Have a pain question

Hi everyone,its been awhile but I'm back. My mom finished her last treatment of Folfiri and Erbitux last week Yea ! This is her second round,she had 5Fu and Avastin also. Ok here's my question. She hasn't complained of pain in the past. All of a sudden this week she is in agonizing pain on the sides of her abdomen. Dr ordered a Pet scan and gave her shot of Demerol. She seems ok now. Could this be a chemo side effect or maybe tumors. We have to wait for Pet but just wondering.  Thanks for all the long term survivor stories. It gives me some hope for my mom.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I a so sorry to hear that after all that your mum has been throuh, she is now experiencing pain and having to have more tests. 

    I have no advice but will keep your mum in my prayers. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    I Started With Pain This Round

    I just got disconnected two days ago from my fourth treatment and having abdominal pain also.  Going to ask about it.  It seems to be in the same spot as where my tumor was, plus out to the center (naval) a bit more.  Really bad as if I did a thousand sit-ups or similar.  Made it difficult to walk and move the last two days, though it seems to be going away.  I am going to ask about it, was going to call today but it seems to be easing.  I will ask next time I see my Doctor if I do not call ahead of time.  

  • leidybug
    leidybug Member Posts: 14 Member

    Sending prayers your moms way.

    I hope her pet scan comes out negative and no signs of tumors. Usually there is no pain associated with chemo. At least none that I have experienced. I am on my second round of chemo and have not had pain associated with it.

    I did have pain when there was a lesion/tumor, but nothing that severe. It could be scar tissue that has developed from her previouse surgeries, that in fact could be very painful and I have experienced the pain from scar tissue. When I moved a certain way, bent over to pick something up, and so forth. It was unbareable. 

    I hope this helps.



  • alabama_survivor
    alabama_survivor Member Posts: 85
    I'm from the breast cancer

    I'm from the breast cancer board, and not even sure if this is relevant.  I was stage 3C triple negative and had a very sore 7 cm tumor.  A few days after my first chemo (dose dense adriamycin and cytoxin), that thing started kicking and screaming for all it was worth.  I was told by the nurse at the oncologist's office that it was a good sign because it meant that the chemo was working. After just the first treatment the tumor was noticeably smaller.