Info about Mets???

seeknpeace Member Posts: 259
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I hate to sound stupid, but, can someone tell me what they are? I have taken it to mean metastasis, but, are they lessions?

I am having a lot of pain in my right hip socket area. I have a hard time sleeping at night. Seems as if that is aching and so forth and my ribs as well.

When you get bone mets, what does it feel like at first? I am so scared that the pain is indicative of something. I had DCIS, but, I also read on the Reuters news service on June 25 that they are investigating whether needle biopsy can cause spread. That question has been bandied around and the "professionals" do not seem to think so, but, why not? When the biopsy exposes heretofore unexposed tissue to the cancer, why wouldn't or couldn't the micro blood vessels in there cause a spread? It doesn't just have to be node, right? Jan


  • jeancmici
    jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member

    Don't panic because while bone metastasis is painful - often our first clue - it does not affect the life span like tumors/lesions in other areas. Sometimes Zometa even eases the pain from the original.

    Last March 03 I had a lot of back pain for about ten days - it went away - had my 3 month check-up in april and think I did not even mention it!!!!!

    Pain off and on but blamed it on arthritis - lower back - July check-up and mentioned back pain but saw an oncologist fellowship rsident who did not pick up on the situation and stupid me nad normal blood tests and chest x-ray and did not even think to insist on bone scan. Then one day in late August I knew this pain was different - much worse. I got a bone scan in a couple of days.

    Ask for a bone scan - pronto - and good luck.

    I think tumors/lesions are used interchangeably altho' lesions could means smaller variety.

    Cancer spreads by lymph node system and via the blood circulation thruout the body.

    As to needle biopsy, it is CHEAPER than removal old style in the operating room as out-patient and FASTER. But no one really knows why some people get mets and others don't.

    Plesse have a scan and let us know how you are doing.
    You will be in my thoughts and prayers,
  • EllenM6246
    EllenM6246 Member Posts: 27
    Hi Jan, Metastasis is the transfer of cancer cells from an original site to another part of the body with the development of a similar lesion in the new location. I discovered mine when I had terrible backaches that almost incapacitated me. I ignored it for a long time because I have chronic back pain anyway and I figured this was a flare up. I went to my physical therapist as that had always helped in the past. When after 2 weeks there was no improvement she asked my MD for an MRI. That's how the mets were discovered for me. I have since had radiation to lumbar spine and left hip. Pain in my hip is gone, in my back it is diminished. The drugs I take tend to cause some bone discomfort. I urge you to get a scan ASAP. If it is mets it can be treated, if not what a relief!! I will be thinking of you, let us know what happens. Ellen
  • seeknpeace
    seeknpeace Member Posts: 259

    Hi Jan, Metastasis is the transfer of cancer cells from an original site to another part of the body with the development of a similar lesion in the new location. I discovered mine when I had terrible backaches that almost incapacitated me. I ignored it for a long time because I have chronic back pain anyway and I figured this was a flare up. I went to my physical therapist as that had always helped in the past. When after 2 weeks there was no improvement she asked my MD for an MRI. That's how the mets were discovered for me. I have since had radiation to lumbar spine and left hip. Pain in my hip is gone, in my back it is diminished. The drugs I take tend to cause some bone discomfort. I urge you to get a scan ASAP. If it is mets it can be treated, if not what a relief!! I will be thinking of you, let us know what happens. Ellen

    Ellen and Jean, thank you so much. I understand what metastasis is, but, mets, I was just making sure it was short for the same..

    I took some ibupropen last night when I went to bed and it hurt less. But, the back of my right thigh hurts like crazy when I try to sit cross legged. I have always sit that way. Maybe I am just experiencing older age (52) and I am just scared. If this is mets, do certain positions make it worse? In the beginning do you hurt worse at times? It never goes away, but, sometimes seems worse. Thank you both. I will see my oncologist next will see if she will send me for more tests. I read where the ct scan and the mri are really better than a bone scan..they can get things that the bone scan misses...any comments? Thanks so much...Jan
  • jeancmici
    jeancmici Member Posts: 665 Member

    Ellen and Jean, thank you so much. I understand what metastasis is, but, mets, I was just making sure it was short for the same..

    I took some ibupropen last night when I went to bed and it hurt less. But, the back of my right thigh hurts like crazy when I try to sit cross legged. I have always sit that way. Maybe I am just experiencing older age (52) and I am just scared. If this is mets, do certain positions make it worse? In the beginning do you hurt worse at times? It never goes away, but, sometimes seems worse. Thank you both. I will see my oncologist next will see if she will send me for more tests. I read where the ct scan and the mri are really better than a bone scan..they can get things that the bone scan misses...any comments? Thanks so much...Jan

    Bone scan is first usually and tells a lot. Constant pain - unfortunately - is one of the clues. Go to google and type in "bone metastases" but do not jump tp any conclusions. I do not want to frighten you needlessly. Save your worrying until after the tests and maybe there won't be any reasons to worry.
    Love, Jean