My hair is growing back in pretty rapidly but I have a few places where there doesn't seem to be any hair at all! YIKES! Has anyone ever tried Rogaine after chemo to speed up hair regrowth? Or at least to fill in the empty spots? After all I've been through it feels pretty silly to be so vain but I really want to quit…
breast cancer and pregnancy
I am conducting a small study in the affects of pregnancy and breast cancer. I would really appreciate if you would answer a couple questions. Even if you did not have children, i would still appreciate it. just indicate how many children you had, how long you breast feed for, how old you were when you first gave birth and…
Radiation soon--more blood tests?
In a couple weeks I'll be doing the radiation portion of my breast cancer treatment. Since the beginning of November, I've had to have my blood drawn every single Monday...either for A/C or Taxotere chemo and before and after mastectomy surgery. For anyone who went through radiation therapy...do you have to get blood drawn…
Sawing Logs
Has anyone experienced the onset of snoring due to chemo. My husband tells me I have started snoring since staring chemo. I am on Taxotere and carboplatin
Looking to start a support group - need HELP!!!!!
I live in Canada and would like to start a support group. Can anyone give me advice, organizations, resources, etc. to get going... thanks
How long does the fatigue last?
I finished my last round (4 in all) of AC Chemotherapy 3 weeks ago. I'll start Tamoxifen in July. I'm wondering how long it takes before I'll really have all my strength back? I'm still very fatigued. Still dealing with side effects of the chemo (dry eyes, especially). I get worn out so easily, and seem to have no…
rib pain
Hi I am scared and know that these boards are supportive so here I am. I was dx with bc aug 2002. 2.5 cm tumor, 5 of 18 nodes positive. i had a mastectomy and recontstruction. i had chemo, finished dec 30, and radiation finished mar 12. i am now on tamoxifen. i am 38 years old. so, my question? I'm having some pain and…
Scared to Death
I just found out today that I have breast cancer. I had a surgical biopsy on Monday and got the results today. The mass that was removed was about 2.5 cm, but there is a bit more left. The doctor has asked me to think about what I'd like to have done. I'm leaning toward mastectomy with reconstruction surgery along with it.…
Hi everyone I have started on Femara. has anyone heard of this I have had bad reactions to Gemzar and to Xeloda and am running out of stuff to give me.hope this works or I'm doomed.
Fatigue after chemo
I had my first chemo last week. Had it on Friday so I could go back to work on Monday. I have a couple of co-workers that did just that and it worked out just fine. The nausea was nothing worse than being pregnant, but I was not prepared for the extreme fatigue. I didn't make it in at all on Monday, only lasted 1 1/2 hrs…
Can't Sleep
Before all this, I was a wonderful sleeper. I remember laying my head down and going to sleep almost instantly. Now it's 3 or 4 am before I fall asleep, and if I do sleep earlier I wake up after only about an hour or so. I am roaming the house at all hours. I get out of bed and do something like the experts tell us but…
I was wondering if anyone has experienced a burning sensation in their upper back and arms from taking tamoxifen. i started experiencing this burning sensation during my last 4 chemo treatments which was taxotere. i didn't start taking tamoxifen until about 4 weeks after my last chemo treatment. i started radiation 5 weeks…
ovary removal
I've had a bilateral mastectomy and have 1 more chemo treatment to go. I will have radiation and hormonal treatment afterwards. Tumor ER and PR+. Even though chemo has started me into menopause and the hormonal therapy will, for the most part, finish what chemo started because of lowering the amount of estrogen or how the…
First Chemo/Summer Vacation
I will be starting chemotherapy in June(either 4 cycles of AC or 6 of CMF). I was very nervous about chemo a month ago when I first posted to this board! Now thanks to all the support I've gotten here I feel like it will be quite manageable. Today I even got to thinking about planning a vacation trip or two. Did you feel…
chat room
Hi All, I have been participating in the CSN Chat room, usually in the late evening hours. Is there a chat room specifically for people who want to focus on breast cancer issues?
I am back Ladies!
Hello everyone and thankyou oh so much for your prayers. I talked my way out of the hospital early today!!! Just could'nt handle being constantly awakened out of a dead narcotic induced sleep. I am in a great deal of pain, but at this moment everything is looking good as far as the the surgery goes. The DR is happy & I am…
New to Taxol
I just started Taxol on May 9th of this year. I had had surgery 1 month and 6 days before i started Taxol. I am almost bald already. I feel like i am getting crushed for the 2 or 3 days after I get the Taxol. I am just wondering if this is common.
Laughter Best Medicine: Update
There's a second online book sample of cartoons by Steve Gould. Go to www.oncolink.com, then click on "Coping" followed by "Reading Room" and then "Online Books." Besides "Thank God It's Only Cancer", there's "A Lighter Look at the C word!" Both online book samples made me laugh out loud (LOL)! (And no, I am not related to…
New to all of this
I had my masctectomy last week and just met with my oncologist yesterday. Although I had heard the side effects of nausea and hair loss, I hadn't considered the possibility of chemo shutting my ovaries down for life. While my life is of course most important now, up until about four weeks ago my biggest nightmare was not…
First Chemo Treatment Toady
Hi, my name is Sharon and Well, I had my first chemo treatment today. I was so scared, but I have been on this message board and read that the fear was going to be worse that the actual treatment - and that proved right. Now I just wait for the side effects. I will be doing 3 courses of Adriamycin/Cytoxan every two week…
Newjersey25 deserves congratulations!!!
Hi! I am Fawn's sister-in-law - I actually told her about this site, so every now and then I read the posts. (I do this not to be nosy, but mostly to learn!) Anyway, I don't think Fawn told you all - she recently participated in a Breast Cancer walk. With the help of her Aunt Donna and many others, she raised over $2,000…
waiting for reconstruction??
Help! I'm having a bilateral masectomy in a few weeks for lobular carcinoma in situ. I lost my younger sister 1.5yr ago at age 40 to infiltrating ductal so have opted for surgery with tamoxifen. My surgeon is upset that I don't want reconstruction at the time of first surgery. My plastics say wait and there will be less…
Some help for radiation and burning
Hello Everyone, OK, just FYI, I am a 29yr man in rem (6yrs) from leukemia. I was reading many of your personal stories. There seems to be a lot of questions regarding radiation burns. I did have high-dose radiation, too. I had it directed to my head, neck, face, chest, and spine. So, my mom or my father would apply a good…
saline implant
Hi! I had a saline implant put in about 6 weeks ago. It seemed to have healed but yesterday I woke up in pain. I think I may have pulled the muscle or something. I also had a fever last night of 101.6. When I called my plastic surgeon he said I should call my family doctor because it may not be the implant. I intend to do…
All through!!!
I made it! Today was my last radiation treatment and I am now 3 hours out of cancer treatment. As soon as that radiation machine turned off the tears just ran down my face into my ears. I had arranged for the wonderful people who stood by me, held me up and let me cry for the last 9 months to come by my office and have a…
Looking for College Scholarship
I'm a breast cancer survivor who wants to go back to school. (I'm 40) Does anyone know of any I can apply for?
To momof4
Hi Mariat, my parents are from Calabria and I live near Torino. I have lots to tell you so please write me so I can talk to you personally. Here's my e-mail address: mariateresa.lacava@inwind.it
Cathy is showing good signs & recovering well!
Dear Members, For those of you who know Cathy, she went into the hospital last Tuesday am to have surgery. She had a ton of scar tissue removed and the tumer is incased to cut off all bloodflow. This is going to kill her tumer, and then it can be attacked orthoscopically. We are all surprized to see how wonderfully she is…
Need survivors finishing chemo within the last year
If you didn't see my message on 5/14, please scroll back and take a peak at the breast cancer study I am doing for my thesis. Perhaps it applies to you. Thanks for the interest! Hope to hear from you.