
gayleyr Member Posts: 51
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Well -- it has been 3 years since I accessed this board. Last week I found I have a local met in my chest wall. Fortunately, it was a blessing in that they found it at an extremely early stage -- it won't even show up on a scan yet. They plan on more radiation and combining it with an oral chemo call xeloda. Any one with experience with this drug and its side effects. As always, thanks for help.



  • bunnie
    bunnie Member Posts: 233
    hi there i just found out that my cancer has came back also it is on the lungs and the rib cages this time.last time it was breast cancer it hasnt even been a year since i have been off chemo Apirl 25th would have been a year.Any way i just started this medicine myslef took my first dosage today i take six pills a day.I hope you have insurance too cover this medicen becase if not it is very expensive for 84 tablets they want $989.00 luckly i have insurance and only payed $25.00.If i experince any side affect i will let you know.i will be taking 6 of these a day.i wish you luck on your treatments.Iam also taking another chemo treatment along with this i will go in once a week for about 2 hours.Bunnie
  • gigglegirl
    gigglegirl Member Posts: 11
    HI take a peek at the message board on Feb 12 by swmsilva or something like that, it is also titled Xeloda with a couple more responses about how Xeloda treatments. Best wished to you. My experience is listed there feel free to find me on this site and ask more questions if you like. God Bless you Lisa
  • metatron
    metatron Member Posts: 2

    HI take a peek at the message board on Feb 12 by swmsilva or something like that, it is also titled Xeloda with a couple more responses about how Xeloda treatments. Best wished to you. My experience is listed there feel free to find me on this site and ask more questions if you like. God Bless you Lisa

    I am or could be considered, a 'caregiver'. My wife was diagnosed with Advanced Bony Mets, breast cancer three years ago, this April. It was our first diagnosis, no prior Cancer was ever noted. There was no primary tumor found, so no mastectomey, her spine is pretty much shot though. It has a zero chaance of ever going into remission, all we pray for is a slowing of the spread. For us, Low markers mean more time.

    She has made the rounds through several treatments, and is currently on Xeloda (hence this reply).

    Thank God for her insurance, mine doesnt cover it at all and it is expensive.

    The good news is there are minimal side effects, some stomach discomfort, alternate bouts of constipation and loose stools. It is hard to tell what is the meds, and what side effect is for which. She is on several kinds of IV Therapy as well, but Xeloda is her only chemo, right now.

    She said the hardest part of the Xeloda regimen, is the apparent randomness of the dosage cycle.

    When she is near the end of the course of treatment (it's cyclical) she experience swollen extremities, and skin peel. That is when the onco doc starts watching carefully, and has twice reduced the dosage to limit the side effects. My wife claims that the swollen hands/feet are accompanied by very very tender almost painful spells. She describes them like a dull throb, and being very sensitive to pressure like walking on nails she calls it. And the skin peel isnt all that nice, creams dont seem to help a lot, though Clinique makes a allergy free foot cream shelikes, and Bag Balm helps some. Thankfully, it only occurs at the end of the cycle right now. If it occurs further towards the beginning of the cycle, then she willl need to stop taking the chemo early - and that we fear, would trigger a surge in the growth/spread of the mets.

    I think you'll find the small discomforts tolerable. She has been on medicine that was much worse. - metatron
  • ER44
    ER44 Member Posts: 2

    HI take a peek at the message board on Feb 12 by swmsilva or something like that, it is also titled Xeloda with a couple more responses about how Xeloda treatments. Best wished to you. My experience is listed there feel free to find me on this site and ask more questions if you like. God Bless you Lisa

    I have recurrent breast cancer. It has been only 10 months since I finished treatment. I started xeloda on 3-13-04. Only feeling a bit tired, but also only two days into it. Concerned about side effects and long term prognosis of this medication. Am looking forward to learning from others with similar diagnosis.