CEA Blood draw tomorrow..
But, I don't find out for a whole week what the numbers are..... If they go up again, starting chemo. Mind has been made up.
Blake, Please Check In
Blake, Just wondering how you are doing and hope you are headed in the right direction. Have you returned home yet? Luv, Wolfen
Bili Numbers after Liver surgery
I was going to post this on the liver forum but realized there isn't a lot of traffic there. Carl has been trying hard and insisting the kids and I head back to Montana. His bili numbers rose again this morning 25.8. The dr.s on his case have said this number has them very worried due to the steady incline. Rest of his…
just wanted to say hello
Hello you all of you guys so I haven't post anything I've been very busy with kids and I'm not. Feeling to well myself .not sure what it is yet that's making me feel sick . But I would like to give you a update on Jorge .he had his liver surgery in nov.8th 2011 he had his blood work done on feb 3th and the CEA was 1.2 so…
Tethered again
Last Monday my husband had his wound vac removed. On Thursday he felt the wound split during a BM and on Friday felt another pop during a sneeze. The wound was about 2 inch across and is now about 6. In pain all weekend and headed to hernia surgery this afternoon. So looks like his friend the wound vac is coming back. It's…
My sons body is rejecting his first port.(he has only had this since november). The metal parts are pushing threw his skin, causing a scab.. He is scheduled to have a replacement in two weeks and resume chemo right after this replacement. Just wondering if he will have to replace this port every 2-3 months and if anyone…
is there anyone else on here that is takeing Folfiri chemo?
Reason y cea levels rise
Why do Cea Levels rise. Mine keeps going up. .5 then 3.4 now 4.3 this is all within a few months. The oncologist said don't worry but we do.
glucose level- just wondering
Hi, My mom just had a pet done...the last PET was in Nov 2009, and in between we've only had CT scans every 3 months. In seeing that they look at blood sugar, have any of you looked into any research between correlation between glucose level and survival? While we have a healthy diet, we are Asian and eat a lot of rice. I…
4 best supplements
I was watching the Dr. Oz show yesterday and a guy was talking about the 4 best supplements to prevent cancer. They were IP-6, black raspberry, selenium, and vitamin D3. I already take vitamin D3 and was wondering if anyone else is taking any of the others? I am always looking for things to do to prevent recurrence.…
Finished treatment for brain mets
Hi All, Just want to let you know I have finished my treatment for brain mets -- hoorah. Hope no-one else in this group is ever in the same situation but just FYI: I had whole brain radiation (mine was spread over 15 sessions), then a break of about 2.5 weeks, then stereotactic radiation (similar to cyberknife, xknife,…
Chemo Brain temp or perm?
Hi All, It's been awhile since I posted on this site, I lurk once in awhile and respond once in awhile but its been way too long since Ive been involved here but for good reason. I've been involved in my life and my career and not worrying about cancer for a change. I feel very blessed to have been touched by so many…
Tumor marker number acoording to three month blood test
My son had his bloodwork done today and the oncologist said the last tumor marker came back at 1.9. She stated that she was not concerned unless it was greater than 4. What does this mean. Is 1.9 normal and mean that there is not cancer detected? He was diagnosed 2009. Resection, September, 2009. He is doing well except…
Flattening CEA trend at ~300 ?
My wife has stage IV (extensive liver involvment) and is undergoing chemo. no surgery yet. CEA trend: 1800 prior 1200 after 1st chemo 311 after third 322 after fourth she will have 6th chemo in a few days and I just noticed that last two CEAs were essentially the same. Will be asking Onc about the implications. Has anyone…
New Here. Husband Diagnosed 1/11/12
So, I have been lurking here since early last month. My DH, age 39, has some blood in his stool on January 7th. We went to the family doctor on the 9th, got admitted to the hospital on the 10th, colonscopy on 11th showed the rectal cancer tumor. The PET/CT scan on 1-23 showed there was 1 lymph node near the tumor, but…
pet scan results
well i talked to the doc on monday and he told me the results were that there was several tumors on my liver and the largest of which was on my right lobe the size is 6.4cm, i do not much about sizes is this a large one or not? i do know that the doctor told me that it was not operable and we would check it again in 2-3…
Carl still in ICU
We are still in ICU. Bili numbers continue to climb is at a 19 now. They are preparing to go in and scope the bile duct tomorrow probably since they don't have a team in today. He has been running around 102 temp indicating possible infection. He has fluid in his lower right lobe of his lung so are treating for pneumonia…
Daughter having surgery Thursday
Hello again. I just read and read and read on here. You guys are great and so informative and supportive. I'm so sorry about the loss of Lisa42. Even though I didn't "know" her, it was a real gut-punch. I'm so sorry for her, for her family, and for all of you to have lost her from your lives and "family" here. I've read…
I have Big Dreams
Funny thing, Someone in another thread, stuck a thorn in my side and yes it has festered. He asked what kind of foolishness perhaps people saw when I proudly state I'm going to college. I'm 52, Stage IV Colon Cancer, looking good at the moment, but really how long will that last? So this required looking into my soul,…
Stable impression on CT SCAN
My dad had his CT Scan today and the results show stable lung and liver nodules. He has had 6 chemo treatments with a break in December when he was in the hospital. Is stable a good thing? I was hoping that it would show some response, but I will be happy with stable, since it could be worse. He want's to take a week break…
Bone Density / Fractures
Good morning, Wanted to send this message out as a "heads up" ~ Any others out there with this same issue? So, I am sitting here with a non-displaced fractured sacral-ala (lower hip area) due to walking. I am 51 years old and never had problems until I went through radiation, chemo, etc. I had been swimming during my final…
big dreams are contagious! i love winter! biology health conference and a little mcp info
dear winter, i have caught your big dreams, i want to run an alternative health conference with a focus on health and biology. i already am dealing with the best researchers in australia that could fill a one day program. i know ideas are easy and events are hard work. the speakers would be, the focus would be science not…
Another question about FOLFOX.
Got severe headache together with some nose problems,had a brain MRI on December and was clear should I have to order a new one or headache is a normal side effect from FOLFOX?Any experience on this? Thank you in advance my friends.
Liver Resection - religious - UPDATE
Dennis went in at 8:30 am this morning and is expected to be out around 4:30. They did the ileostomy take down, re-draped and started the rection of the right lobe. We have been at this for a while now and I have sat in this waiting room plenty but for some reason today is harder. I am afraid... I am here by myself and I…
new chemo regimen
has anyone been on oxyplaitin w avastan and xeloda pills for 14 days?
loss of spouse support
Last april I found out I had stage 3b colon cancer. At 52 years old, I was prepared for the fight of my life. Actually after 9 months and going through surgery and 6 months of chemotherapy, I actually feel pretty good. My wife who supported me so well in the beginning started to get upset with me I didn't seek help sooner…
Keeps me fighting
I became a first time grandpa on Feb 10th to a grandbaby girl. I feel so blessed to have experienced this wonderful miracle. Just got back from staying with her for over a week. My wife is a real blessing, she helped out so much. Back in Jun 09 when I was dx with stage 4 colon cancer with mets to the liver and told I had…
Starting chemo Wednesday Anyone have stage 3a. Good new??
HI I am starting this week, for the 6 months of treatment. 1 infusion and 2 weeks on the pills and 1 week off. Had surgery and a port put in. Has anyone else had the same stage and the same treatment? I am hopeing to hear good news. Thanks
Blepharitis (infection in the eyes)... anyone? anyone? Bueller?
On Erbitux and have the nasty rash. well, it's moved into my eye lids and they diagnost it as Blepharitis. anyone had to deal with this one? going to a opthomologist this week. Joe
MAGLETS are you in Florida?