2nd dignoses with Colorectal Cancer



I havent been on here very often anymore.  Its been one thing after another.  I had a CT and PET scan done, it showed to small lesions/tumors.  So I went in for surgery and they removed both of them.  They sent them off for testing.  The results are one is inflammation and the second one is cancerous.  They said they removed it all but I still have to do chemo.  I really want to do the chemo part because of what I went thru before.  But I guess I dont have a choice.  I have gone thru all the emoitons already.  Any advice would be appreciated



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I recognise your picture, and I am very sorry that you are back with bad news. 

    I can only imagine how hard it is to be flying free and then after a significant time, be told that the cancer is back. And I certainly understand your reluctance to do more chemo. We do have options of course, but its an extremely gutsy decision to NOT do chemo, especially when we know that it worked the first time, albeit with horrid side effects. 

    I pray you will be able to do what is best for your body, and you know we will be here by your side fighting with you all of the way. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    Not the news you want to have. It is great that you are done with surgery. Chemo will wipe out the cancer cells if any circulating in your body. Chemo is the hardest thing to go through I know. I'd have 10 surgeries then chemo. I just tell you how I feel about it. Imagine how you'd feel if you did not do everything you could and the cancer came back again. That feeling would be a lot harder to live with than the hesitation you are feeling now. I wish you the wisdom and the strength to make the right decision and get through it.


  • bspangler47
    bspangler47 Member Posts: 145
    2nd treatment with chemo



    thanks for the support.  I had my first treatment already a few weeks ago.  It was bolus via port a cath.  I had the same chemo drug I had before which was 5fu.  When I had it before it was for 6 weeks, 24 hrs 7 days straight but at a lower dose.  I am feeling some of the side effects and dealing with them the best way I can.  My surgery area is sore from time to time.  Since they removed them from my lung the left one.  I go back again on 12 May with a second treatment called Bevacizumb or avastin.


    I have asked to be referred out for a second opinion to MD Anderson.  Hopefully that will be positve.


    Already having probelms with my appetite. 


    I am trying to remain positive, there are ppl out there that have it worse then myself.


    Tonight is different I am ready to fight whatever I have to.  My kids are older this time around, 15 yrs old daugther and 13 yr old son.  My caregivers when we are home by ourselves.  The VA sends me someone 9 hrs a week that helps out a great deal. 


    Am thinking of maintaining a blog of my jounery which started back in 2009.  maybe that will help me out. 

  • bspangler47
    bspangler47 Member Posts: 145
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Friend,

    Not the news you want to have. It is great that you are done with surgery. Chemo will wipe out the cancer cells if any circulating in your body. Chemo is the hardest thing to go through I know. I'd have 10 surgeries then chemo. I just tell you how I feel about it. Imagine how you'd feel if you did not do everything you could and the cancer came back again. That feeling would be a lot harder to live with than the hesitation you are feeling now. I wish you the wisdom and the strength to make the right decision and get through it.



    Hope you dont mind but wanted to share with you regarding my jounery.

    In 2009 Jan while on active duty I was dignosed with Colorectal CA stage 3.  In March 2009 I had my first operation, so they could remove the tumor, take out over 30 some lymph nodes.  I tested positive so that put me in stage 3.  And gave me a temp ilescompty.  At the end of March first part of April I started the process to undergo radiation for 6 weeks and chemo for 6 weeks.  Then a month off and back to the chemo for 6 months.  I actually had 2 surgeries the first time I had surgery, they took me back in the same day I had the first one, within mins.  I was stablized.  So my body has been thru the "ringer" meaning, over 13 plus surgeries(we have lost count), had C Diff several times, lost alot of weight.  Down to 62 to 64 lbs because of the CDiff.  In and out of the ER/hospital for some many reasons related to the caner.  Had probelms with my kidenys due to the radiaton/surgery I had.  At one time I was in the hospital for over a month. (also wore diapers for since 2009).   There were times the surgeron would come in and would tell me he didnt know what to do for me anymore more.  I was in the "clear" for 6 years in March.  How strange, in March 2009 was when I first had my 1st surgery.  And received the same dignoses (sp), same in information in March of this year.    I have gone thru several times with Cdiff, had a feeding tube for a few months.  Was reconnected and that was another challenge but I over come with it.   Several PICC lines in and had TPN at home where they sent a nurse to my house to help me.   

    My last surgery was Sept 2013 when I went back in for a coloscopy because I was having some issues.  Everything was fine but once I woke up more, I blew up like a ballon.  I couldnt breathe.  Needless to say, I was put on a vent, and rushed into the OR.  Where they performed Xrays and more testing.  To see what was going on.  They found a whole in the colon that was covered up with scar tissue.  It had been there for awhile.  Had my last surgery in 2011 because my bowel perforated.  So figured it came from the last surgery in 2011. I was in ICU again for a week and then to the 7th floor.   I ended up getting my ilescompty back, thank God.  And will be keeping it.  Once I had it on, it took s few weeks I started gaining weight.


    Now they found the small tumor in my lung that was cancerous.  That was another ordeal having chest tubes x2.  Very uncomfortable.  Still uncomfortable to this day.  I have good days and bads ones.  But I keep going.  And telling myself to think positive for this next journey.  That I can do this. 


    You see with all this, I lost my right kidney due to radation, chemo and numerous surgeries I had.  They had put several stents in it but it wouldnt do any good.  So know have the left one working only.

    I will continue on with going and getting the chemo.  And try to remain positve.  That there is a light underneath the tunnel


    I am thankful that I was active duty Army and was medically retired.  So I have medical insurance and the VA.


    thank you for listening



  • bspangler47
    bspangler47 Member Posts: 145
    Trubrit said:


    I recognise your picture, and I am very sorry that you are back with bad news. 

    I can only imagine how hard it is to be flying free and then after a significant time, be told that the cancer is back. And I certainly understand your reluctance to do more chemo. We do have options of course, but its an extremely gutsy decision to NOT do chemo, especially when we know that it worked the first time, albeit with horrid side effects. 

    I pray you will be able to do what is best for your body, and you know we will be here by your side fighting with you all of the way. 

    Sue - Trubrit


    Hi Sue,


    I will be going thru chemo already had the first one last week.  Go back on thhe 12th of May for the 2nd one.  I beat it once I can do it again.  They found it in my lung this time around.  Have a great network of ppl that assist me.  Cool


    thank you for the support.  will make sure I continue to take my multi vits, and the same with my kids. 

    going to enjoy life

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    2nd treatment with chemo



    thanks for the support.  I had my first treatment already a few weeks ago.  It was bolus via port a cath.  I had the same chemo drug I had before which was 5fu.  When I had it before it was for 6 weeks, 24 hrs 7 days straight but at a lower dose.  I am feeling some of the side effects and dealing with them the best way I can.  My surgery area is sore from time to time.  Since they removed them from my lung the left one.  I go back again on 12 May with a second treatment called Bevacizumb or avastin.


    I have asked to be referred out for a second opinion to MD Anderson.  Hopefully that will be positve.


    Already having probelms with my appetite. 


    I am trying to remain positive, there are ppl out there that have it worse then myself.


    Tonight is different I am ready to fight whatever I have to.  My kids are older this time around, 15 yrs old daugther and 13 yr old son.  My caregivers when we are home by ourselves.  The VA sends me someone 9 hrs a week that helps out a great deal. 


    Am thinking of maintaining a blog of my jounery which started back in 2009.  maybe that will help me out. 

    First of all

    thank you for your service. You are one tough cookie! Yes you beat it once and you can beat it again! Fecal transplant seems to be the way to go now with cdiff, did they have that 6 years ago? Hopefully it won't return for you. Good luck with your future chemo, you can do this again!


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    Easyflip said:

    First of all

    thank you for your service. You are one tough cookie! Yes you beat it once and you can beat it again! Fecal transplant seems to be the way to go now with cdiff, did they have that 6 years ago? Hopefully it won't return for you. Good luck with your future chemo, you can do this again!


    Thank you

    for your service and sharing your story.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.



  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member

    2nd treatment with chemo



    thanks for the support.  I had my first treatment already a few weeks ago.  It was bolus via port a cath.  I had the same chemo drug I had before which was 5fu.  When I had it before it was for 6 weeks, 24 hrs 7 days straight but at a lower dose.  I am feeling some of the side effects and dealing with them the best way I can.  My surgery area is sore from time to time.  Since they removed them from my lung the left one.  I go back again on 12 May with a second treatment called Bevacizumb or avastin.


    I have asked to be referred out for a second opinion to MD Anderson.  Hopefully that will be positve.


    Already having probelms with my appetite. 


    I am trying to remain positive, there are ppl out there that have it worse then myself.


    Tonight is different I am ready to fight whatever I have to.  My kids are older this time around, 15 yrs old daugther and 13 yr old son.  My caregivers when we are home by ourselves.  The VA sends me someone 9 hrs a week that helps out a great deal. 


    Am thinking of maintaining a blog of my jounery which started back in 2009.  maybe that will help me out. 

    Hugs Mate

    Sorry that you are back in treatment. I know you went thru a lot last time you were in treatment.  I can only hope that it is better this time and that this is the last that you will see of it. You have my best wishes for a full recovery with no more cancer,Ron.

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    ron50 said:

    Hugs Mate

    Sorry that you are back in treatment. I know you went thru a lot last time you were in treatment.  I can only hope that it is better this time and that this is the last that you will see of it. You have my best wishes for a full recovery with no more cancer,Ron.

    So sorry

    so sorry it came back again. It's the news we don't like to hear. I hope you can beat this monster again, as you did once before.

    my prayers and thoughts are with you on this journey of chemo and radiation.

    blogging might be a good idea.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    You do have a choice weather

    You do have a choice weather to do chemo or not BUT I think doing chemo is the right choice. With only one cancerous spot removed you have a very good chance of living a long time so please keep fighting.


  • leidybug
    leidybug Member Posts: 14 Member
    Sorry to hear the bad

    Sorry to hear the bad news. 

    I am passed the end stage 4. I have had 4 surgeries removing the lesions as they came back, but did not do the chemo each time a lesion popped up. We just monitored with pet/ct scans. Chemo kills cancer cells as well as our good cells. Therefore I chose not to have the chemo until absolutely necessary.

    right now I am in the absolutely necessary stage and I'm on Xeloda, 3,000 msg per day. 

    Hope this helps. 

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    leidybug said:

    Sorry to hear the bad

    Sorry to hear the bad news. 

    I am passed the end stage 4. I have had 4 surgeries removing the lesions as they came back, but did not do the chemo each time a lesion popped up. We just monitored with pet/ct scans. Chemo kills cancer cells as well as our good cells. Therefore I chose not to have the chemo until absolutely necessary.

    right now I am in the absolutely necessary stage and I'm on Xeloda, 3,000 msg per day. 

    Hope this helps. 

    All I can say is best of

    All I can say is best of luck. I'm not at all a fan of chemo and I believe it's what caused the blood clot that put me in the hospital for almost four months. I'm still not back to normal and am a long way from being able to work again. But I did the "mop up chemo" for eight of twelve suggested treatments.