New Pictures on my expressions page
I think I did this right. I thought you all might want to take a look at the things that keep me going. My kids and grand kids. (Big Smiles) Aurora
Heavenly Hats
I have posted this before, however there are many newbies so I want to post it again. Please go to www.heavenlyhats.com all you need to do is fill out a very brief form and in just a few days a "hat package" will be on its way to you at no cost to you. Here is an paragraph from that site: "The Heavenly Hats Foundation(TM…
I DID IT !!!!!!!
sitting in chat all by myself
Fatigue and life
I didn't know why..but i finally read the pint-out radiation sent home with me.. and i know it's true. It stated that although you are so tired it may not get better for a while. It said while you are going through treatment for cancer you do not react like the normal person to treatments.. even though you sleep you do not…
Call out to Butterfly12
Hey Sherry hope your starting to feel better. I am doing better today than the last few days. I guess we will be doing this at the same time. Now if I could just sleep.
back to work
Hi all. Just wanted to share what happened at work today. I went back to work today for the first time since last Monday.(Last Monday I went in and wound up sick the rest of the week with a sore throat) When I arrived a couple of the girls came over and asked if they could talk to me outside. I thought it was kind of weird…
Changing colors after lumpectomy?
Hi! I have been reading a lot of the posts on here for awhile, but, didn't post anything until yesterday. You share so much good advice and encourage us newbies. I had a lumpectomy and have been noticing that the aerola at times changes colors. It kind of turns a whitish tannish color. I know that sounds strange, and, it…
After mastectomy tips and tricks
Hi, Newly diagnosed and will talk with doctor tomorrow about mastectomy. Is there a thread about what to expect and any tips or tricks to help someone get thru this? Thanks Deb
Breast Cancer Husband....
The book arrived!! Layed it on the coffee table and my dear hubby (who is not a reader) picked it up two days later. He actually has a bookmark in it!! Very good book for husbands, boyfriends, or caregiver. He has read two chapters already. It is a book that explains to them how to help their wife (girlfriend) and…
Question about reconstruction on radiated breast
Hi there! I am a 15 year breast cancer survivor. I have just found out that I now have cancer in my left breast (it was the right breast before). I have a bazillion questions but the one on my mind today is am I no longer a candidate for implants since I had radiation 15 years ago?
clinical trial
I was asked to be in a clinical trial with A/C and Taxol plus Avastin which has lots of side effects. Don't know what to do. MY onc says she would do it (has seen to many recurrances). Please help! How do I decide? By the way my scans were all clear! Thank God!
MOOPY, How Are You Doing Now?
Hey Moopy! We haven't had an update from you lately. So, post and let us know how you are doing when you have some time. We read where you had some company, so, we know you have been busy. But, we miss you and want to know how your rads are going. Hopefully everything is good! Love, Jeanne
Back from Oncology Visit
Met today for the 1st time with oncologist. I liked her very much. A compassionate lady who still was right to the point. As of now, I'm still not sure what the plan of action will be as she is ordering that test "Oncotype". Does anyone have any idea how much this will be costing? They said that Medicare will pay for this…
Electric razor VS disposable razor
OK everyone, here is my question. How many of you have switched to an electric ravor after lymph node removal and how many are still using a regular razor? And, do the electric ones get just as close? I didn't bother with my first time nodes were removed (Because I wasn't told), but now my inscision is bumpier this time…
KIDNEYS-- If it aint one thing its another
2 weeks ago I had to visit my PCP (primary care physician ) for my semi annual check up or tune up or what ever he does. He ordered a CBC and a fasting CMP blood work------- same stuff that my ONC orders all of the time. (except for the fasting part) so between these 2 Drs I'm getting stuck twice for the same blood work.…
WHAT TO DO........
Hi everyone, just look at my profile for details of my situation. I am new to this site, and have been checking it out all day....... My tumor is 3cm lt side,IDC Her2 neg, est/prog/ positive, and I am debating between lump/mast. I am at a grade 3 histology, and 20% nuc/proliferation rate. I saw my selected surgeon…
I need a smart person.......
Ok, all along, I've thought that I was a stage IIB. After reviewing my path report, which is now almost a year old, I think I am really a IIIA. Can someone PLEASE translate? pT2 pN2 pMX tumor size 4 x 3 x 2.5 cm. 6 of 17 lymph nodes. Thanks! CR
Question about Chemo
Does the side affects of Chemo, get better with each round or worse. I think I have read two different things regarding this. What about when they change the chemo drug to another one later on here. Do you like start all over again.
Reconstruction Surgery Today!
Ode to Breast Reconstruction It’s surgery day at last; Last night I had to fast Today I sit and wait While pondering the “girls” fate; Will they be twins once more? Just much smaller than before, Goodbye my lopsided friend Hope you’ll be much perkier in the end. Here’s to bras where both sides fit the same And no more neck…
Two nuns and a blind man
Two nuns are ordered to paint a room in the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even a drop of paint on their habits. After conferring about this for a while, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits, and paint in the nude. In the middle of the…
Fatigue Moopy
Hey sista's! i love you all and have been thinking especially right now of my dea r(and your) friend Moopy. I have been especially tired , and i know she is following just a few steps behind. I got a printout from my radiologist-oncologist- about fatigue.. when you go through the treatments that we have ...the fatique it…
I'm a new breast cancer statistic & new to support groups
I've read and enjoyed your comments but I'm new at this and not used to sharing but here goes. I had bilateral masectomy may 11, 2009 with reconstruction. I have been readmitted to the hospital for various complications. These complications have delayed my chemo however we are "hopeful" I can start chemo July 22. I…
2 years post diagnosis and 23 year marriage is over
So, I haven't heard anybody talking about the effects of early menopause and the effects on your marriage. I was 2 years out from diagnosis, actually exactly to the day 2 years from the call from my doctor with my biopsy results. Came home from work to find my 23 year marriage was over, husband had moved out and taken…
Taleena, I thought I remembered your saying that you were going on vacation this week. So, if you are gone, I am wishing you a wonderful, peaceful, relaxing vacation. You deserve it! And, it DOES HELP to get away. So, just lay back and enjoy the state of WA, your friends and family! I have a girlfriend in Bellevue, WA now…
It seems that most oncologist's recommend and urge for a bc patient that is positive for the BRCA 1 & 2 to have a double mastectomy. It wasn't really explained to me as I was negative for it. But, my onocologist said that if I had been positive, that a double mastectomy would have been the treatment. Why is that? Thanks!
They are thinking of building a theme park....
LOL! Last night my beau and I went to a friend's house for a visit on our bikes. Now, to set the stage, my bike was Hans' mother's bike, and the light was just as old... We all had a glass of wine, and sat by the fire outside in the garden. Well, it got to be 11pm, and just had gotten dark. So, we set off for home, me in…
So, i'm asking again,
and thank you for your patience....BUT WHEN DO THE EYELASHES COME BACK????? I am dealing with the as slow as a snail crawls hair re-growth (except for the hair on my legs, which NEVER fell out, such an injustice LOL)...but what about these darn eyelashes? I had about 5 left on each eye (my eyelashes used to be one of my…
In Remission?
What does being in remission mean to you? Are we all in remission? Is that what all of us bc survivors are in? Remission? I thought cancer free meant just that, free of cancer. Not in remission. Thanks! Susie
Peaceful, Easy Feelin'
This is Sooooooooooooo NICE! Peace and quiet....... Jamie and I are watching movies, chilling out and laughing out loud without having to tip-toe around in case a certain person gets upset. I KNEW What I was coming home from work to tonight, for the first time in 2 years. And I know what I'll be waking up to in the morning…