For those who find stuff like this interesting, here's some interesting stuff:
(not all of which i understand myself) new trial/good so far on MGN 1703: cancernetwork.com/colorectal-cancer/content/article/10165/2107224 potential new tx target,CD66c: doctorslounge.com/index.php/news/pb/32605 cancergenome.nih.gov/researchhighlights/researchbriefs/ColorectalCancerInsights Magnets and cancer cell death?:…
Well, had onc. appt. he said there is an ever so slight increase again...so he feels xeloda is not working out, so it's back to folfiri for me....he talking about adding avastin, there is an added risk for me because of my history of the blood clots...he wants to talk it over with his colleagues....so, basically I left not…
New trial drug Regorafenib - Anybody on it? or know of anybody?
My husband has been on regorafenib for two months. This is for Stage IV CRC that have exhausted all other treatments. Does anybody know survival rates? He was diagnosed in July 2010 with mets to liver and now to stomach lining. Are there any longer time survivors with similar diagnosis?
mother recently diagnosed..4
morning... mom is very much into the computers and such, but not phones... *sigh* i'm super super curious about how it all went yesterday, and no answer still... i don't think she even has the internet where she is staying.. which is kinda lame since really who doesn't have the internet now a days.. my work is kinda…
New scans not good started Zaltrap today
My newest scans (Oct 8th) were not good again...they show new tumors to the lungs and they are getting bigger. There were also new tumors to the liver and that upset me because the old tumors in the liver have been stable for 3 years and now they are active again. There is a large mass in the prostate that wasn't there in…
nasal mucus side affect of FolFox???
I've been sneezing / blowing nose with bloody nasal mucus. I have not really had a bloody nose but blood in mucus is now an everyday deal. I've undergone 8 treatments of FolFox so far. Has anyone else undergoing FolFox dealt with this as a side-affect? I don't recall this side affect being discussed? Thanks for the…
Confused and crushed caregiver
Hi everyone Apologies for a very long first post, but after being a lurker here since august I've reached a point in my caregiver situation where I am just lost. I realise there is a caregiver forum here as well, but this board seems more active and I could use some advice from both caregivers and patiens. Backstory: I am…
Good news -- and differing treatments
Haven't posted much lately, but pop in to keep up with everyone when I can. Wanted to share some good news -- I've had 4 scans since dx in February, and all have shown improvement, and CEA has dropped from 44 to 1, and stayed in that range for months. Which is nice for a stage IV, terminal dx. Scan results last week showed…
new to Colorectal cancer, any advise?
I found out almost 2 months ago that i have colorectal cancer and have been going to test after test after scan after scan, having both good and bad news. Bad being that they found 4 large dark masses in my liver, but good because they ended up being begning. bad because they also found a spot in my lungs. now i am playing…
Once again surgery is CANCELLED *Chemo Update*
On further test reviews it is decided I am to do chemo first, and maybe down the road surgery. It is what it is. Winter Marie
Any little things that may help . . .
Cancer is just so . . . illogical! (Being a Trekker and a bit OCD, I find that extremely infuriating.) Why does a certain chemo work well for some and not for all, if they have the same type of cancer? Why do some have little, if any, side effects with treatments and others have severe reactions? There is so little out…
mother recently diagnosed..3
hi to all... ilovekitties.. thank you muchly for your posts. :) mom started radiation today. not sure about anything since i haven't talked to her today. (kinda wishes she was little more of a techie to keep her phone with her so i could text!) texting isn't much but again when your in different parts of the province, it…
Radiation burn
It's been over two years since I finished radiation but recently the radiation burn in my pelvis has flared up. I've been using calmoseptin, triple anti-biotic ointment and a medicated talc on it but not getting much relief. Has anyone else experienced burn flare up this long after radiation, if so what have you used to…
Surgery tomorow
Surgery tomorrow. Little nervous but everything should go well. Thanks for all the advice and kind words from everyone from the forum.
Another bad scan ***Replys to ya all
Well friends and family.......i hate to be a downer. Those of you who have upcoming scans.....do not fear. I have the worst luck. I did folfox. Now clearly folfiri isnt working. I'm KRAS mutant, so i cant do erbitux. Onc wants to add Avastin to Folfiri?????? Folfuri doesnt work. Regorafenib & Zaltrap wont do any good since…
Total Colon removal but NO colon Cancer
I am writing here because I can't seem to find another board to discuss my situation. I first off will say, I do NOT have colon cancer or any other cancer. Praises. My colon doesn't work. And has never worked. I've been dealing with laxatives since I was 21. I'm now 43. So I can't go to the bathroom at all, unless I use…
Growth in Lung Mets - help please
Dear Friends, I have been checking the board regularly and keep so many of you in my thoughts and prayers daily. **** has now been at the fight for the past almost 4 years (January will make 4 years). After he was clear awhile (June 2010 - January 2011) he got multiple lung mets. Those have been shrinking or stable but now…
Dear Friends
Dear Friends, As seems to occur, here on the board we are once again having a flurry of less than good news for many of our members. I would like to suggest that on Sunday October 14 at 4pm Eastern time we all take a few moments to collectively give prayers, good vibes or best wishes to those here in need. I feel that our…
Coconut oil?
So the pooch ate 1/2 jar of my coconut oil. I use it on my skin - have never cooked with it. I started googling to avoid a trip to the vet...she should be fine...seems ok so far. But in my searching I find info that it's apparently a "cure" for cancer. Does anyone use coconut oil as part of their diet - do you just cook…
I've been worrying about you, since I haven't seen you posting lately. What's up buddy? Is everything okay? Are you just taking a break? I worry. Winter Marie
Hospital admission due to ascites UPDATE - I'm discouraged
Mom has been in abdominal pain for a week and tuesday night we decided to go emergency because she had severe bloating of the abdomen and fever. After some testing they said she had abdominal fluids and that were infected. Now she is at hospital in IV antibiotics and on a couple of days she will have a CT to view what is…
And so it begins . . .
Hello . . . I am a newbie and my hubby was diagnosed with colorectal adenocarcinoma three weeks ago following a colonoscopy. A grape-sized mass was discovered, but no polyps or other problems. He has since had a 'whole body' PET CT scan, which indicated that he does not have any other areas involved. He's also had an EUS,…
Crazy/Frequent bowel movements after ileostomy reversal
I just recently had a temporary ileostomy reversal and have 10-20 bowel movements in a day and was wondering how did people control the same.I am taking metamucil twice a day and imodium as needed but does not seem to help much. My surgery was done 3 weeks back and was diagnosed with stage 2 rectal cancer and had…
First Scan after surgery is in - not what I was hoping for...
I'm curious if any of you have had similar results and/or what you all think about these results??? Yesterday I went for treatment 8 of 12 of FulFox. I also saw the doctor as a follow-up for PET and CT Scans done on 10/1. The scans show a small nodule (3mm) in the lower lobe of the right lung. The doctor thinks it might be…
Chance of recurrence
I was diagnosed and treated with stage 2 T3 rectal cancer and was wondering what are the chances/percentage of recurrence of the cancer either in the rectum or somewhere else like liver, lungs etc.
Mother recently diagnosed 2
Sorry in advance for short hand spelling am using my phone to write this. Im sitting here at the cross with my nan (was late getting here) so i never got to see mom before she went... She went in all by herself. Didnt want my nan to go with her. Shes goin in to get radiation started and to get a permanent cvc (i believe…
Follow up care -Stage II rectal cancer
Hello all, I was diagnosed with stage 2 T3 rectal cancer back in January of this year and since then have undergone chemo and radiation along with 3 surgeries to remove the tumor, ileostomy and then reversal. I wanted to know what is the exact follow up care that anyone with the above staging is receiving every 3, 6 months…
To the most wonderful people in the world.........
I restarted chemo 3 weeks ago because of tumor regrowth where surgery was performed in 2010 in the upper left lobe...The chemo Folfiri with avastin makes me so sick that i am still sick from infusion a week ago tuesday. I am suppose to start infusion again next tuesday but have had deep talks with the wife about quality of…
Post-Surgery Questions
Dear All, My father (age 70) was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in April. He did radiation and chemo, then surgery. His surgery was September 14th. Everything went well. He got an ileostomy that can be reversed in a few months. He was home from the hospital in 5 days. Since then, he's had some problems that I am…
Bruins1971 died today
His sister notified his close friends. RIP Bobby Flaherty