This is {NED}. This is your face on NED . Any questions? The pain I've been having is a prolapse because when they took out the muscle, there simply wasn't enough support, I can deal with that (physical therapy and/or minor surgery to give support. TBD which.) I feel 1000 lbs lighter than I did an hour ago.
sick of cancer
hi everyone been awhile i'm 6 months ned now the bad news my wife was diagnosed with stage 2-b pancreatic cancer i just can't take it she was my rock last year, i know i have too but it's hard.
Hair Today Gone Tomorrow Party was GREAT (sorry pics are sideways, can't find a turn the pic right s
No taste buds
I have been off oxaliplatin for 4 weeks now and still have not had my ability to taste come back. Also still have numbness in fingers and feet. Does anyone know how long this takes to return? Or doesn't it?
Colonoscopy, GI series and a leap of faith
Hi all, I had a colonoscopy and GI series of tests today. I am pleased to report everything was clear and clean, no sign of anything unusual or of cancer. The Dr. told me that unless my oncologist advises to have these tests more often, he see's no reason why I would need to do this again for 5 years. I have a strong…
Quick Update from Me...life and death and breast cancer
Just a quick update.... Things have been crazy here lately. After a 5 year battle with cancer, my mother-in-law Jean (my husband's step-mom) passed away early Sunday morning. She fought so hard - she endured several different chemo treatments that had such horrible side effects on her body. Yesterday afternoon, my Uncle…
Can't stop crying
Chemo showed a kind of stable response after 3 rounds and cea was dropping!. Largest liver met is 8.2cm. However in the past 1.5 weeks my dad's bilirubin has been increasing a lot . Im so scared - this mean end stage of cancer plus he's very weak and appetite loss .
%$#&^# Cancer - My Mother In Law just Passed Away
In addition to my issue, my wife's Mom has had a different form of cancer. She just passed away. Trying to figure out arrangements and how I can be there with my schedule. Will have to kick the next chemo session down the road and try to rest as much as possible. This just sucks.
PET with contrast vs PET with water?
Hi, does anyone used water instead of the white fluid that is taken before the other IV fluid is given? We are currently five PETs, most recent one is with water before IV fluid, the first ones were a white drink before IV fluid any differences in SUV, reliability?
9 polyps removed-level of concern?
Hello everyone I'm a head and neck cancer patient and spend most of my time over there. Anyway I had a colonoscopy on Thursday and they found and removed nine polyps. Doctor told wife in recovery room he didn't think it was a big deal, not cancerous was his opinion. Given my history of cancer already I'm a bit concerned,…
Is this my new normal?
I had my first chemo infusion last week: four and a half or five hours of Oxaliplatin, Avastin & Fusilev in the infusion center, followed by 46 hours of 5FU via an ambulatory pump at home. I have 10 days off and get the second infusion on Monday. While I was on the pump and for a couple of days afterwards I looked pretty…
Help with copays - a couple of resources
I don't know if anyone else went into shock when they discovered how much the co-pay for chemo treatment would be, like I did. We have Medicare with a supplmental policy, with an annual deductible of just over $6700.00. When they told us the copay for each treatment would run $700-$900 dollars I had no idea how we were…
Tumour attached to tailbone/tailbone removal
Hi guys, I was recommended to come here, and ask this question, as another forum user said LAZZ had experience with this and may be able to give me info. I'm wondering if anyone on here as been in this situation? Surgeon suspects my tumour may be attached to the tailbone, rather than just the fatty tissue around it. Got…
CT scan today!
Today my brother has another CT scan scheduled to check on the liver and lung tumors. Keeping my fingers crossed since he's only on 1 chemo med, Irinotecan. Hoping that they are shrinking. Anyway, Dad and my brother are moved into their new apartment. They really seem to like it there. They said it's much quieter because…
Oh Yay, Scanxiety Again!
Blergh. Not sleeping, not eating, self-medicating, and am a nervous wreck. Must be scan time again. CT and bloodwork Wednesday. Results Thursday morning in an effort to circumvent a complete nervous breakdown in the time in between. Effectiveness of this plan...questionable. Needless to say, I don't handle scanxiety very…
I understand some folks feel offended or put off by tattoos in general. However, I felt to post this with a small story behind it. My youngest son (who is in the Army) has a very close and special relationship with his Mom (my wife) who is a CRC survivor. He was devistated by her diagnosis 3 years ago as was the rest of…
Video Blog? And general ramblings
Hi everyone reading this :-) I am new to this site and this is my second post. I have search this site along with many others looking for as much information about our conditions. Additionally I have received a lot of support from many members here and it has helped me adjust. I have also found videos on YouTube about all…
Done with round 6
I have just finished round 6 of chemo including oxaliplatin up until the beginning of 6th round due to nueropathy that wouldn't subside. Going for a scan and doc says after scan have to decide if I want to take a break or go on matinance chemo Has anyone had this experience? I am stage 4 colon cancer with mets to liver and…
Memorial Day Weekend - A time to remember those who have passed
May 2014 Joemetz - May Smokeyjoe - Leena - May MOOSE74/Eric's Dad - May Katz2402's brother - June Barbebard - Barb - July Karen - scareddaughter24's mum - July Johnnybegood - Debra - Wolfen's daughter and our forum friend - July Sandi's husband - August **** - Kathleen808's husband - August Lisa2012 - August Danker's…
What A Great Day With The NED News - Another Banner To Celebrate This All
I am sitting smiling from the news from Helen and Winter Marie. I just love reading this news. One day the promised one will be made, but a new V1
My wife pass away jan 2008 from colon cancer. r we any closer of a cure? she fought for 6 years!
Low Platelets - No Chemo.
Once again my platelets are too low for chemo. Has anyone had chemo dragged out to once a month due to platelets? I'm terrified that this once a month chemo is not enough to fight the cancer. I have tried vitamins, juicing, everything and nothing is helping. My onc says he is avoiding giving me a platelet transfusion…
Weird Font - Sorry for any confusion
i don't copy & paste here but I do switch the fonts around. I figured if ACS forum offers several fonts, then they should work. I guess some don't. Sorry fof the confusion, and sorry for side tracking tmd's thread. I thought at first I was being reprimanded for my lack of communication skills I am typing this as I sit…
Two year scan tomorrow
No real scanxiety as much as come on, I'm just adjusting let's make this clean. I have bigger problems than scans so it's sad that that's what's putting the anxiety on the back burner. Teenagers are wonderful people (when they behave and mine is not lol). Anyway, NED all around. Starting my chant.
My nana's cancer story
I don't think I've shared this on here before but it gives me encouragement to fight the battle and I hope it will for all of you as well. My nana was diagnosed with colon cancer in the 1950s when she was in her fifties. She had surgery to remove it and received a colonoscopy. I don't know if she would have had chemo as it…
Happy Birthday wishes to Helen321 - December 6th
I think this is a good place to celebrate a birthday. Helen, I hope you have a fantastic day. I hope someone gets to spoil you silly, or you get to spoil yourself silly. 45 is so young. May you see another 45. Cyber Birthday hugs. Sue - Trubrit
Has Anyone Heard from Karin/Lilacbroller?
She is in Bethesda at NCI on an immunotherapy trial involving depleting her immune system and then infusing her with a cocktail of billions of her own t-cells and a tumor marker so that the t-cells can recognize the cancer cells for the invaders that they are and kill them. I know that she has been in the hospital for…
Hello all, My relative (stage IV colon cancer, dx summer 2004) has gone through many cycles of FOLFOX and, after the cancer finally progressed, is now on 5 FU + Leucovorin + Irinotecan. At his last CT scan, they found that much of his liver has been overtaken by the cancer. My main concern right now is his fatigue. He's…
Stage III Cancer- How many Folfox treatments??
Have been lurking a while and recently joined this site. Looks like a great place for information and support. In summary I am 47 y/o with 5 precious kiddos ranging from 5 up to 20 years old and a very supportive husband. After following the recommendation of my ob/gyn I had a scope in April where I learned I have T3NbMX…
Work for a cancer non-profit
Does anyone here work for a cancer-related non-profit group or know someone who does? I ask because I'd like to learn more about what it's like to work for such a non-profit. I'm interested in working at least part-time to use my skills to help others with cancer. I don't have any medical training, so there really isn't…