Some set backs from surgery today

Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member

For my husband. It's day 3 post op today from liver resection. He wasn't answering any calls or texts and the nurse called he was vomiting, having trouble breathing, and they thought he had a blood clot in his very swollen arm. So I got my kids settled went down to the hospital. He was a tiny bit better, but the belching was pretty gross, but I knew he couldn't help it. After an u/s of his arm, chest, and abdominal xray they found no blood clot. Just an infiltrated IV. He has a tiny part of his lungs not inflated, that will work itself out. The abdomen is showing a tiny bit of the bowel paralyzed, he was able to start passing some gas later In the afternoon.

it's hard to see him like this, I am starting to wonder if he is coming home anytime soon. I know he can't do much at home but the kids and I miss him being here.  I know I have  it way easier than  him right now but I am really feeling sorry for myself tonight. Taking care of 4 kids (one with severe autism), 3 dogs, 4 cats, 2 rabbits, 2 rats, 2 turtles, and one hamster alone is starting to take it's toll.  I am worried and tired. 



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Poor guy. I had a section of

    Poor guy. I had a section of intestine that didn't want to start back up, either. They called it a blockage which scared me because I thought that meant more surgery. While it was like that I was violently sick but once it got going again it was fine. No food during that time, though. I was so sick I thought I'd never get better, it was very depressing.

    It's so hard for you and him right now but it'll be better soon. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Time for you

    Somewhere in you busy, busy life, you must find a bit of time to take care of yourself. If you break Dow, you'll be no use to anyone or anything. It's hard, but even if it's 10 minutes to meditate or have a cuppa and a biscuit. 

    I'm sorry your hubby is suffering, but it will get better. 

    We're here for you.

    Sue - Trubrit

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am sorry to hear that, but

    I am sorry to hear that, but I believe he will get through it. Wow you really have a full plate. Do the best you can to take care of yourself. You have an enourmous amount of responsibility and need your strength.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Sometimes it takes longer to heal up

    than you might expect.  I had to stay in the hospital for two weeks after one surgery.  It's not fun but it's the right place to be when you still need that specialized medical attention.

    I hope he starts to improve soon and can get back home.  And you take care of yourself as best you can...sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate.

    Big hugs!

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    I never got out less then 8

    I never got out less then 8 days after surgery.  The Docs always promissed I would get out in 3-5 days.  I was always in good physical shape and would be walking the grounds 1 mile at a time several times every day.


    We are sending our healing thoughts and prayers.


    Best Always,  mike

  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    i am sorry I didn't get a chance to come back things went so fast after that. Once the gas began to come through he perked up, was off IV sunday, ate some jello & broth, eggs at night and they sent him home Monday. Cutting the morphine out helped as well. He is doing ok, moving slowly and tired but I am not complaining. Only thing bothering me is him not really wanting to eat. I have to force him to have a small amount. Otherwise it's going well, I am tired :) thank you for all your help & support!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    Thank you everyone!

    i am sorry I didn't get a chance to come back things went so fast after that. Once the gas began to come through he perked up, was off IV sunday, ate some jello & broth, eggs at night and they sent him home Monday. Cutting the morphine out helped as well. He is doing ok, moving slowly and tired but I am not complaining. Only thing bothering me is him not really wanting to eat. I have to force him to have a small amount. Otherwise it's going well, I am tired :) thank you for all your help & support!

    After I had my surgery and

    After I had my surgery and was home after the second hospital stay for complications I had no appetite, either. Sometimes I really wanted something and my husband would make sure I got it and then I couldn't finish it or lost interest. Usually I'd get to the last quarter of whatever it was and could hardly choke it down. It took about two months to have any interest in food again. I remember saying that I wished I could just take a pill that would give me complete nourishment because it was such a bother to eat.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    Thank you everyone!

    i am sorry I didn't get a chance to come back things went so fast after that. Once the gas began to come through he perked up, was off IV sunday, ate some jello & broth, eggs at night and they sent him home Monday. Cutting the morphine out helped as well. He is doing ok, moving slowly and tired but I am not complaining. Only thing bothering me is him not really wanting to eat. I have to force him to have a small amount. Otherwise it's going well, I am tired :) thank you for all your help & support!

    I am glad he is home.

    I am glad he is home. Maintaining his weight or gaining it back is very important. Its important that you get some rest as well.

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    I had liver

    Resection surgery 5 weeks ago. Day 5 post op was way better than day 3. I had full open surgery but at day 5 I felt a thousand times better and went home and actually got on the exercise bike! The doc yelled at me for pushing my recovery but I felt almost normal. I'll bet he improves rapidly and is home soon.
