I'm a new breast cancer statistic & new to support groups
I've read and enjoyed your comments but I'm new at this and not used to sharing but here goes. I had bilateral masectomy may 11, 2009 with reconstruction. I have been readmitted to the hospital for various complications. These complications have delayed my chemo however we are "hopeful" I can start chemo July 22. I…
2 years post diagnosis and 23 year marriage is over
So, I haven't heard anybody talking about the effects of early menopause and the effects on your marriage. I was 2 years out from diagnosis, actually exactly to the day 2 years from the call from my doctor with my biopsy results. Came home from work to find my 23 year marriage was over, husband had moved out and taken…
Taleena, I thought I remembered your saying that you were going on vacation this week. So, if you are gone, I am wishing you a wonderful, peaceful, relaxing vacation. You deserve it! And, it DOES HELP to get away. So, just lay back and enjoy the state of WA, your friends and family! I have a girlfriend in Bellevue, WA now…
It seems that most oncologist's recommend and urge for a bc patient that is positive for the BRCA 1 & 2 to have a double mastectomy. It wasn't really explained to me as I was negative for it. But, my onocologist said that if I had been positive, that a double mastectomy would have been the treatment. Why is that? Thanks!
They are thinking of building a theme park....
LOL! Last night my beau and I went to a friend's house for a visit on our bikes. Now, to set the stage, my bike was Hans' mother's bike, and the light was just as old... We all had a glass of wine, and sat by the fire outside in the garden. Well, it got to be 11pm, and just had gotten dark. So, we set off for home, me in…
So, i'm asking again,
and thank you for your patience....BUT WHEN DO THE EYELASHES COME BACK????? I am dealing with the as slow as a snail crawls hair re-growth (except for the hair on my legs, which NEVER fell out, such an injustice LOL)...but what about these darn eyelashes? I had about 5 left on each eye (my eyelashes used to be one of my…
In Remission?
What does being in remission mean to you? Are we all in remission? Is that what all of us bc survivors are in? Remission? I thought cancer free meant just that, free of cancer. Not in remission. Thanks! Susie
Peaceful, Easy Feelin'
This is Sooooooooooooo NICE! Peace and quiet....... Jamie and I are watching movies, chilling out and laughing out loud without having to tip-toe around in case a certain person gets upset. I KNEW What I was coming home from work to tonight, for the first time in 2 years. And I know what I'll be waking up to in the morning…
Clinical Study
I had my second chemo today. I also had signed up for the clinical study of taking an osteoporosis drug for three years. There are three drugs and they randomly select one of the three for each person. Two are in pill form and one is an IV. The IV would be once a month for six months and then one every three months. I was…
ER and PR positive
Looking at my path reports, I see that I'm 90% ER and PR positive. I don't even know what that means. I'm not taking any meds or having any treatments. Can someone please help me understand. My doc saids that since my c was non-invasive DCIS that ER and PR does not apply to me. I'm confused!!!!! Tracy
You posted a site on here about cancer staging and grades and I can't find it now. Could you please post it again? Thanks!
Chemo brain meltdown
I'm at work and I'm having a chemo brain meltdown and am having a very difficult time keeping "it" together. I'm working on expenses and budgets and numbers and more numbers and people are asking me questions and I can't even figure out what they are talking about ... let alone try to answer their questions. I am so…
Finally Checking in after Surgury
Just wanted so say thank you for all your words of support, I had my surguey on Wednesday and every thing went well, My Surgeon told me she would have the pathology report on Monday and that she would see me on the following Wednesday, but left with me by saying my lymph node was clean..........oh and only one drain tube!!…
Lexapro for femara depression
I have had pretty severe depression which I believe is at least partially caused by the Femara I am taking. I have now made a decision to take anti-depressants, which is a big step for me because I have read a lot about the association between hair thinning (another gift I already have from the Femara) and…
"Her friends are on there!"
Just thought i would let you know how important you have become to me. As some of you know my computer at home has been acting up. My hubbie finally got the tech to come over..we got it sorta worked out but will be up-grading. The Tech said maybe it would be a week or so and my husband stared at him in disbelief and said…
no health insurance...help?
Hello, A couple of months ago my husband got laid off and we lost our health insurance. It was about then that I noticed a lump in my left armpit. It has now gotten bigger and I can actually see it when I raise my arms. Husband got another job but doesn't qualify for insurance for another six months, then I got laid off. I…
Interesting cancer study... looking for feed back.
One Third Of Breast Cancer Patients Are Over-Diagnosed? Is it better to possibley err on the side of caution and treat all patients diagnosed with a tumor? http://www.healthtruthrevealed.com/articles/09570119107/article
How Could I Possibly Have Forgotten???
I forgot to mention when I did the Relay on Saturday, I was wearing a T-Shirt that OhioGirl sent to me a few years ago. A friend of hers had made one for her, and true to her loving self, she wanted me to have one as well. On the back it says in big, flowing script "CSN", and on the front, all the way across the chest in…
LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have officially graduated from rads, got my cetif. hugs and best wishes, and am on my way home!!! get out the shakers and start doin the dance!!! I love you all and couldn't have done it without you. Now...........LETS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers, jackie
Hi Everyone
Hi Everyone, I just got back from 4 weeks of vacation in Chapel Hill, NC. I'm trying to recuperate from these high temps. It has been above 100 for the last 10 days I think the news said. I've really missed the board and can't wait to get caught up. I look forward to meeting all of the new people as well. I hope everything…
Does anyone know if I would have to use a certain deodorant after having my mastectomy and lymph node removal? I've read there the ones to use are the one's that do not contain aluminum. Has anyone else ever heard of this? I'd appreciate any input you have. Love, Maryann
OncotypeDX Test - Does everyone trust it 100%?
I have read on here where some women have had large tumors, a history of lumps, and grade 3 bc, and, still aren't taking chemo. I am just curious if everyone here feels that if the Oncotype test gives you a low grade that you just trust it 100% and chance not taking chemo, or, if you would still take chemo just to be sure,…
Sunday Funny
The Lone Ranger and Tonto go to the saloon one night, but the bar-keeper remembered Tonto from last time when he overindulged in some fire-water and danced on the piano. So he tells Tonto, he's barred, The Lone Ranger tells him to wait outside, Tonto agrees, "I'll just jog up and down the street to keep warm".......So off…
How long does fatigue last??
Seriously, it's been ~2yrs since my last chemo tx and although I am back to work, I still can't do full time. I work Mon, Wed and Fri 'cause I need the break in between. For instance I was soooooooooo tired by the time I finished today I just sat in the truck and vegetated for awhile. Then I grabbed an iced cap at Timmy's…
I was thinking of all of you at the Relay last night.....
As some of you may recall, I am on mega- drowsy and jittery making meds for this stupid hives situation~ and I still have 2 days of meds to go! That rather curtailed my Relay For Life activities! I am usually the one staying the entire 24 hours, being delirious and sore by the next morning~ but of course, so happy I made…
Today is the BIG day!!!!
Sheeza Little Baby Doll (aka) Dolly comes home today! Picking her up this afternoon, so if I am MIA, it will be because: a) I am playing with Dolly b) I am keeping Dolly out of mischief c) I am cleaning up Dolly "puddles"! CR
My daughter took a few photo's of her little one's that were so good I just had to share them. Okay, now I promise not to bombard you with any for while!~LOL~ If you'd like to see them they are on the expressions page. Hugs, RE
Blood draws...is it true??
While at the onco's office he ordered blood work.. I went down to the lab and had it drawn from my right arm.... when my hubby & I were heading to the door, the nurse stopped us and sent us to genetic testing unit.. thus another blood test. Well, because they had just taken blood from the right arm I offered the tech my…
need prayers / good wishes
Please keep me in your prayers and good thoughts.
mammosite radiation
I was hoping to find a doctor who performs the surgery and gets me set up for mammosite, and I guess I am not sure of the sequence of events during breast cancer surgery/radiation. I understood that I would have a lumpectomy, have a lymph node removed, tested for cancer, and if none found in the lymphnode, the surgeon…