An Engineer, Doctor, And Pastor Golfing
An Engineer, Doctor, And Pastor Golfing A pastor, a doctor and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. Engineer: What's with these guys? We must have been waiting for 15 minutes! Doctor: I don't know, but I've never seen such ineptitude! Pastor: Hey, here comes the greens keeper.…
GREAT PARTY!!!!!!!! Woohooooooooooooo
Tonight my neighbours called and invited me and Jamie to a BBQ and drinks session. I told them that 'HE' had gone...They told me they loved me and I was coming whether I liked it or not... So Jamie and I went..I don't think I ever laughed so much in my life, Had a great night out and Jamie loved them! Here's raising a…
Happy, HAPPY Birthday, Joe (a/k/a Aortus)!!!
With best wishes for many, MANY more - all to be shared in the future with our beloved Moopy23 (a/k/a The Moopinator)! Hope you both really enjoy YOUR special day! Kind regards, Susan
arbojenn-your question about femara
I put this in a separate post, just in case you don't revisit the other thread: I was on Femara until May 12th (when I joined the boards here). I quit because I had ALL the side effects, from the common to the rare. I didn't even think that was possible. Plus, I had extreme mood swings and depression to top it off. I went…
It's not malignant!!!
My liver biopsy results came in and my oncologist reported that it is not malignant. Yeah!!! and Praise God!!!! Now, I am starting the journey to BC survivorship. I started my first treatment of TAXOL and so far, no side effects. I was surprised it took 3 hrs. for the treatment, but it was not bad. I'm not sure I will be…
Please Share Your BC Type, Stage, Tumor Size, etc.
Hello Everyone!! I FINALLY FINISHED CHEMO On Wednesday!!!!!!WoooooooooHooooooooWoooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!!! Now as I ponder the next step (rads) and my future... I have that scary question in the back of my mind "Did the chemo work, am I going to be OK"? I know we all have this on our mind (hopefully not too often)and I…
Back from vacation
Had a great time. Good weather, lot's of drinking, and just a wonderful time with family and good friends. I am now ready to start my Chemo tomorrow.
WOW, What a day!
It was hot here, I have been in the greenhouse all dat removing laterals and pinching out the Autumn (fall) Mums (Crysanths)...OK so far?...Everything in english and american?......Anyway, I was sweating up a storm (Thanks Tamoxifen and weather) Loading 45 plants per trolley when this bloke approaches me, Looks like he's…
Roll Call: Oldies and Newbies, tell me your weekend plans!!
So another Friday comes to pass, and I've noticed a lot of new people on the board. To all the newbies (so sorry you're here, but we've got your back), every Friday I like to ask everyone here to write about their weekend plans. I love to read about what everyone is doing and it reminds me that life goes on and so do we.…
Conference today anyone?
Short notice...anyone calling? I missed today.
A woman went to her doctor's office where she was seen by a young new doctor. After about four minutes in the examination room, the doctor told her she was pregnant. She burst out screaming and ran down the hallway. An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was. She told him her story. After listening, he had…
Any ideas...so much pain
My drs both know that I am in pain from the lymphodema. One says we'll get you an appointment as soon as possible with the lymphodema specialist, the other didn't say much of anything after I told him I was trying to get in to see the specialist. I am wearing the compression garment, except for last night because I was…
Day 3 after 1st Chemo Treatment.
I feel like I have the flu. I have been in bed all day long and I am headed back there again soon. I have not been able to eat or drink today. Can drink a little. When will this go away ??
Today's Joke
Two doctors, a psychiatrist and a proctologist, opened an office in a small town and put up a sign reading: "Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors." The town council was not happy with the sign, so the doctors changed it to read, "Schizoids and Hemorrhoids." This was not acceptable either, so in an effort to…
I'm scared
Please help me. I am terrified. I had a lumpectomy and underwent radiation which ended in January of this year. I just had my first mammo and received a letter two weeks later saying I needed an ultrasound. I have read your boards and I think it is fairly common, but how come I am so scared? Rae
today's joke
Q: What do Viagra And Disney Land have in common? A: They both cause you to stand around for an hour waiting for a two minute ride!
Can't seem to let go of the whole scary mess.
Okay, so you are all going to think I am crazy. I had a good visit w/ my oncologist yesterday. Good test results etc... But I have been very down and emotional ever since. I saw some patients having chemo and it brought the whole horrible scary experience back to me. But it didn't hit me till the next day(today). I still…
good news in report
Just saw my doc for pathology report after lumpetomy. I got clear margins and only had a 3mm Dcis..Everything good and he stats that I don't have to do anything.He suggested I keep the radiology appt and medical occ and will . I see him in 3 months and just have to have a digital every 6 months on the left side and my…
THANK YOU my sweet and caring friends.
I just want to thank you all for your incredibly kind and supportive responses to my post on feeling depressed and fearful. Reading your words has helped me to not feel like a freak. I guess I just need to accept that the cancer happened, it was horrible and scary and it is just not going to disappear from my life and…
Who wants to chat
Heading to chat now, come one come all hahahaha
My Expressions Page Pics Are Updated! :)
I just updated some of my flower garden pictures on my Expressions Page, if anyone is interested. For some reason, a lot of the flowers seem to be slow in blooming this year. But, some are gorgeous. I will keep updating them. Enjoy all! Love,Jeanne Jan, I hope your lily's bloom soon. Mine are getting about done here. But,…
Results from Burning
Just got back from the doctor and she said the burning feeling under my arm is perfectly normal. The little bit of swelling is from post-op. She said the burning will probably be going on for quite awhile. She said there is a medicine that would help the nerves, but will wait for later for that. She said I'm healing…
Question of the day....
The dye they inject to find your nodes is "blue", then when you pee it's "blue", then when your tattooed they use "blue", and sometimes you feel "blue"....sooooo why is the ribbon "pink"? :) Pammy
Stef...aka Fauxma
Stef... can you tell me a little about the trial study your in.... It looks like I will end up participating in it... my numbers came back in the middle.. (22)... so I think I'm going to go ahead and participate in the study... I think it will be easier for me than having to decide for myself... So can you tell me a little…
I made two decisions today
1. To go to TN, in spite of my father 2. To not return to hormonal therapy I hope I don't regret either. dmc
I just wanted to share a few websites I found helpful when my hair fell out: Karechiefs.com 4women.com alwaysbeautifulyou.com also if you google chemo scarves you will get a bunch Some of the items are expensive but I told myself I was worth it and will have to wear them for a while. I did not wear my wig more than a…
neurontin-for neuropathy
Thanks Pammy for the info on this drug. I will ask my onc to prescribe it for me and see how it goes. Maybe it will be one drug that I can actually take-it would be nice to feel as though I am being proactive about fighting something related to this bc. I'll call tmr and see what he says. dmc
One Day, In The Middle Of The Night
My mom taught me this poem when I was maybe 5 yrs old... I never forgot it! It always made me laugh at her~ and it also made me wonder about things. And 54 years later, I still am full of wonderment. Thanks, Mom! LOL One Day, in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other,…
Not a blonde joke for today
Baby's First Doctor Visit I hope it will give you a smile! A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby's first exam. The doctor arrived, and examined the baby, checked his weight, and being a little concerned, asked if the baby was breast-fed or bottle-fed.…
Way to go Tasha!
Tasha ... I just read your latest post on the "WOW" thread and I am so glad the blob will be moving out. It will be such a relief for you ... and your son ... to be able to enjoy each others company and not worry about upsetting "old-what's-his-name." As others have said ... when one door closes another opens ... so now…