mother recently diagnosed...
hello to whomever decides to read this... i just needed a place where i could put down my... every thought. I can't really believe that life would throw such a hurdle at us. my step dad passed away of lung cancer in aug 2002. My grandpy passed away of prostate cancer in feb 2007, and my father passed away from gillian bar…
CEA down but possible new tumor??? (changed title to try and get feedback)
Hi all, So I was able to get the nephrostomy tube removed and they placed a stent in my right ureter. They suspect a tumor was the cause of my blockage. Exactly two weeks later I was back in hospital this time because my left kidney failed. Same problem with same solution. CT scan showed possible new peritoneal mass but…
Getting Rid of Oncologist
Just curious how many of you got rid of your first oncologist? My mom is at her wits end with hers. She had a set back about a week after her last chemotherapy treatment and had to be hospitalizes with severe clots in her leg. She was in the hospital for a week and a half and is currently at the hospital closer to our home…
New clinical trial-Ziv-aflibencept
My sister was diagnosed with stage IV. Mets to the liver and lungs in Nov. 2010. They sarted her on the clinical trial ziv-aflibencept. Have any of you been offered this? Farm Girl
What did your oncologist say and have you had a referral to your surgeon yet. Just thinking about you and hope you are doing better. Kim
Was wondering if you have been on the boards lately.?? If you don't mind, I have a question.....again. Thanks.
Monday surgery cancelled, new date is Thursday
Well, the PET scan showed more tumors lungs and liver , and after PET and ultrasound they still don't know where the 3.3 cm mass is hiding, apparently outside the colon, not in ovaries, so sitting here waiting on CT Scan. So new surgery date is Thursday, they still will operate. Thank goodness. Winter Marie
Hi mates IT IS FRIDAY, any interesting plan for the weekend?
Well........seems that our Indian Summer has arrived so guess......Back to the beach tomorrow! So it's nice to be alone with my wife and a few couples of friends there ,in the night some light coats and going to the country to have some typical Catalan or french food home made style while watching Barcelona FC vs Real…
OK, So I started the Detox diet. Juice and exclude Meat for two weeks, minimize Meat for 4 additional weeks, and then add Meat Proteins a little at a time over a year. Mostly Raw foods and nearly vegan for a year. I was given a inexpensive juicer from a neighbor. It was a 300 watt motor. It barely lasted a month. lol I…
Daughter showed up on my doorstep this Afternoon from Ohio
She came for my Monday surgery, so will be leaving Tuesday, she already had the tickets before my surgery was cancelled and changed for Thursday. How exciting! Winter Marie
Life Insurance Living Needs/Accelerated Death Benefit: Anyone with any experiences?
I am curious if anyone that is stage four have any experiences with term life insurance through their employment that provides "living needs benefit", sometimes called "accelerated death benefits" ... I know that sounds morbid, but it seems that it is option whereby one can request a certain percentage of their life…
FAP - Polyposis in the Colon
I was diagnosed with FAP two years ago. I am not cancerous as of yet, but am wondering if there is anyone else out there who has FAP? My FAP is a genetic mutation of the APC gene, no other family history of FAP. I will soon see a colorectal surgeon in regards to getting a total colectomy. I have been researching the…
Ostomy - what type are we dealing with???
Hey all, quick question, could anyone shed some light on exactly which type of osteomy Rick has now? I thought that they all would have a round red stoma over which we place the bags. But I was rather surprised to find that the higher one closest to his left chest looks like a bullet hole with poo. Nobody told us about…
Help with dealing with post surgery survivor
My mom survived colorectal cancer surgery. She is 83. She is able to get around with a walker and cane, and she has a bag My Dad lives with her. He is trying do hard to be helpful, but she is rejecting his every effort, and closing him out. He is losing his ability to maintain his compassion. She yells at him and us very…
HELP...Moving Pain
I need some help desperately. I have been experiencing pain that seems to be rotating around my body affecting hands, knees, ankles and shoulders. Some days i can't write with a pen and many ays it is hard to even type. The Oncologist has seemingly indicated that he has not seen this before. They issued me Hydrocodone…
Hubby Seems Extra Tired :(
Hi All, My hubby had lap surgery, 14" of the colon out in July. Stage 2b - Not doing chemo. His 1st PET scan a few weeks after surgery showed no cancer. He's eating good and pretty much healed it seems. But I have noticed that he seems more tired. He is working full time, but for example today... he slept 8 hours last…
Scared about having surgery
I really need to know how this goesv from someone who has been there. I have two kids to live for. operation set for Nov. 12th any advice would be helpful thanks.
IS it true high oxygen levels in blood kills cancer growth?. my daughter got her levels back and they are almost 100% . doe anyone know
iv vit c good review from lef fyi
http://www.lef.org/news/LefDailyNews.htm?NewsID=16266&Section=Vitamins&utm_source=DailyHealthBulletin&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Vitamins&utm_content=Body+ContinueReading&utm_campaign=DHB_121006 a little vit c, when i make it through my current challenges, well i suspect my iv c may have helped. i am at least happy to have…
MAGLETS ! Do you have any news from Steve?
Hugs dear !
Steve & Cynthia, need to know about you!
Praying for healing , hugs!
Matching cancer cells with chemo that works
Hi everyone! For some of the oldies here and anyone else who might know, I'm looking for any info on the company that tested John Nimmons (snomminj) tumor sample and determined that the breast cancer chemo was more effective than the standard colon cancer chemotherapies. It was just starting up when he wrote about it but I…
has anyone gone into remission with diet change and supplements after being diagnosed with cancer. love to hear any stories thanks,
Surgery is scheduled
Will be having the liver/fallopian tube surgery on Monday. I don't have a time yet, they just called and told me they will be doing it this Monday, and gave me appointment time with surgeon and anesthesiologist for this coming Friday. Had PET/CT scan today, they gave me the disk but no report, apparently we are not allowed…
Hello alll
hello all it's been some time that i have posted anything here but i do look in on everyone .and just wanted to say hello to you all and let you know that Jorge is doing well last month his CEA was at 1,2 and he has a ct scan coming up on the 25th and I'm feeling a little ok a lot of stress about it .thanks for listening…
Hair loss on Oxiplatin/5fu
Having chemo oxiplatin/5fu every other week. Anyoen loose there hair, doc said yes after 4 treatments, chemo nurses said after 10 days. I had my first treatment Sept 18th, still have my hair and it was my second treatment today, Oct 2nd. I get he oxiplatin infusion for 2 hours and then i leave with the 5fu for two days and…
time for a new diet, ketogenic ? anyone else want to join me ?
So I have been gradually been getting into the ketogenic diet, is anyone else doing this diet. I am just curious, thats all. its a bit of a learning curve and to achieve ketosis is hard, i am using the ketostix urine test, looking at a new monitor. something new for when i am at the clinic.…
Will i loose my hair taking oxaiplatin? Or will it just thin? intervenous 2 times a month? every other week. Please reply asap. cheekse917@comcast.net
I am on the list yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Dear friends, I am smiling as 33% is better than 0%. who believes numbers anyway, not me. I am still typing and optomistic about the next few months. hipec surgeon said 33% curative odds in my case today. the angio ct showed a couple of small liver tumours, operable and the lung met can be rfa'd and minimal peritoneal…
European oncology conference in vienna - ESMO
I believe there is a big convention of all European ontological Docs in Vienna , Austria. It is from 28 th sept till 3 rd October. Even my oncologist from India is attending the same . I hope they come up with some new and bold protocols for treatments and to keep recurrence at bay. If anyone had any insights throughntheir…