Hoping for same trial as Lilacbbroller (Karin)
so, my Onc let me know today when Irenotican and chemo fog, forgot chemo I do evey week, (just did both today)quit working which they might in three months or maybe six months, that I have no options left. I asked him about Maryland trial, he said he's been in touch with Standford hoping they would do a likewise trial and…
Relay for Life :)
Hi All, This is a completely off topic, but just wanted to let you guys all know: I'm going to do the Relay for Life (24 h walk for those of you who is not familiar with what this is) this coming weekend! I am doing it for my Mom who passed away a while ago, for my friend who just passed away last Friday, and for you all!…
Recovering at home after first (only hopefully) liver resection
Wow, You guys were right, manageable but painful. Huge Frankenstein incision, must have 50 staples holding it closed. Starting to walk a little better one week later. Good news, the chemo worked before surgery, folfoxiri plus avastIn. The right lobe lesion was down to two centimeters so a 4x4 divot was taken out. And the…
A bit of humour
I saw this on Facebook today. Her cards are great! I wish someone had given me one when I was in the hospital. http://emilymcdowell.com/collections/empathy-cards I'd like one that says "I'll never tell you I know what you're going through because I had minor surgery last year and can relate". I'm still stunned at people…
For Mother's Day(Not Cancer Related)
For all of you who remember me and those that don't know me, I hope eveyone had a pleasant Mother's Day. As you know, I lost my husband Ron two years ago followed by my daughter Debbie just ten months ago. It was a rather sad day for me as all holidays are for some of us. For the first time in nearly 50 years, I did not…
janderson update
I had some encouraging news but a while back but wanted to wait out of respect for the passing of Craig. I you recall 3 weeks ago I had a routine scan. The 2 ablations still looked good especially the liver but there were 2 spots tha have been questionable and now have grown so they have to be dealt with. The spot on the…
Another anti-EGFR,KRAS wild treatment:Sym004 (plus other items)
http://medicalxpress.com/print350534912.html Walnuts and CRC, www.aicr.org/press/press-releases/2015/new-study-walnut-diet-slows-tumor-growth.html www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/16/5/9976 www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150422006657/ has "Cold plasma used in world's first clinical surgical procedure performed tp selectively kill…
Anyone ever feel WORSE ???
This is a weird one.. 2 outta 8 treatments they had to forego the OXI becuz platelets were below 70k.. Those two times I have felt WORSE.. bad stomach problems and bad foot neurothopy... Thought it was other way around.. Anyone ever get this??
I got a little lost
Sometimes, things happen in life and you don't know how to deal with it. When news of Craig's death was announced, I was not prepared, not ready, for such a loss, I'm sure none of us were. But I sank into a bit of depression, like the ostrich of lore, I stuck my head in the sand and refused to bring it back up.I didn't…
The results are in
The results of the biopsy were immediately done before I even woke from anesthesia .. it is indeed a recurrence. Not sure the plan yet .. will know more in the next week or two. My body wasn't lying ..
No one bothered to mention....This is a female related whine, guys feel free to ignore it
Hi all, I am going to post a little whine here. Wednesday I went back to the Dr for what I thought was a continuing UTI situation. I have been 3 times now. The first time was mid February when we got back from Hawaii. I was given 3 days of a low level antibiotic and sent on my way with a diagnosis of a UTI. Things improved…
Question ??????
Hello all hope all is well an everyone has tried to smile or laugh a little today.. It is a new day an we are all still here :) :) i've been doing chemo for two months now. I get a. Cocktail mix of Oxiplantain and then a 48hr pump of folfox. so my Dr said back when we stared that after 6 treatments(the half way point) that…
more good news!
I just had my 11-month post surgery blood work done and my CEA went down a bit to 1.8. It was 2.2 two months ago. For me that is huge! Last year marked my 4th surgery in 7 years (to the day). This is the first time I have not had a CEA over 5.0 a year later. By now I would be either going for scans to find the tumors or…
Question for 5 year Survivors
I have been NED for 5 years after being Stage 4 and not expected to make it thru chemo. YAY I feel like I am kind of in this purgatory of being far away from all the bad stuff but one foot in the I had Cancer will it come back realm. Know What I mean? Anyhoo - for those of you on the mend, can you share your plan of care?…
Mike Thxmiker
Reading facebook today it appears he lost the fight. His wife had posted a picture of his hospital bed, his dog was sleeping with him. Hugs
Small Intestine Adenocarcinoma - Please Help
Hello. I'm new to this site and am looking for folks to talk with and share experiences. I'm 39 years old and was just diagnosed in August 2013 with adenocarcinoma of the small intestine (jejunum location). It's been terrifying. For almost a year I was having some nondescript abdominal pain, underwent clear endoscopies and…
My good news
its a hard week for me to post good news; with Craig passing and finding out that my friend's multiple mets are inoperable, but I got my CEA results and they are still at 0.5. We we went to the Chhesecake Factory to celebrate. Sue - Trubrit
Surgery tomorrow
My CSN family and friends, I have been a bit quiet lately as many things have been going on medically. I had my follow up colonoscopy and CT scan. The colonoscopy was clear. No signs of cancer and no polyps. The CT scan showed enlargement of the thyroid and a 10 inch abdominal mass. The thyroid biopsy came back benign. No…
2nd dignoses with Colorectal Cancer
Hi I havent been on here very often anymore. Its been one thing after another. I had a CT and PET scan done, it showed to small lesions/tumors. So I went in for surgery and they removed both of them. They sent them off for testing. The results are one is inflammation and the second one is cancerous. They said they removed…
Can I request a PET scan? Any info would help thanks
Hi guys thank you for all the help so far. I have not been diagnosed with cancer and I do apologize for posting here. I've had allot of symptoms: weight loss of 40lbs over 6 months, night sweats, Fatigue, nauseated, small groin node, (1.5cm)dizzy, small amount of blood in stool, and the worst is hip and abdomial pain. I've…
2nd Colonoscopy in four years a little worried..no alot worried just wondered what led people to go
I have had problems for 6 years with my stomach and digestive system, always kept up on mammos, paps, physicals etc...I have been having pain again a sharper different pain up under my ribs... btw my gallbladder is gone. I started having loose bowels movements which for me is unusual....always for years every once in…
abdominal cavity mets, need information and help
Hi all, Today we got devastated news, finally the Scan showed multiple spots in my husband's abdominal cavity without attached any organs, we both were very shocked. After scans and scans, nothing showed up but elevated CEA, finally this scan found out the spots. but none of them is big, the biggest one is 8mm.oncologist…
do I have colon cancer? or C-Diff?
so about 2 months ago, I started taking clindamycin for a staph infection on my ear! about 4 days after taking the antibiotics, I started noticing differences in my stools, such as lines/indents running down the stool, and some mucus, and loss of appetite! then about 2 weeks later I started noticing blood in my stool, so i…
Learned something from Donald Trump
One thing I've learned in life, and that is the learning process never ends, thanks Donald Trump!!! LOL https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtubegdataplayer&v=wtTQ4JXufNY I have no idea how to post this youtube stuff right, hopefully someone will correct it For me. Hugs and a bit of humor your way :) Winter Marie
Have a pain question
Hi everyone,its been awhile but I'm back. My mom finished her last treatment of Folfiri and Erbitux last week Yea ! This is her second round,she had 5Fu and Avastin also. Ok here's my question. She hasn't complained of pain in the past. All of a sudden this week she is in agonizing pain on the sides of her abdomen. Dr…
Help Moderators SPAM
I always think this is so ridiculous when this spam stuff hits a cancer site .... sigh. Peace ~ Daisy
CEA question
My CEA taken every 3 months over the last 2 years is usually 2.2, went as high as 2.6 once, then dropped back to 2.2. Just got a 3.0 result and of course I am concerned. All prior tests were performed using Siemens (Bayer) method. Most recent test used a different lab and performed the test using the Beckman Coulter…
My oncologist has put me on Xeloda, because my cancer keeps coming back. I have had to have majaor surgery every 6-8 months for resecctioning of my lung or liver. I have noticed dark pigmentation on my hands as well as dark spots. It almost looks like my hands are durty. The creases in my hands are also dark, as well as…
Looks like we might be back on the roller coaster!
PET scan results today not so good ... 3 spots lite up in pelvis. Very small and clustered together. We have been chasing this since Oct. when at my yearly surgical appointment "something" was felt on DRE. All images to date have shown nothing but possible scar tissue. Today, the PET showed different. I am so grateful to…
I've been having issues with Lhermittes's sign (feeling of an electric charge going through your legs and feet when you bend your head forward - like you're bringing your chin to your chest)related to oxaliplatin. I talked to my onc's nurse and they are saying Gabapentin may help and have called in a prescription. The side…