New here, nervous,scared, have colon cancer
Just saying hi to the others here. Im new to a lot of this. Just had my resection surgery about 14 days ago. Feeling better than I was and thats a plus. But I still have a ways to go,chemo and all that. Trying to take it one day at a time. Its comforting to feel not so alone, but then again, its sad to think others are…
Scans Coming Up - Updated 4/15/15
Guys, My annual scans are coming up next week. I have not had scans in a year soooo I have the usual gitters. I will keep you all posted. Update 4/15/15: All scans are clear, CEA is fantastic. No scans for another year, colonoscopy yearly, see Onc in 6 months. My Onc was so happy he kept shaking my hand. I am NED 3 years…
Hello friends, I just spoke with Craig's wife, Kim, and she has asked me to inform our CSN friends that Craig will only be with us now for a very short time. If you'd like to say something to Craig, she has asked that you please post to Jen's post "How's Craig". Craig is unable to type, but he asks her to read everyone's…
Port Issue
Has anyone had issues with your port if you have one? Mine has always been in a bad spot but since I've lost weight it's much worse. It sits right on top of a bone so it's always been sensitive but now it actually feels like it's going to come out through my skin. It sticks way out and only has a thin layer of skin…
Decoder Ring For Doctor Speak
I've been thinking a lot about what my doctors say, or don't say as the case more often is. I'm being treated at a cancer center, but for some reason all the doctors there seem terribly reluctant to discuss prognosis. Which seems strange considering that's probably one of the most important things to the patient. It's like…
So Wrong, Butt...
Is it wrong that I totally want this? Then I can imagine the cute one (aka the good cells) (aka MINE) totally nomming the rotten cancer into oblivion. Nom nom nom... http://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/cancer.html
How about some good news?
Doc called this morning and my scan was all clear! Now just gotta keep stringing them together, next one in 3 months. Thanks everybody for the moral support. I think about all of us when I'm in that tube, it helps me get through it. Now for a little celebration! Woo Hoo! Easyflip/Richard
Hesitant to post.....UPDATE
I fell hesitant to post becuse I feel like I'm probably just being a hpochondriac, but here it goes. I want to start by sayig I have been reading posts here for the last couple months and very much appreciate everyone's candor, sharing and advice. I pray for health for everyone of you. Here's my story, which I'm going to…
Life after cancer, the bathroom chronicles . . . .
I could write a book. Let's just say, I wish I had an extra pair of pants (I wore them home the last time this happened), I'm so glad my company has a back staircase and private bathroom and thank goodness someone has a space heater (I had to wash my pants out by hand) and I have a sense of humor. Yeahhhh cancer, yeahhhh…
Diagnosed in 2003 and Still here :0) ... Wondering if I recognize anyone still .....
Hi All, not sure if anyone on here remembers me or not. I just to be a regular on here when I was going through my treatments years ago. I don't know where the years went actually because even though I am a survivor its still a struggle to survive mentallly. Quick update I was diagnosed in 2003 with 2cm tumor in base of…
Burning/Metallic Sensation Like Injection For Scans
Got disconnected from pump for third session a couple of days ago. Not too terrible, some tingling, cold sensisivity etc. But something that has "sort of" been there is getting stronger. Not quite heart burn, but more like that feeling when you get the injection for a scan where you get the metallic taste/sort of…
Stage IV 6+ Years and Still NED
Had my semi-annual visit with my Onc yesterday. My CEA level indicates I'm still NED. I told my doctor I think I am cured and he agreed but said to be safe we should continue testing until year 10. He said after 7 years we can do CEA checks just anually. I haven't been visiting this site much anymore, but thought I better…
Can someone explain how the CEA numbers work?
In 2012 when I had the cancer come back after my first surgery, my CEA was 4.3. After my second surgery (cancer free) it was a 3.7, it then went to 3.5, then 3.8, then 3.7 and now 4.0. It's in the normal range which is 0-5.0 however when I had cancer I was at 4.3 so I don't get it. Should I be concerned that it is now at…
Colonoscopy question
Good evening everyone, I am finally having my colonoscopy next week and had a question about the bowel prep. I am taking the golytley solution and have read various opinions on it. My question is, can I add flavoring to it, like crystal light? I know it can't be anything red. I have read some people say definitely add…
Just an intro, been reading since 9/07, but finally want to talk
I was diagnosed IIIb in 9/07, resected at the sigmoid with 2 of 17 nodes, did folfox and kept working[cold water and 11/2 years of neuropathy the only drawbacks]. The ct at two years showed lesions, biopsy said negative, but year 3 scans lead to liver resec tion, then good until year 5 scan showed a 3.2cm met in sec.8 of…
Take a deep breath ...
A spam message I read today brought forth an old message thread from 2012. There were many messages in the thread ... but I am sharing this one from former board member Devotion10 that many old timers will remember. I have cut and pasted her message below because it is relevent to the journey of many here and I think it…
Not sure how many on here recieve a magazine called Cure. It's a magazine tailored to cancer patients/survivors and thier caretakers. It is published on a quarterly basis. Really a great magazine. Full of information on all types of cancers. Yah, I'm going somewhere with this. This issue has a awesome article on CRC called…
Today is my 3 year cancerversary
I was diagnosed 3 years ago today stage IV Rectal cancer. I never thought I would still be alive. My twin boys were 14 and now they are 17 and graduating high school next month and starting college in a June. I have twin grand babies girls that are 10 months old and never thought I see grandchildren. I am happy to be NED…
Grit and Determination
Hi friends, In a prevoius post I mentioned my dear friend who has ALS. This past weekend was her daughters wedding. I have never seen such an amazing example of grit and determination. My friend, bless her heart, managed to stand, using a walker and being held by her husband on one arm and her daughter on the other, and…
Question not for the faint of heart- colostomy
Ok, I have searched high and low and I can't seem to find anywhere the answer to my questions A) Does it bother anyone else when poop stays stuck to the top of your bag instead of going down into the bag? When I have this problem I push the poop down B) Does anyone else have days where they don't feel clean enough, like…
Has anybody had HIPEC procedure?
Has anybody had this procedure? If so how long ago? I have mets to the peritoneum and lymph nodes. They previously thought I had it on my liver, but my second opinion believes I have a cyst. Thoughts??
Yolllmbs is your appointment on mass tomorrow, the 30th?
hey hon, my memory sucks, but is tommorow when you find out when they'll be doing surgery? wishing and hoping good news, will be thinking of you. Winter Marie
On PBS - Cancer: The Emperor of all Maladies
On your local PBS station for those in America. A documentary based on the book of the same name. It is in three parts. It is on as I type but repeated tomorrow and maybe other days. I have the book, have not completed it, but it is deep and not an easy read. The documentary is going to be good, I believe. Sue - Trubrit
What do you call FOLFOX without the Oxaliplatin or Avastin?
I have completed 11 of 12 rounds of FOLFOX, sort of anyway..... I finally called a halt to the Oxaliplatin after two dose refuctions - neuropathy was getting to be more concerning. I can easily live with the neuropathy I have, but dont wanT more. My onc and surgeon called a halt to the Avastin, as they wanpt me off of it…
Counseling and figuring out what is next
Hi all, I have been quiet lately. I guess I have been trying to figure out where my head is. I have been doing my cancer counseling and having a lot of emotional adjustments to make. Along with figuring out how to move forward is the guilt I feel for not being able to just move on. I have a dear friend who has ALS. I see…
Scan results
iT is a mixed bag. The 2 ablation sites from December still look great, especially the liver so that is great news. There was a small spot below my lung that showed up in December then was not visible in January, is not visible again but larger so most likely a metastasis. My IR said that is easily ablatable, so more good…
Happy Birthday Ron! (Ron50)
Another year has rolled around, Ron. We are so glad that you have rolled around with it. (Gosh! Doesn't that sound awful. But we deal with the nitty gritty of life and death here, so its normal) I hope you get to enjoy the good things in life today. Spoil yourself rotten, and know that we are thinking of you. (of course,…
Wishing all a Happy Easter. A Happy Spring
I wish you all a wonderful Spring season, and I pray we all have the energy or some energy to enjoy the beauties of the spring season, and for those inclined, the joys of the Easter celebration. Today I made my Hot Cross Buns, which I usually make on Good Friday. My mum always made several batches and shared them with…
Wish me luck...
Scan tomorrow, so far 6 months NED since liver resection. Here we go again, fingers crossed!
Warning: this is a hard subject to talk about....death and dying
With so many recent 'goodbyes' in my life, I sought out a way to make some sense in letting a loved one go on... I just watched a webinar on Death and Dying....and how to help transition during the process....I believe in much of it... The last message there is quite clear.....Live your life in joy......transitioning in…