Hi Blake. I know it is pre-dawn on the west coast......but have been wondering how you are doing. Did I read that you are back home?? Hoping you've made good progress.
Anyone else using MSM ? i am looking at starting it, but my enduracell my do the same thing
a while back tanstaffl provided this info. i just thought i would check it out. anyone else interested in this supplment and done some homework. MSM is methylsufonylmethane, a derivative of DMSO, that is considered a great source of sulfur, and perhaps other cancer related benefits. i have been on enduracell a brocolli…
fasting has anyone else tried this ? some new science
some of the science here. http://www.lef.org/newsletter/2012/0210_Fasting-Retards-Tumor-Growth.htm?utm_source=eNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Help&utm_content=TextLink&utm_campaign=2012Wk6-2 yes, i have and am looking at doing this, just a matter of when and how long. just finsidhed a little baby two day fast and…
Checking in
Hi Everyone, It's been a very long time since I checked in and I am devastated to see that we lost Lisa. She was an amazing person and an inspiration to everyone. There's another angel in heaven. I feel bad for not checking in, because I had a personal email from someone from another board who really, really needed some…
Milk Thistle ... your thoughts and experiences are requested (update)
Hello everyone - I am considering adding milk thistle to the list of mom's daily supplements ... she is currently taking: - Curcumin - Vitamin D3 - MultiVitamin - Biotin (for hair and nails as chemo damaged both) - Magnesium & Calcium to deal with the neuropathy I've heard good thinks about the protective benefits of milk…
Cesium chloride
is something that is being suggested to me. Would appreciate any comments if you have heard of it or have used it. Thank you. Pat
Thank you John23 and Tommycat re relies to Carl...Renee
22 years ago I lost my husband to prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones. He chose no treatment other than radiation to help bone pain. He just wanted to be home. So with the help of Hospice, which was new in this area, I kept him home. I learned to give him his shots for pain, change out IV bags, and anything…
http://ecancer.org/news/2475 if this has been posted before, just an interesting article i found.
My Heart Hurts. UPDATE......
Going to hospital. Fill you in later JennIe They discharging me. My heart is beautiful they said. The pain is actually coming from my lungs which have much inflammation from recent cyberknife. They gave me some anti inflammatories and lots of pain meds.....which are now working and i feel ohhhh so much better. Thank you…
Liver resection criteria?
My wife is undergoing chemo for Stage IV crc. significant involvement of liver (roughly 50%). has had no surgery to date and oncologist mentioned the possibility of surgery after chemo. Apparently a small fraction of people are candidates for surgery. I am just begining to research the surgical option and would like to…
I know it,s a sad day but I know Lisa would like it so Its FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the week
I'm not able to think about what to do in this sad moment , but life must go on, probably go to dinner somewhere ...we will see! Cheer up my friends!
Queensland NOT CR (question for our Aussie's)
A couple of my friends (they visit and buy and ship back many things once a year from here)live in the Queensland area, and I actually haven't been able to get a hold of them today. So, how is the flooding there? Do any of our Australian friends from CSN live in that area? And if so how are you doing with the flooding? Is…
Final arrangements for Lisa42
In case anyone wants to send a card or other rememberance, here are the final arrangements: Lisa Didier's funeral will be held on Sunday, February 26, 2012, 2:00 p.m., at Riverview Evangelical Free Church, 4980 Sweetgrass Lane, Bonsall, CA 92003
Surgery update
Carls surgery went well he is still in ICU however. his bp has been all over the place today from super low (in the 70s) to high 130s, vomiting and even passed out at one point. Seems more stable tonight though so I suspect he will be on the main floor tomorrow. They said the tumor in his liver was the size of a…
RON50..... How did biopsy go?
Hi Ron, You have been on my mind and in my prayers. Hope your kidney biopsy went well. Hugs.. Jennie
More on travel (after takedown)
If all goes according to schedule, treatment wise, I will most likely have my ileostomy takedown at the beginning of June. We have a trip scheduled to the beach about 7 weeks later. It is a long drive with some distances between bathrooms in places. I know everyone is different. But is it realistic to think I will be able…
One more round of 5fu and then I prep for lung surgery March 20th. The plan is to remove some lymph nodes that lit up on the PET scan and section off a portion of my right lung. Since I am told surgery is the gold standard I try to think of this as good news. My surgeries have been progressively more difficult. Colon…
Stage what?
So my husband had his surgery and we asked what stage he was in and the oncologist said "stage unknown". What??? She said since the cancer in the tumor was so small and it didn't spread anywhere and wasn't in the lymph nodes that the pathologist couldn't get a stage on it. She even called and questioned him to make sure…
Cyberknife treatments
Greetings! I'm new to this board and don't know whether anyone has posted on this topic before. In late September I had cyberknife treatments for metastasis to the sacrum, and I want to offer a brief report on that. Cyberknife is a technique that delivers highly focused high-dose radiation. Because the focus is so precise…
so afraid to travel
please forgive me because i know it is not life threatening. My daughter has bought us tickets to travel to Naples Florida and tomorrow we leave. I am so afraid I can hardly breathe. i used to love to travel.....I once hitch-hiked alone from England all over Europe and across Turkey. now i feel like I cannot do this.....…
Cathleen Mary
Thank you! plh4gail
Blake , Buzzard , you both all right ?
Hugs from the other side of the pond.
probiotics to help with diarrhea and immune function
I found this paper today by accident, but its a good co-incidence. I have actually embark on intensive probiotic rebuild and having very results in many areas. bowel motions are the best in as long as i can remember. I also have plenty of energy and am sleeping well. And my positive spirit is more positive. that documented…
Husband NED after 82 rounds of chemo
Dear Friends, As many of you know, **** has been fighting cc for the past 3 years. He was stage 3c when diagnosed in January 2009. He has had 2 surgeries and 82 rounds of chemo. He was NED from June 2010 till a scan in January 2011 showed cancer back in his lungs. For the past year he has been on Folfori + Avastin. In…
My husband had to get an emergency ileostomy a week after his original surgery. But my question is how often will he need to empty it? Right now the nurses are emptying every hour! I hope he doesn't have to do that when he gets home which will be anywhere from tomorrow to Monday. How often does it need to be empties at…
Wound Vac is History
After being tethered to something since Nov. 29, the date of his HIPEC surgery, my husband is finally free. He had to go home from the hospital with a machine that suctioned moisture out of the open wound 24/7. It was a pack that he had to carry around like a purse. It has been a long haul but what a trooper he has been. I…
Lisa is not doing well. Her husband posted on FB ad they have called hospice. She is in a semi conscious state and on moraphine. The family is taking turns caring fr her. Please keep Lisa and her family in your prayers. This is a very difficult time for them I am so very sad. (Hi, this is Lisa's husband. I'm sorry to…
Last month they where still accepting candidadtes. http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01413295
Your help please.
dear colleges after 2 rounds of FOFOX I have developed a kind of sore or eczema in my groin ( between my inner upper leg and my balls,sorry for that, LOL ). It's really uncomfortable, any of you had ever experimented such a disgusting effect while on chemo?.Arrggggh!. Thank you in advance my friends.
A sad day
Hello friends, Today was a sad day for me my family and many of my friends. I have not been feeling well at all lately- breathing is very compromised and my heart just pounds. Today at rest in the dr's office, my heart rate was 137. It didn't even feel like it was pounding at that moment to me. I can only imagine what it…