Needing Your Voices of Experience Please

taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Okay...looking for some voices of experience...I've been trying to look up information from every available source that I can think of, and really can't find anything... So I'm turning to you... my warrior sisters...

I had the biopsy today...the radiologist took four samples, I guess it was multiple..., I asked him if he thought if it could be a false positive MRI result, and he told me no.. that with what he was seeing in the ultra sound, he doubted very much it was a false positive... and told me that maybe I should start thinking about a mastectomy.... personally I want to know if they can do a lumpectomy again... the questions I will be finding out on Wednesday are wether or not it is residual from the original tumer, which I find hard to believe since some of these are bigger than the original one, or if it is a new cancer...

The information that I can find all involve MRI's prior to lumpectomies, and not post lumpectomy... so I'm trying to figure out if they will add the sizes of the tumors together, or if they will look at each one individualy for staging purposes....

Has anyone ever had anything like this.... again... I really am feeling like the lone ranger... The sagga just continues with the strangest twists and turns... I've never known anyone who has gone through this with all the oddness that I have been going through...

Someone??? Anyone??



  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Oh, Taleena, I don't have
    Oh, Taleena, I don't have any experience on lumpectomies--the tumor I had was so large we all knew from the outset that it was mastectomy for me. I am sorry that I can't help you more. Others will have information for you. All I can say is that I hate that you are going through the biopsy and waiting trauma all over again, and so soon. I will be thinking of you and praying for the best outcome on Wednesday.
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544 Member
    I'm sorry that you did not
    I'm sorry that you did not have good results today; I have not had experience with the situation you describe, so I will let someone else address that. I will say that your doctor's advice here would be important -- he/she should have your best interest at heart.

    I hope & pray that you can overcome this hurdle. Hugs & prayers!
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    Moopy23 said:

    Oh, Taleena, I don't have
    Oh, Taleena, I don't have any experience on lumpectomies--the tumor I had was so large we all knew from the outset that it was mastectomy for me. I am sorry that I can't help you more. Others will have information for you. All I can say is that I hate that you are going through the biopsy and waiting trauma all over again, and so soon. I will be thinking of you and praying for the best outcome on Wednesday.

    Like Moopy says
    You know we are both thinking of you and praying for you, T. As best I can tell from googling, the question about counting tumors together toward staging is virtually unanswerable due to the variables. May the question turn out to be inapplicable, so that you can continue on the journey you're already handling so successfully!
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    Just my opinion
    I had a small tumor and a lumpectomy, so, I can't help you inre to experience. And, all I can offer is my opinion of why they might suggest a mastectomy. Since there are several, there might be too many, too big and spread out, that it isn't possible to do another lumpectomy. That the only option to get all of it, with clean margins is a mastectomy. Ofcourse, I have no idea. I am not a doctor. I just offered my opinion from what you wrote and from what little bit I know.

    Good luck to you on Wednesday. I hope it is all good news!

    Hugs, Diane ♥
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi T, can't say I had your
    Hi T, can't say I had your experience either. From the get go my surgeon suggested a mastectomy because mine was very aggressive. The one to better advice you would be your surgeon. Personally, if I would have had a lumpectomy and there was a suspicious mass there again, I would probably do a mastectomy. But, ultimately only you can make that decision. Keep us posted. Hugs, Lili
  • djteach
    djteach Member Posts: 273
    Hi Taleena,
    I am so sorry

    Hi Taleena,
    I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this again, and so soon. I wish we could give you a definitive answer, but I can't. I would be surprised if the surgeon recommended a lumpectomy, assuming that your test results are positive. I hope and pray that they are B9. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love and gentle hugs,
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    djteach said:

    Hi Taleena,
    I am so sorry

    Hi Taleena,
    I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this again, and so soon. I wish we could give you a definitive answer, but I can't. I would be surprised if the surgeon recommended a lumpectomy, assuming that your test results are positive. I hope and pray that they are B9. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love and gentle hugs,

    I couldn't say Taleena, but,
    I couldn't say Taleena, but, good luck on Wednesday. I know you will do whatever it takes to fight the beast!

    ♥ Kylez ♥
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    Ok Taleena, here goes...
    To the best of my knowlegde, tumors are not added together for staging, they are counted seperately. If you have 3 tumors all under 2cm and no node involvement, it is still a stage 1. Also, it depends where your residual tumors are. If you have the original at 2 o'clock position with 2 smaller ones at 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock, they will most likely not do a lumpectomy. You would lose too much breast and be too deformed. A mastectomy is a better option with reconstruction (no radiation needed most times if not in nodes).
    On the other hand, if your tumor is at the 2 o'clock position with a few smaller ones at the 1 o'clock and 12 o'clock position and you have enough breast tissue, you may be able to have another lumpectomy.
    Remember, I had 7 lumpectomies (5 in the same breast) prior to this one. All in the same upper quadrant. This time, they did a lumpectomy that was actually a quadrantectomy and removed 1/4 of my breast. Now my husband uses hand motions to get me to lean to one side to get them even!! I tell him it will cost him every time he does this! Amazingly, for all the lumpectomies in that breast, it was quite hard to tell, until this time.
    So there are alot of factors that come into play. I hope they are able to do another lumpectomy for you or possibly a quadrantectomy to preserve your breast, but be prepared anyway.
    I'll be keeping you in my prayers and thinking about you and we'll all be right there with you when you go!! Hang in there. Pammy
  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    We are each so different...
    I had a bilateral mastectomy from the get go. Before surgery, I had the option of a lumpectomy, but when the surgeon described the procedure and risk of recurrence, I just opted for the whole shebang. I didn't want to sit in an office and have to make any other surgical decisions (other than reconstruction) regarding my breasts and cancer. I don't regret my decision. After surgery, my surgeon said that I had made a good choice. The cancer was more invasive than expected. Whatever happens, I wish you the best. xoxoxo Lynn
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    lynn1950 said:

    We are each so different...
    I had a bilateral mastectomy from the get go. Before surgery, I had the option of a lumpectomy, but when the surgeon described the procedure and risk of recurrence, I just opted for the whole shebang. I didn't want to sit in an office and have to make any other surgical decisions (other than reconstruction) regarding my breasts and cancer. I don't regret my decision. After surgery, my surgeon said that I had made a good choice. The cancer was more invasive than expected. Whatever happens, I wish you the best. xoxoxo Lynn

    Path report
    I think you need to wait until the path report comes in from you biopsy to see what the results are in order for you to make a decision.

    If it is an aggressive type your options maybe different.

  • jk1952
    jk1952 Member Posts: 613

    Path report
    I think you need to wait until the path report comes in from you biopsy to see what the results are in order for you to make a decision.

    If it is an aggressive type your options maybe different.


    T, you've alreasy had lots

    T, you've alreasy had lots of good advice, and I can't add a lot other than my experience. I had additional cancer found in my breast from an MRI nine years after my original lumpectomy and radiation. It was in a part of my breast that was far from the original cancer. I had to have a mastectomy, but it was because I had had radiation and they can't do that twice. Since you haven't started your treatments, it seems as though a lumectomy and radiation could still be an option, depending on what is found in the path report. It could end up that all of this waiting and uncertainty is a blessing in disguise. The lumpectomy and radiation have a much easier recovery than a mastectomy.

    If you do go the mastectomy route, I'd recommend that you try to have the reconstruction done at the same time. I had a bilateral mastectomy and immediate DIEP reconstruction, and I'm very happy that I dealt with it all at once.

    I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this, in addition to everything else you are dealing with. I'm hoping that you have an answer soon and that it's good news.

  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    Aortus said:

    Like Moopy says
    You know we are both thinking of you and praying for you, T. As best I can tell from googling, the question about counting tumors together toward staging is virtually unanswerable due to the variables. May the question turn out to be inapplicable, so that you can continue on the journey you're already handling so successfully!

    Thanks Joe.. I don't know
    Thanks Joe.. I don't know that I would say that I am handling this so successfully though... I can only say... I'm trying... as you know with your experiences with our beloved Moopster... somedays it's just tougher than others... hopeing you are all back on the road soon with pups in tow... heading to the comforts of home! Thanks for looking..

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    jk1952 said:

    T, you've alreasy had lots

    T, you've alreasy had lots of good advice, and I can't add a lot other than my experience. I had additional cancer found in my breast from an MRI nine years after my original lumpectomy and radiation. It was in a part of my breast that was far from the original cancer. I had to have a mastectomy, but it was because I had had radiation and they can't do that twice. Since you haven't started your treatments, it seems as though a lumectomy and radiation could still be an option, depending on what is found in the path report. It could end up that all of this waiting and uncertainty is a blessing in disguise. The lumpectomy and radiation have a much easier recovery than a mastectomy.

    If you do go the mastectomy route, I'd recommend that you try to have the reconstruction done at the same time. I had a bilateral mastectomy and immediate DIEP reconstruction, and I'm very happy that I dealt with it all at once.

    I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this, in addition to everything else you are dealing with. I'm hoping that you have an answer soon and that it's good news.


    I have no idea Taleena.
    I have no idea Taleena. Just wait and see what the pathology report says and then your team will help you decide.

    Wishing you good luck no matter what happens.

    Hugs, ♥ Lex
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Alexis F said:

    I have no idea Taleena.
    I have no idea Taleena. Just wait and see what the pathology report says and then your team will help you decide.

    Wishing you good luck no matter what happens.

    Hugs, ♥ Lex

    Wishing you good luck
    Wishing you good luck Taleena!

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    Path report
    I think you need to wait until the path report comes in from you biopsy to see what the results are in order for you to make a decision.

    If it is an aggressive type your options maybe different.


    Just wait till you get the
    Just wait till you get the pathology report. Otherwise, it is just guessing.

    Good luck to you!

    ♥ Hugs, Kristin ♥
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    I personally don't know since I had a mastectomy. But I do have a good friend who had a lumpectomy a couple weeks ago, and then had to get another biopsy, it turned out it was a different cancer in the same breast. She is having a mastectomy today, and tissue taken to test the lymph nodes. I am not sure why they did not do a lymph disection...I guess we are all different. She will be doing chemo and radiation.

    I will be praying for you on Wednesday, and hoping for the best possible results. I am also so sorry you have to go through this.
    hugs, Jackie
  • Jeanne D
    Jeanne D Member Posts: 1,867
    Akiss4me said:

    Ok Taleena, here goes...
    To the best of my knowlegde, tumors are not added together for staging, they are counted seperately. If you have 3 tumors all under 2cm and no node involvement, it is still a stage 1. Also, it depends where your residual tumors are. If you have the original at 2 o'clock position with 2 smaller ones at 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock, they will most likely not do a lumpectomy. You would lose too much breast and be too deformed. A mastectomy is a better option with reconstruction (no radiation needed most times if not in nodes).
    On the other hand, if your tumor is at the 2 o'clock position with a few smaller ones at the 1 o'clock and 12 o'clock position and you have enough breast tissue, you may be able to have another lumpectomy.
    Remember, I had 7 lumpectomies (5 in the same breast) prior to this one. All in the same upper quadrant. This time, they did a lumpectomy that was actually a quadrantectomy and removed 1/4 of my breast. Now my husband uses hand motions to get me to lean to one side to get them even!! I tell him it will cost him every time he does this! Amazingly, for all the lumpectomies in that breast, it was quite hard to tell, until this time.
    So there are alot of factors that come into play. I hope they are able to do another lumpectomy for you or possibly a quadrantectomy to preserve your breast, but be prepared anyway.
    I'll be keeping you in my prayers and thinking about you and we'll all be right there with you when you go!! Hang in there. Pammy

    Not sure what to say..
    Except, just wait till you get the pathology report. That is next

    Wednesday? There is no way to know what they will find until that is in. I am thinking

    positive thoughts for you and praying for you Taleena.

    ♥Love, Jeanne♥
  • lolad
    lolad Member Posts: 670
    rjjj said:

    I personally don't know since I had a mastectomy. But I do have a good friend who had a lumpectomy a couple weeks ago, and then had to get another biopsy, it turned out it was a different cancer in the same breast. She is having a mastectomy today, and tissue taken to test the lymph nodes. I am not sure why they did not do a lymph disection...I guess we are all different. She will be doing chemo and radiation.

    I will be praying for you on Wednesday, and hoping for the best possible results. I am also so sorry you have to go through this.
    hugs, Jackie

    I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I personally didnt have a lumpectomy, i had a mastectomy, but only you and your surgeon can make that decission. I just want to tell you im so sorry that you are going through all this. I hope it all goes ok. Good luck.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    lolad said:

    I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I personally didnt have a lumpectomy, i had a mastectomy, but only you and your surgeon can make that decission. I just want to tell you im so sorry that you are going through all this. I hope it all goes ok. Good luck.


    It will all depend on your
    It will all depend on your pathology report. And as you know, that can make a difference in your treatment. Just try to think positive.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Akiss4me said:

    Ok Taleena, here goes...
    To the best of my knowlegde, tumors are not added together for staging, they are counted seperately. If you have 3 tumors all under 2cm and no node involvement, it is still a stage 1. Also, it depends where your residual tumors are. If you have the original at 2 o'clock position with 2 smaller ones at 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock, they will most likely not do a lumpectomy. You would lose too much breast and be too deformed. A mastectomy is a better option with reconstruction (no radiation needed most times if not in nodes).
    On the other hand, if your tumor is at the 2 o'clock position with a few smaller ones at the 1 o'clock and 12 o'clock position and you have enough breast tissue, you may be able to have another lumpectomy.
    Remember, I had 7 lumpectomies (5 in the same breast) prior to this one. All in the same upper quadrant. This time, they did a lumpectomy that was actually a quadrantectomy and removed 1/4 of my breast. Now my husband uses hand motions to get me to lean to one side to get them even!! I tell him it will cost him every time he does this! Amazingly, for all the lumpectomies in that breast, it was quite hard to tell, until this time.
    So there are alot of factors that come into play. I hope they are able to do another lumpectomy for you or possibly a quadrantectomy to preserve your breast, but be prepared anyway.
    I'll be keeping you in my prayers and thinking about you and we'll all be right there with you when you go!! Hang in there. Pammy

    If you have a quadrantectomy
    If you have a quadrantectomy and lose 1/4 of your breast, isn't that a lot to be missing? Can you have reconstruction to help with the loss?