I'm now 4 days since FOLFOXIRI/bev treatment two of six (treatment #25 overall). This round was a lot better managed. I am now eating more and fatigue is waning. Diarrhea was not as bad and although nausea was an issue I seem to be beyond this as well. And as I previously reported, CEA dropped from 18 to 11, giving us…
Liver resection went great!
Thank you everyone for your prayers, good vibes and well wishes, the surgery went off without a hitch and I'm doing fine. The docs are very happy, good margins (they check before they close me up- I didn't know that,) only 1 met and no other concerns when they poked around. I have an epidural in now, IV Tylenol and…
Results from MRI
Thank you all for keeping me in thought and prayers. Good news and they are being cautious. It doesn't look like cancer but there are two areas of caution that could just be related to chemo and radiation in the back of the hip area. They said the way it looks does not look like metastic but won't rule it out. Therefore…
My Colon Resection is Tomorrow, 9/19/14
Hello. My colon resection surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, 9/19/14. And I get to prep today, fun fun. I will have the laparascopic surgery at MD Anderson/Cooper Hospital in Camden, NJ. I was told it will be about a four day stay at the hospital, assuming no complications. The surgery will be about 3 to 3.5 hours. Since…
FOLFOXIRI/bev Treatment two of six
Well, I went in last Thursday for treatment two. Nausea came on quick but stronger medication and quicker response allowed be to get this far without vomiting. I did have dirrehea Saturday nigh kind of bad but it has lessened considerably. Staying hydrated and eating small bland meals seems to work so far. Still not myself…
Not good news about hip
Didn't get good news about my hip. They took an x-ray in December and things looked good but 8 months later my ball joint blood vessels have died and now my used to be rounded hip bone is now flattened. It's like rubbing bone on bone. Dr. told me to limit my walking, which is the only exercise I love, and to limit any…
ER Visit :(
Last week I started to have lower abdominal pain. I thought I had a UTI. The pain got progressively worse and I thought I might have a kidney stone, the pain was just on the right side. By Monday I thought I was going to die, so Monday night went to the ER. We just moved 3 months ago so I didn't know any Drs and my onc is…
returning colon cancer stage 4
I had colon cancer in 2009, stage 3 and now it has returned in my uterus, colon and 1 ovary, stage 4. I have had 5 months of chemo, Avastin and Oxilaplatin. Got another CT scan last week and my tumors aren't shrunk enough and one tumor is too close to a major artery to my leg, so, surgery isn't possible right now. I have…
And so it starts...
I had a colonoscopy on August 18, CT scan on August 22, surgery on August 26 with a diagnosis of Stage IIIB colon cancer. Today, I met with my oncologist and mapped out the short-term future. I will be having my port put in on September 18 and begin FloFox6 on the 30th. I am shell shocked...I was expecting, perhaps, IBS or…
Brooks (Just4brooks) checking in
Hi everyone, I thought that maybe afer a year away I'd check in to see how everyone is doing. As for me I'm doing okay, I'm now just a stay at home dad do to all of the post cancer problems with Oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy and my extream leg pain. It's hard at time to accept the life changing facts that I can no longer…
Its been a tough month already
I have been fighting with the insurance company for almost a month now to get SBRT done on the chestwall spots. Then I went for treatment last Friday and all of my blood counts crashed so they delayed it until this Friday. I never had problems with my blood counts before. Then I just got a call from my wife that her mother…
Tests, More Tests, and a Couple Questions
It seems like I have spent the last few weeks going from one test to another or knocked out with anesthesia. Yikes. It's been a year since surgery, so it was colonoscopy time (even though my tumor was in the small intestine). Everything looks good! I do have a hemorrhoid that was described as "fibrous" in nature (not like…
Just saying hello. I don't post, but I do keep up and send lots of love and good thoughts and energy to all! My husband is having a scan soon with results oct 8. Nerves are creeping in. He's going on 5 years in and is stage iv. Wishing everyone a pain free and peaceful weekend.
Dying to be me. Death experience.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhcJNJbRJ6U&sns=em http://youtu.be/-DExbitdDfA k
If you're able to move about,exercise while undergoing chemo......
This is but the most recent to emphasize the importance of being active www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/exercise-boosts-tumor-fighting-ability-chemotherapy-penn-team-finds (wish i gnu this five years ago) and on being active www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/282745.php or this…
Just wandering how you are doing?
Take a minute please
http://youtu.be/tNy3WY6TW2c I'm so proud to call this man my friend. On my down days, his plight gives me strength. Yolanda
Easyflip - Richard
You can't post and run. We want to know how you are feeling. I presume the resection went well, and that you are recovering. Definitely recovering enough to be your wonderful, supportive self here on the forum. Please, tell us how things are. Sue - Trubrit
FOLFOXIRI/bev Treatment 2 of 6
Heading into UMHS for CEA test, general blood work, meeting with onc, then treatment 2 on Thursday 9/18. I'm already anxious. I should be sleeping right now but instead I'm tossing and turning. What if CEA is not impacted by treatment 1? What if my blood work reveals issues? Diarrhea was a much bigger issue than past…
hello everyone
just finished my 11th treatment 1 more to go, have numbness in fingers and cold effects me but other than that ok thanks everyone for your support, special thanks to trubit, i feel bad talking when theres so much sickness going on thanks again
Folfox 9th cycle
Well ladies and gentleman- It's that magical time again. Chemo round 9. I have a meeting with my oncologist today, who will nod his head when I complain and say let's just keep going. I know I can do more. So far the challenge has been big but not undoable. I have 4 more to go. Thanks to everyone who prepared me. The first…
Chemo Holiday
Doctor put me on a Chemo Holiday for about thirty days. Apparently the blood work is slipping but the CEA is holding at between 2.5 and 3 for the last couple of months. We discussed it and it seems that there is minimal danger of backsliding, in his eyes. Regardless, this has me spooked. The last short holiday CEA spiked…
does it get better
Dear Cyber Friends, Its been 3 months since my brother passed away. I thought by now the pain would have been better but its only gotten worse. I cant get past this. I have so many questions in my mind and in my heart. I miss him so much that my heart just aches. Everything in my home reminds me of my brother. Yesterday I…
Wish me luck!
Hey everybody, my liver resection surgery has been set for September 23. The GI oncology center at UCSF does 5-10 liver resections a week, sadly we're not alone. I have a 1.6 cm tumor in lobe 7. The surgeon is very optimistic and thinks he might even be able to do it laporoscopically. I told him whatever size incision he…
Sore muscles
After 3 1/2 years of chemo anyone experince sore aching muscles. My oncologist said it's not them. Could be menopause ? Oh pls! I did fall four weeks ago and get avulsion frac in pelvis, which takes long time to heal. But this is crap. Mind u went walking in pool two days ago. Coud explain why good leg aching
RAS mutation may be even more important than determining treatment options, according to MDAnderson
www.mdanderson.org/publications/oncolog/ras-mutation-status-may-predict-outcomes-after-surgery-for-colorectal-cancer-liver-metastases-oncol Direct link doesn't seem to work,but if you type in "ras mutation" in search box of page that appears, you'll get this interesting article,if so interested (key word:"MAY") (something…
Question about a CT Scan
In regard to a CT scan, does a finding of "no evidence of metastatic disease" suggest there is no cancer in lymph nodes? If "no evidence of metastatic disease" is the finding based on a CT scan, approximately how reliable is that finding in regard to whether the cancer has invaded the lymph nodes? Also, the CT scan report…
One reason drugs cost so much?
This is for ONE individual only at twenty companies........ www.genengnews.com/insight-and-intelligence/what-the-top-20-biopharma-ceos-are-making/77900249/ (yeah, i know this sort of pay applies to just about every business,including nonprofits;that's one reason such NGOs are nonprofit:by the time all those on the board of…
Jucing, advice and recipes
So, I thought I would give juicing a go. I started by purchasing some different kinds of bottled juice at the store, being careful to look at the ingredients. I find that certain ones make me head to the bathroom rather often (or more rather often, as I already head there allot). But it also proved to me that I like juices…
FOLFOXIRI/bev Treatment 1
I'm on the tail end of treatment 1 of FOLFOXIRI/bev. I have to say this was the hardest on me compared to FOFOX and FOLFIRI/Erbitux treatments in the past. I had a lot of nausea/vomiting over Friday and Saturday. It was very hard to eat anything. Managed to eat some saltines and mashed potatoes. I feel a ton better this…