Any stories about Taxotere/Cytoxan

boatcollector Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Bi lateral mastectomy Done..Reconstruction ..started...Chemo..starts in 10 days. Taxotere/Cytoxan 6 treatments, one every three weeks. Any information/advice you can give me about the beast I'm getting ready to conquer. I've done some research. All the medical garbo says the same scary scary stuff.A friend of mine told me the other day she talked to a woman she knows about all this chemo mess, trying to find out what she could do/tell me to help me and she came back to me with some really good things. Like: Do not microwave any of the food I'm gonna eat and don't use silverware to eat with..instead use plastic ware (something about the metal interfering with the chemicals in my body, makes sense to me)...What are some of the side effects I should look forward to? I already bought a wig...I have alopecia, so I have been completely bald twice in my life over a 4 years span each that wont be such a shocker but what other things should I expect?


  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I never heard of not using
    I never heard of not using the microwave? Not using metal silverware is to help decrease the metallic taste of foods. If you get nausea eat small amounts. My nurse said it helps not to have an empty stomach. Good luck with treatment.
  • Bev1969
    Bev1969 Member Posts: 48
    I just finished 6 tratments
    I just finished 6 tratments of Cytoxan/Taxotere and we used the microwave just about every day. I've never heard anyone say you shouldn't eat food from the microwave while on chemo. The only reason they tell you to use plastic silverware is because of the metallic taste. I bought some plastic silverware, but I really didn't have problems with the metallic taste so I never used it. Around 10 days after chemo my mouth would feel funny and get rough and feel thick and the last couple times my gums got sore and bled when I brushed my teeth, but I kept rinsing with salt/baking soda water and they got okay. I always had chemo on Monday and Friday after chemo seemed to be my down time. I would have diarrhea and have to take Immodium. That was pretty much my biggest problem. I lost my hair about two weeks after my first treatment. Just make sure they prescribe Emend for you. I took it and I wasn't sick at all. Good luck! I hope everything goes well for you!!
  • Skeezie
    Skeezie Member Posts: 586 Member
    I'm taking C/T too.
    I'll have my second treatment tomorrow. I was scared too after reading all those side effects. Didn't happen. I was constipated,now I will start taking Senecot-S twice daily from the day I get my treatment. I started getting flu symptoms on Sunday (treatment on Fri) so this time I will start taking Aleve in advance. I was all achy from the Neulasta shot and felt like flu from the chemo. No mouth sores, no food tasting like metal. But I do have plastic silverware in case. Even tho I was drinking lots of water (2 qts daily) or was trying to, my doc said to get Gatoraide or Pedialite to replace the electrolites cause I started feeling a little weak and shaky on Friday. No nausea at all. They give me a 4 day anti-nausea with my chemo and I have stuff at home to use to if needed. I did get chemo "acne" on my on cheek. It's more like a rash.

    My doc said I did real well and I am now signed up for the full six treatments (also every three weeks). It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Talk to you onc about all of these things, they have the best suggestions on what to take.

    I know you're scared, hope you have some Ativan or something similar cause that really takes the edge off and helps you sleep at nite. I have felt great these past two weeks.

    I will be thinking about you, let us know how you make out.

    Hugs, Judy :-)