparently the words "you will be dead in a few months to a year" seems to have penetrated my alcoholic husband's mind. This is Day FOUR of NO…
pet scan results and chemo questions
My husbands pet scan came back and it was good that the only thing they see is 4 tumors in the liver. the are not localized but scattered, so at the end of the 4 rounds of chemo we will rescan and itnsound like rfa is an option? he had his first oxi/avastin infusion last Friday and will do that every 3 weeks along with…
A letter to evil
To Cancer, Because of you, I am angrier than I have been in a long time. I read the posts here, and the fear comes through in every one. Deservedly so. We are living it every day. How many victims will be enough? How many tears have you watched? Does the fact that they burn make it even better for you? Families abused by…
Would like some input: Now that I'm NED, strange problems cropping up
This month I am two years NED. Dx June 2009, stage 3, 30 localized radiations, 50 rounds of chemo and a number of surgeries. Ilestomy reversal 10/10 Went for a scheduled followup C/T last Friday and had my first ever allergic reaction to the contrast dye. Got hives and felt itchy all over and was given an IV of benydryl…
Naked happy dance....
I had my first scan in 18 months yesterday(kept getting postponed). My surgeon read it on the spot - all clear. Don't come back for 18-24 months (this time, it's the scheduled gap. For my scan yesterday, I was on a 12 month recall, but problems came up, causing multiple delays.) Dr is confident that I'll continue to do…
Scan tomorrow morning
I've got my scan tomorrow morning and I'm really nervous. If you could please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for a normal scan, I'd really appreciate it. Hugs! Kim
Hi mates it's FRIDAY any interesting plan for the weekend?
Going to the beach house but weather has changed it's fall at last! So no swimming just walking and having some fun with friends.
Medical MJ a thing of the past?
A news article on Yahoo indicates the Feds are forcing closure of all 'state legal' mj dispensaries in California within 45 days. Can assume other states where legal will also get same treatment.
Luvmum, checking in how your mum is doing?
Please let us know how things are going. Thinking of you and your mum. Winter Marie
News about Judy?
I read the post about evil and was wondering if Esquared was informing us about Judy. Could someone read it and let me know if she passed away. I wasn't certain what Esquared was trying to say. Thanks.
Still shrinking
Jake got the results of his latest CT scan back today. His lymph nodes are stable or slightly smaller and a met in his peritoneum that was 3.7 cm is now 2.8cm. Thank goodness that all he is going through is accomplishing something! Wish it would all go away but we'll take even small bits of good news!
Cancer Treatment Centers of America??????
We are looking for new treatment options, talking to CTCA, anyone out there have first hand knowledge????
Hello from a newbie (to this forum, not to cancer!)
Hi folks, just wanted to say hi! I’ve been lurking on this site for awhile, and finally decided it was time to jump in and post something myself. I’m a mom of three, librarian and cancer fighter for the last two years. Cancer being the sneaky wretch that it is, I spent the first six months misdiagnosed with lupus. Luckily…
Met with surgeon
My husband and I met with the surgeon on Monday for a consultation. He said he believes my husband is a candidate for the HIPEC procedure. Tumor board meets next week and surgeon is going in with thumbs up. I am very excited about the possibilities of the surgery but husband is scared to death although says he wants to do…
good news today!
Just got back from my oncologist visit. cea is 1.0. It's a good day tessa
New diagnosis turning our world upside down
On Aug 1st, my husband (53 yrs old) had a routine screening colonoscopy and was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer which has metastasized to his liver. He starts his 3rd round of chemo infusion tomorrow along with 14 days of xeloda pills (calls it his rat poison). His attitude is totally amazing and he is determined to…