CEA Markers

Hi to all, just wanting some information on cea, my husband is on a chemo break at the moment, having been dx 17 months ago, and at present being treated for Colon mets to peritoneum, liver and lung. What has been strange is that his Cea has never gone up!! Always around 3 - 4. Has anyone else experienced this? Again my thoughts are with you all. Belinda.


  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Belinda -

    The CEA marker is just one out of many markers that are used
    for diagnostic purposes. Taken alone, the CEA means little.

    For some of us, the CEA never changes, and is useless for
    diagnostics, while for others it can be more helpful.

    The CEA can rise -or fall- with the death of cancer cells,
    or with ailments that have nothing to do with cancer.

    So relax and let those responsible for doing the diagnostics
    be concerned with the readings. If I feel they might be
    wrong, I have the data read by a specialist outside of my
    present physician's group or association; trying to use the
    data yourself will usually only cause needless anxiety.

    Best wishes,
